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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Batman

    AD Gaslight Gazzes Enemies

    A Gaslight Batman guide by EdwardNigma
    Last updated: Mar 27th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2246-Gaslight-Batman-AD-Gaslight-Gazzes-Enemies
    2,972 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive items
    Defensive items
    Stolen Powers
    Hi, my name is Edward Nigma. I am formerly a League of Legends player, so I might use lingo that you might not understand-but don't worry, I will explain the lingo in parenthesis. I love MOBAs and love helping people learn how to play them, and have fun while they do!

    Gaslight Batman is an ideal marksman, yet he can still be built like a caster. He has kite (attacking the enemy while evading their attacks) potential, high dps (damage per second), and long range skills. His kit is all about maximizing damage while staying away from the enemy. I max Q first because it has the lowest cooldown, and because it scales the best with both Attack Damage and Power Damage.

    Core Items:
    AD all the way! Stack all of the attack speed and damage to assassinate enemies.

    Coda Blade: Adds penetration to attacks and reduced healing from attacks, why not!

    Zeiss Goggles are great for adding dps with the added damage every 9 auto attacks or so.

    Batman's Utility Belt adds the Skilled Attack passive: Using spells adds base damage to your auto attacks. With Gaslight's low spell cooldowns this is a must.

    Offensive Items:

    Atomic Axe:
    When your enemies get armor buy this to shred through their defenses.

    Joe Chill's Revolver:

    Every Marksman needs crit chance, which scales amazingly with the attack speed being built.
    Crit chance + Crit Damage Amplifier is a must.

    Huntress' Crossbow:
    This is one of the best tank killer items. % current health rips through anyone building health, and anyone not building hp will be relegated by your damaging auto attacks.

    Shade's Cane:
    Every consecutive attack adds more AD and Attack speed, in drawn out fights, this item is killer.
    Also, it is very cost effective, adding 63 AD and 30% attack speed for only 2,500 gold.

    Defensive Items:

    Ra's al Ghul's Robe: This item is good if you find yourself dying in the middle of fights. Your enemy wont want you to respawn, but that only makes them a vulnerable target because they are not attacking the people who are unsuppressed. Its a great item to draw attention away from your team who can then kill the enemy for free because they are taking 0 damage. The Baits!

    Entropy Aegis:
    A great item to defend against casters and for blocking Crowd Control.

    Stolen Powers:

    Sinestro's Psychic Assault: It adds damage to your spells and keep the enemy slowed, so you can auto attack for daaaayyysss.

    Flash's Super Speed: Cant kite me when I move as fast as the flash. Use this to catch up to enemies trying to escape your crazy damage.

    Gaslight Synergizes well with any hero who has CC (crowd control, or abilities that add slows, snares, roots, silences, knock downs, you get the point). He synergizes well with people with CC because he needs extra time to get his passive off between auto attacks.

    The Augments are all about adding damage and penetration. Pure AD translates into pure damage when you negate all of their armor.

    The Mods are about making your best items even better.

    How to Combo

    In order to deal the most damage you want to first W the wave, hitting as many as possible, and then Q it. This will:
    Apply the passive debuff, and then expunge it, adding the bonus damage to abilities, AND granting you bonus attack speed. If the drones aren't dead you can use them to catch up to an enemy hero with your E, helping you catch up to enemies.
    Use your R for catches (when an enemy is low) or for shoving the wave.

    Shoving the wave denies your enemy laner XP, and Gold, thus keeping them down in levels and items. Use Gaslight's Q and W to shove your lane, saving E for chasing or escaping your enemies when you get ganked.
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    If you like my guide please upvote it! Comments are welcome!
    3:39 am, Mar 27th, 2015