With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
You're the person who's always in the back of the room at parties, not talking to anybody, not eating anything for fear of interacting with other people, pretending to dance so no one comes over to you and asks if you're having fun, and never sitting down, fearing that it'll signal to other people that you want to talk.
You're the kind of person who's on their computer in the dead of night, playing by their lonesome in pitch black darkness with nothing but the harsh glare of your computer screen to illuminate your cold, empty void of a world.
That's ok because I am too and that's why I like to play Gaslight Batman.
----- Who Is This Jerk and Why Is He Dressed Up Like Batman?
Well this guy stands behind everyone else, watching his team get slaughtered and kills people with non-lethal guns so I suppose we can call him a Marksman.
Marksmen are jerks. They'll gladly let their whole team die if it means a couple of kills for them, and they would kill their own team for a pentakill if they could.
If played properly the enemy team will hate your guts as you will be the goal that they will never reach and you will laugh as all their aspirations, hopes, and dreams go up in smoke as you walk over their corpses, riddled with non-lethal sonic shells(bullets?).
If played incorrectly you will die miserably, be the worst paper tank in history, and become a financial burden that will eclipse any of today's countries' national debts.
----- Skills To Pay the Non-Lethal Gun Bills
Gaslight Batman is a Marksman with pretty gosh darn good aoe ability damage and high auto-attack damage output potential.
Your sickass skills are as such:
Passive: Echoes
Gaslight Batman's Basic Attacks apply the Echoes effect for 4 seconds. Targets with Echoes are Revealed and take an additional 5% damage from his skills.
A sexy passive often underated by pathetic fledgling players. Applying this passive with an auto attack and then hitting with a fully maxed out Sonic Batarang will result in mind-numbing damage that will make your opponent go comatose from shock. It also makes your ultimate hit even harder than it already does.
Seriously, don't 'effing underestimate this passive. It's godlike.
I max this second as it makes your Q harrass hit much harder and it doesn't drain as much of your will as maxing W would.
Q: Sonic Batarang
Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Batarang that deals Attack Damage to the first enemy it hits, then bounces, dealing 20% less damage each bounce.
It bounces to enemies affected by Echoes first.
Super amazing ability that will make all weep before you at max rank. The important thing to remember about this skill is that it will prioritze enemies affected by your passive. This means that when you're laning and you want to rudely harass your enemy, hit them with a quick auto attack and then q them or a minion and the batarang will hit them multiple times for lots and lots of damage.
Max this first.
W: Sonic Shell
Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Shell that explodes when it reaches max range or when the skill is triggered again. Enemies in the area are dealt Power Damage and have Echoes applied to them.
Pretty decent aoedamage with the amazing ability to put your passive on multiple enemies.Combine this with your Sonic Batarang for delicious lane harass and team fighting prowess. If aimed right, you can hit multiple enemies with this in team fights and then followup with an extra nasty Scream.
Max this third for a good deal of extra damage.
Careful when using this in lane as it will drain your will pool GREATLY.
E: Bat Flight
Gaslight Batman dashes forward, dealing Power Damage to every enemy he passes through.
Great move for either being the lamest coward ever or being the manliest man in the manverse.
Use this to escape from bullies trying to chase you and your lunch money down or use it in deudly duels to dodge hard hitting skillshots and aoe ultimates while also cutting off enemy escape routes and win against any lesser men or lady-men.
Max this last because if you need to use this more than once in a fight, then you're doing something very wrong.
If you can't refrain from doing things wrong then max this third.
R: Bat Scream
Gaslight Batman fires a massive sonic blast that travels the length of the battlefield, dealing Power Damage to every enemy it hits. It deals 10% less damage to each succesive target, to a minimum of 50% damage.
Good ultimate! Great ultimate! Fantastic ultimate! Ultima ultimate!
This ability is great for finishing off patients who have contracted "I Just Lost A Deul Against Gaslight Bertman Really Badly" disease and fordealing metric butt-tons of damage in teamfights, especially in the narrow spaces of the jungle where your enemies cannot dodge the skillshot.
Max this whenever possible or I will beat you up.
The Bat Scream in action.
Your abilities will reach their peak at around the mid game and you will reach your damage peak at late game, so your goal is to reach at least mid game status as fast as humanly possible.
To accomplish thisyou will be going to top lane.
Solo Top.
With no one to help you.
----- Oh God I'm So Alone
Why solo top? A good number of reasons:
More experience
More money
More experience
More money
More experience
More money
[/list] I cannot stress this enough. I've seen people try two people top, three people top, and on a very rareoccassion, four top and they have always failed.
Why is that? Well yeah they can harass you for the first couple of levels but you will eventually outlevel them like nobody's business and you will be far richer than those poor, sharing, sods.
The one thing that people can't do in top lane is zone you.The lane is short enough and creeps/heroes will naturally push quickly enough to where you will get xp and money no matter what. Once you hit 5 or 6 you can start to kill your lower leveled adversaries with your INSANE Q DAMAGE and by Screaming at them. You'll pick up some easy blood money off those chumps and then use your murder change to buy lots of snowballs and roll them down some hills. Just make sure to play safe during the first few levels and most importantly, don't die and give your enemies a level or money advantage over you or you will lose the game. In short, be smart and don't get greedy when fighting multiple people.
The longer the enemy team keeps multiple people at top lane, the less money their team will get as a whole eventually screwing them over royally.
----- Filthy, Thieving, Bathobbitses.
[[Shazam's Invulnerability]] Gives you better dueling pressure by letting you heal during your opponent's ability cooldowns. Also very useful for shaving off some nasty burst.
[[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] Gives more consistent damage shielding than Shazam's.Better for overall use.
[[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]] MUST HAVE FOR TOP. Keeps you safe from most jungle ganks, especially from dirty, sneaky stealth champions like Nightmare Batman and Gaslight Catwoman. Also incredibly useful in the mid-late game to help keep vision on important objectives like Doomsday Device and Relays.
----- Our Gun Bill Is Really High
Gaslight Bertman deals his damage mostly through auto-attacks.
As an added bonus, all his abilitiesexcept his W and E scale off of attack damage.
This makes building AD items most effective for damage output.
At the start, build a Nil Weapon, 4 Health Packs, and a Will Pack. This start will give you great starting stats and much needed sustain.
You should aim to have at least between 1,500-2,000 credits on your first back. Pick up [[Deadshot's Visor (2)]] to start stacking your will. Also get a [[Tekite Vial]] for great, refilling sustain for a cheap price. If you still have some money left over start building up your [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]] to give you some health so you won't get bursted by any sneaky assassin's and so you can trade better with your nefarious counterpart.
Now you need some auto-attack sustain to keep you topped off in lane almost indefinitely. Grab a Soultaker Katana (3) next to start stacking the AD and Lifesteal. After that finish your [[Deadshot's Visor (4)]] to gain a deliciously massive power boost with a godly active that also works on towers. With this item you will be hitting towers for 500-600 in the late game. (that's a lot)
Finish your Katana for the extra bit of AD and then work on your last two core items. [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] and [[Velocity 9 Implants]] are, even more so now, still a damn fantastic combo and should always be picked up.Always. Once you have these four core items your build will now be reactive.
If you need to get rid of nasty, dirty hard CCs like Wonder Woman taunt,Gaslight Joker fear, Zatanna bunny, or all the various knockdowns in the game, then pick up [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]]. All the stats are great for Gaslight Batman in general and the Purge effect makes it even better. [[Lobo's Chain (4)]] is great for kiting enemies like Nightmare Batman and Flash since they restored its slow back to the original values. It also gives great health that you can replace your Hawkman's with and the damage is a nice bonus. Of course if the enemy is stacking armor get Atomic Axe (2). If you're getting focused to all hell and you know you're going to die no matter what, pick up [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] to laugh in the face of death and hope to god that your team will stop the enemy from just killing you again once you revive. Lastly, if everyone is leaving you alone and letting you deal your damage without any trouble, get Zeiss Goggles (4) for the extra damage, crit, and Frenzy active. Just make sure you're in absolutely no danger before you pop the active otherwise you will get bursted to all hell and back.
----- The Bat-sun Rises.
Play safe, get money, try to outharass your lane opponent and most importantly, DON'T DIE. One early death can spell a very quick loss for your whole team because once you die to someone at top, you will most likely never be able to trade with them safely again unless you get jungle intervention. If you're having trouble trading against your opponent(s) then stick to your tower and pick up the small tower change. It's not nearly as much as killing the minions yourself but it's better than giving money to your opponent and getting none for yourself.
When Relays activate, be ready to assist your team if your enemies try to take yours. An early double Relay capture will give the successful team a huuuuuuuuuuuuge advantage. DO NOT IGNORE RELAYS. If your lane opponent doesn't go for the relay then stay in lane otherwise you will lose precious experience and fall behind in levels.
Also be aware that when the Relays activate, an additional gank path will open up, so be cautious about it.
Make sure to use your Cameras to ward the stealth pads and the gank path near the top jungle.
Important: Cameras can see enemies and other cameras inside stealth pads if they are in range. You can often bait your enemy into taking free harass if they overextend to take out one of your cameras with their own. MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT KILL YOUR CAMERA FOR FREE OTHERWISE THEY WILL GAIN SOME SERIOUS LANE CONTROL. Also keep in mind that you have only 3 cameras to work with until you go back.Do not squander them.
----- High Bat-noon
By this point you should be done with at least your Katana so you need to start stacking it and prepare to control Relays and Doomsday Device with your team. Relays especially are serious game changers as you can keep constant pressure on the enemy team with elite drones in either top lane or both lanes. This gives you 3 glorious minutes of map control and better Doomsday Device control since if the enemy team tries to stop your Attack on Doomsday Device then they will most likely lose some towers from the creeps pushing, and if they send one or two people back to defend then you will outnumber them in a teamfight and can quickly crush them then take the Doomsday Device anyway.
It's pretty much a lose/lose situation for the enemy team if you control 2 or 3 Relays.
Your goals for mid game are to:
Keep control of objectives.
Keep farming.
Group with your team to pressure the enemy team off objectives.
Get a bat-plow and keep farming.
Seriously take the goddamn Relays and Doomsday Device
Get on the bat-tractor and guess what, keep farming.
You need to reach late game status and keep map control to deny your enemies as much credits and experience as possible.
----- The Bat-sun sets in the West Then Promptly Explodes Leaving No Survivors.
If you've done everything right, you should have now attained godhood and none can now match the insane damage you dish out. That being said though, you are god but you still have Brittle Bone disease and you must stay behind your toolsminionsdumbass friendsallies so that you don't get instantly vaporized by unfaithful Blasters or Assassins.
During the late game, you need to:
Stick with your team.
Push towers.
Win teamfights.
Keep control of objectives.
Finish your build if you haven't already.
Don't get caught on your own.
Don't get caught in general.
Stay safe and hit who you can in teamfights.
Use your ultimate to hit as many people as possible in teamfights.
Stay alive.
Do all this and, if your team is somewhat competent, you should be able to win without too much difficulty.
Just keep your shit together, believe in yourself and the power of friendship and stuff, and everything should work out just fine.
----- People You Can Tolerate
The Holy Square:The Holy Square consists of Gaslight Batman, Green Lantern, Joker Prime, and Wonder Woman Prime. This combination of champions makes up the ultimate in aoe teamfighting technology and can decimate any team that gets totally caught out by a Lasso of Truth (TM) and followed up with the other three ultimates. It's totally sicknasty.
Batman Prime: This dude is your bat-bro and is one of the best peelers in the game. He will keep you warm and safe with his ability to stick and constantly cc anyone who tries to jump your steampunk ass. You will love him unconditionally.
Zatanna: Speaking of getting totally jumped, Zatanna is the Queen of Anti-Marksman Jumping Technology. With her scientific magic, she can turn a deudly assassin into a (hopefully) harmless bunny for up to 4 whole gosh darn seconds giving you free time to super murder the hapless rodent. She also has a pretty sick shield and speed boost for more anti-burst and kiting goodness.
Poison Ivy: More anti-burst! Anyone jumps your scrawny bones and you have a knockup, shield, aoe healing/slowing field, and a blind at your disposal. Fantastic!
----- People You Can't Tolerate
Blasters and Assassins: Seriously. Anyone who has high burst damage can wreck your shit like nobodies business so make sure to stay behind your team and try to force abilities on your teammates instead of you.Joker Prime and NightmareBatman are especially nasty since they have very short cooldowns and some serious cc and sticking power. Nightmare Batman's ultimate also cannot be stopped by Doomsday's Invulenerability so be cautious about that.
Batman Prime: This guy will stick to you like glue and then turn you into glue. Make sure to only use your E after he has used his W otherwise he will follow you to the moon and back and then you definitely won't escape from his sweet, sweet embrace.
Thanks for reading my guide. Hope it was entertaining, enlightening, and part of a balanced breakfast.
Now get out there and do nothing for your team all game!
Why would you tell people to mod Royal Seal over Prism. Until 2.0 sometime in the distant future, it is broken and should be modded in every tank set until it is fixed. I would also put priority in E since it has such a long cooldown, and is probably
Great guide, this is how I usually play her! But I'd recommend getting the Disintegration 2 mod for Cosmic Staff over 350 Credits off Starheart. Also if you're going defensive, Cosmic Belt is better than Ruby of Life in that it also gives you Power D