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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for General

    Newbies guide to 1v1 and Laning

    A General guide by KTPearee
    Last updated: Mar 27th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/1963-General-Newbies-guide-to-1v1-and-Laning
    2,081 0


    Hello Community!

    I wanted to first say welcome to all of the new players trying out Coast City! Some of you are first time moba players, and I really applaud you for playing Infinite Crisis. Some of you are seasoned IC veterans who just haven't had to lane and seriously fight a person for incremental advantage over a set period of time. However, the first time you dunk on someone 1v1 and utterly destroying their champion and their sense of pride will hook you into what I truly define what a MOBA is. I'm here to help you get to that point. I plan to break this down into beginner, intermediate, advanced, and master tactics to really edge out your opponent and help you snowball your game into easy wins.

    To preface this, If you are new to MOBAs in general, I will be italicizing certain MOBA words for you. Krashy has a good guide on moba words if you want to check that out.

    Let's start simple. You just loaded up on the Crime Alley Map. The overall goal of the lane is to destroy the enemy power core. However, there are a lot of challenges along the way. The threats are enemy drones, turrets, and the enemy controlled champion. To win, we must become stronger than the enemy. The easiest way of understanding this is fulfilling the hidden objectives of a MOBA. They are:

  • Level Advantage
  • Gold Advantage
  • Turret Advantage

  • Level Advantage is the simplest of all advantages to understand. Every time you level up, you are granted an additional or stronger skill and additional bonuses to health/will/attack damage. These bonuses allow you to edge out a lower level character. Early levels are more crucial. A level 2 champion has 2 skills, a level 1 champion only has 1. It is thus easier to damage your opponent.

    Gold advantage is the most obvious advantage to see. Champions, over time, can acquire and upgrade items to augment their skills, survivability, and damage. The way you plan out and buy items and greatly affect the tide of battle. What new moba players need to understand is that there are certain, efficient items that help your champion more than other items. This is called a u201ccoreu201d build. If there is a specific champion you love to play (let me emphasize here that every champion has the potential to win (carry) a game) then I suggest you learn their core builds before anything else. Maximize your gold advantage.

    So how do you get gold? You want to focus on killing enemy drones, and or picking up the credits they leave behind. Here is the first place you can be better than the enemy. Landing the killing blow (last hitting) on a drone will give you more gold than picking up the credit coin if you miss. Becoming better at last hitting means you will get items faster and be more of a threat than your opponent. You can also deny your opponent credits by walking over them, creating a larger gap. Since IC has the unique mechanic of being able to buy items directly from turrets, you can instantly power up your items and start abusing your gold advantage almost instantly. Again, I would learn your championu2019s core build items and their costs firsts, and immediately purchase them after get enough gold.

    Turret advantage is the most obscure of the 3. I would not worry about it now, but understand that you can massively increase your gold and level advantage by killing turrets. The proper way to kill a turret is to attack them while your allied drone wave is also attacking them. Generally, the turret will attack them over you, if the drone wave enters tower range first. You want to get out of range before your last drone dies. If you have already acquired a level or gold advantage, you can get tower advantage by attacking or using skills on enemy drones continuously so they die before your allied drones. They will automatically move towards the enemy turret to continue their attacks until they die.
    That's it for the newbie rundown! My last suggestion is for you to play Co-op v AI to really nail down item builds, last hitting, and tower pushing before you fight experienced moba players. I hope to see you in my games soon!
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