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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atomic Wonder Woman

    VROOM VROOM V2 - Jungle AWW

    An Atomic Wonder Woman guide by bladelordcal
    Last updated: Apr 7th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/157-Atomic-Wonder-Woman-VROOM-VROOM-V2-Jungle-AWW
    2,936 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive items
    Defensive items
    Situational items
    Stolen Powers

    Hey guys, my name's bladelordcal and this is my Jungle Atomic Wonder Woman guide. I've been maining AtWW since her release all the way back in August 2013 so hopefully you guys can learn a thing or two about my personal favorite champ in IC!

    If you'd like to watch my stream, it can be found HERE. I try to stream as often as I can and love to have fun in IC!

    Ability Order

    My ability order goes R > E > W > Passive > Q. I choose this order because your E is a great tool to quickly farm the jungle or chase down a fleeing enemy and therefore should be maxed first. Your W is maxed second because it's a great single target burst ability. Combined with the Skilled Attack keywork on Tier 3 of Batman's Utility Belt, the damage it can do Revved is amazing. Third, I max her passive because the cooldown reduction is really really nice and you're not suffering too much on damage because Q doesn't really do too much. Last, I max Q because I find that it's mainly a utility kinda spell. The gap closing/chasing potential of the ability is really great and you only need one point in it to be effective.

    Managing Rev

    So AtWW's resource is called Rev and once you get two stacks of Rev by damaging an enemy with your abilities (or after you use your ult) it can empower the next ability you use. Rev does decay after a few seconds though so you have to keep track of it pretty well. For fast jungling, you're going to want to use the Revved E to get the AoE damage and damage over time on all the mobs in the camp. Definitely keep track of your Rev in fights! Managing your Rev in the middle of fights will make or break the AtWW player. Know which abilities to use in the appropriate situations and you can get out of skirmishes by the skin of your teeth and look really cool while doing it.


    For AtWW I use Empowered Coda Blade, Marauder Knife, and Utility Belt. Empowered Coda is a must on assassins as it gives you a ton of AD for very cheap. Empowered Knife is really nice as the damage you can get from it is very cost effective as well. Utility Belt Empowered might raise a few eyebrows, but I really enjoy that extra movespeed that you get from it.

    If you don't want to mod Utility Belt, Atomic Axe modded for +10 damage could also be good as well.

    Item Builds

    I start with Nil Weapon, Modular Health Vial (2), and Marauder Knife (1). I really like having the extra health and damage from the Nil Weapon early in the game as it can help you survive otherwise lethal level 1 engagements. Health vials are very important as it'll help you sustain a little bit in the jungle and also can help you in small skirmishes. Remember to tick a vial when you're fighting an enemy, the health you'll regen over time can help you immensely and be the edge you need to get that kill. T1 Marauder Knife is important as it'll help you clear then jungle faster.

    I immediately upgrade the Maruader Knife to Marauder Knife (4) as quickly as possible, as I find the lifesteal and damage to be very useful. It also makes clearing the jungle such a breeze. Coda Blade (3) comes after, as the early attack damage and attack penetration are crucial in your build. It'll make clearing faster and your damage in ganks way more potent. T4 Coda Blade isn't really worth it, as you're paying 750 credits for the Wounding keyword, which is good, but not worth it in the early game as you just want that damage/pen which T3 gets you.

    Afterwards, Batman's Utility Belt (3) is insanely good on AtWW. Once you get it to T3, the Skilled Attack keyword makes your Revved W absolutely bonkers. Try ulting a squishy and immediately attacking them with the W after, you'll see what I'm talking about. Afterwards, Atomic Axe (2) should be your next purchase. It'll give you the extra pen you'll need to start dealing with tankier targets.

    Afterwards, your build is completely situational. If you want to keep snowballing and go full glass cannon, Joe Chill's Revolver (3), Soultaker Katana (4), and Deathstroke's Claymore (3) are all great options to consider. If you want to build a little more defensive, Suit Of Sorrows (4) and Claw Of Horus (3) are great against attack damage threats, while Mirror Master's Prism (4) and Sword Of Beowulf (3) can help deal with those pesky blasters. If you're getting targeted with a bunch of crowd control, Mobius Core (1) is great to cleanse the CC and keep the offense.


    For amps, I use Kai, Columbus, Slasher, and Bladelord. Bladelord is actually a really bad augment but because it's like named after me I use it on every applicable page. It's kinda narcissistic but whatever. Kai, Columbus, and Slasher though are pretty good and give you stats that you want.

    Stolen Powers

    For Stolen Powers I like running Super Strength and Detonate. Detonate helps you secure objectives like Destroyers, Raider, and the Doomsday Guardian and also has the utility of clearing obstacles like cars on the map. Super Strength also has that utility but can also be used to initiate a gank if you pick a rock up. I also feel like Super Strength is really valuable in level 1 fights, as the CC granted by the rock can help secure a kill. Atomic Joker's is my preferred Detonate because of the lowered cooldown, but Joker's could work very well instead if you want the slow. I also prefer to take Wonder Woman's Super Strength as I like the increased distance of the thrown objects. Superman's can work as well as the extra AD could help in small skirmishes. Other Stolen Powers you could take are Psychic Assault (Zatanna's is great), Super Speed, Invulnerability (Doomsday's, maybe Katana's? Haven't tested hers), or Surveillance Cameras.

    Closing Thoughts

    When you're playing as AtWW, remember a few things. Don't engage fights with your ult. Save it for squishies that either have no escape or save it for when they use an escape so you can stick on them really well. Remember to manage your Rev stacks in team fights as well as assessing every situation and knowing which Revved ability to use in every situation. AtWW is strongest in the early/midgame and tends to fall off the longer the game goes, so definitely try to snowball your advantages and close out the game before you start falling off.

    Thanks for reading my guide on Atomic Wonder Woman! I hope you guys really enjoyed it and if you have any questions, please leave them here or ask me in my stream chat!
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