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    Infinite Crisis builds for General

    Amplifiers Guide for Beginners

    A General guide by Iter
    Last updated: Apr 2nd, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2254-General-Amplifiers-Guide-for-Beginners
    3,792 2



    (( Note: If you prefer to read in spanish you can read this one: [[https://www.dawnbase.com/guides/2254-General-Guia-de-Amplificadores-para-novatos]] ))

    Well, now you've played a few games and have bought some champions, sure you're wondering is it already time to start spending Merit points buying Amplifiers?

    A priori, the answer is NO. First it is better to try many champions, if you can prove all of them, will be better to discover which one it is more comfortable for you to play, and make the first expense of those Merit Points you worked hard to get in buying Champions. Once you've played many games with each one and know the mechanical details of those 4 or 5 champions you have chosen, it's time to start giving your personal touch through the Amplifiers.

    Why not before? Because all game characters come with a slot that contains 3 Modifiers and 4 Increases by default. They cannot be changed, or used with other characters, but they are there. If you did not bought any Amplifier , dont think that your champion has disadvantage compared to other players, just take the default Amplifiers that the game developers have chosen for that it.

    Since your character begin with basic modifiers and increases, it is important to know them to extract the most benefit.

    In one hand you have Modifiers, enhancements for the Artifacts you buy in the match. Eg If your champion buys Joe Chill's Revolver (3) at Tier 3 will "Deadly 2: + 50% Critical Damage", but if you also have the Mod "Empowered Joe Chill's Revolver", your bonus Tier 3 is amended to "Deadly 3 : + 75% Critical Damage ". Very intuitive right?

    On the other we have Augments, enhancements to the champion's characteristics, added to the initial ones the character has when the match begins. As in the game we have 8 characteristics, and each Augment increase two of them, you can imagine there are many combinations and so many Augments. But to make easier the choice, the game features a search engine where you can put the characteristics you desire to increase and so will facilitate to find the Augment that can serve. Still you can get enough results, so developers have classified the improvements that grant []Augments in 3 types (best to worst): G (old), S (ilver), B (ronze).[] I. e. An increase to improve the Attack Damage and is class (G) we will always give 2.41. No matter if combined with Lifesteal, Cooldown, Health, ... if it is Attack Damage (G) we will always give 2.41.

    We have said that every champion starts with a predefined modifiers increases. You can see them in the Champions window menu, or when you choose a champion for battle. You must look at least what are the Modifiers to buy the objects during the game, if dont, you will be wasting these small advantages they provide. When you decide not to buy the Artifacts associated to the default Modifiers, it is time to start buying Mods.

    Decisions and Gameplay

    The first decision we make about Amplifiers (Mods and Augments) we buy is: When do we want to have the most benefits: the early game or late game?

    If you want quick profits at the beginning of the game, choose Mods that lower the cost of purchasing the Artifact, or provide advantages in the first tier of the object, and our gameplay should be very aggressive to exploit these advantages.

    If our hero improves throughout the game, as it requires more objects to their full potential (this happens especially some Marksmen and Assassins) and has Augments by level, you better have to play defensive.

    Second decision on the Modifiers is about how we use: Do you want to exploit the best thing about this champion?, or Do you prefer to use them to cover some weaknesses? Most often you will choose the first option, and give a boost to the characteristics that you use in the game, or at least to a characteristic that combine with our gameplay. Eg If you're using a Marksmen the standard will be Augment your Attack Damage, Penetration Attack or Critical Damage, or if your champion uses many Basic Attacks can choose increases Attack Lifesteal; but never as much as you see your champion is very weak should happen to you put Augments of Health, or Armor, since the increase is so small that it will hardly be relevant in the game.

    Thirdly, we must be aware that these small increases also contribute to scaling our habilities, so in a "mirror confrontation" may be the key to winning or losing a fight. I.e. 2 Jungles are face to face, and no one of their teams can go help. If one has bought Augments to enhance his Attack Damage, while the other has bought Cooldown, habilities of the jungle which bought Attack Damage will do more damage, because their habilites scale with Attack Damage, whereas if you bought Cooldown and the combat is very fast (against a Blaster or Murderer are) you may not have possibility to cool their habilities (because you will be dead before they cool) and therefore their Augments will not help at all.

    Well, now that you have read all this tirade you're wondering, "So what is best to buy?". What I have tried to convey is there are no better or worse increases, all depends on how you play and what best serves the champion you use and your team. Do you like to play hard from the beginning, or would you rather wait for the game to be controlled forward end ?, Do you want to cover the weaknesses of your champion, or exploit their advantages ?, Have you noticed that you get more performance in the match with some characteristics or with another?

    Class Slots

    Now, seriously "What should I buy?" The answer is not going to like you, because every champion works better with some Amplifiers than others. But there are some Mods and Augments we might call "class" and can serve for all champions of that class. The rest will be purchased specifically for the champion you play. At this point I advise to consult specific champion guides to each. And yes, I'm afraid you'll have to buy more slots for Amplifiers, or be remaking the Slot almost every time you change champion.

    If you want to start making "Class Slot" instead "Specific champion Slot" my recommendation is to use the initial 3 slots with Mods and Amplifiers "class" you can serve several characters as follows:

    1. To champions centered Attack Damage.
    2. To focus on Power Damage champions.
    3. To champions who need Armor.

    As you progress through the purchase of Amplifiers in the game need at least another slot to champions type support "Aura Tank" and almost one slot for each Bruiser you want to play as they are very different from each other, and some go better with Attack Damage, others with Power Damage, others with Health and Armor ...

    Since there is no Meta-consensus about "the best Mods and Increases", maybe the next selected Amplifiers help you to decide if you prefer to slots "class" Amplifiers to get served for several characters , or even more expensive you are going to do specific slots for each character. Keep in mind that you will have to buy this Artifacts during the match to take advantage from the Mods.

    1.- Slot to Attack Damage Champions based (I.e. Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Mecha Wonder Woman, ...) : (values from Amplifiers taken apr-15)

    Mods: [[Enhanced Joe Chill's Revolver (3) + [[Enhanced Critical Chance Velocity 9 Implants (3) + Another of your choice ([[Enhanced Attack Damage Coda Blade (3) or [[Enhanced Attack Damage Zeiss Goggles (3))

    Augments: [[Falcon]] - [[Danger]] - [[Columbus]] - [[Kai]] => +4.82 Attack Damage +7.0% Attack speed +0.6 Attack Damage / lvl (max 5.7) + 3.0 Attack Penetration (values from Amplifiers taken apr-15)

    Some prefer to use Augments of Critical Damage but this is only a good option if not wearing Mod "[[Empowered Joe Chill's Revolver (3)".
    The only Artifact that gives critical damage is the Tier 3 Joe Chills Revolver. What happens is that we start with a 175% Critical Damage and the maximum is 250%, so if you have the Mod "Empowered Joe Chill's Revolver" from the time you buy the Joe Chill's Revolver (3) Tier3 will be useless your Augments of Critical Damage.

    2.- Slot to Power Damage Champions based (I.e. Green Lantern, The Joker, Catwoman, Sinestro, Arcane Supergirl, ...):

    Mods: [[Enhanced Cooldown Fatality's Energy Lance (3) + [[Empowered Psi-Scimitar (3) + Another of your choice ([[Enhanced Power Lifesteal Eclipso's Diamond (2) o [[Enhanced Power Damage The Book Of Eternity (2))

    Augments: [[Tundra]] - [[Crossroad]] - [[Spider]] - [[Maze]] => +0.56% Cooldown Reduction / lvl (Max 10.64%) + 3.36% Power Lifesteal + 1.97% Cooldown Reduction +3.3 Power Penetration (values from Amplifiers taken apr-15)

    3.- Slot to "Tank" Armor Champions based (I.e. Atrocitus, Arcane Green Lantern, Atomic Green Lantern, Atomic Poison Ivy, Mecha Superman, Wonder Woman, ...):

    Mods: [[Empowered Suit Of Sorrows (4) + [[Empowered Mirror Master's Prism (3) + Another of your choice ([[Enhanced Cooldown Reduction Amulet Of Isis (3) or [[Resonant Metallo's Heart (3)).

    Augments: [[Cliff]] - [[Mountain]] - [[Phalanx]] - [[Fortress]] => +7.15 Attack Armor +7.15 Power Armor +0.71 Attack Armor / lvl (Max 13.41) +0.71 Power Armor /lvl (Max 13.41) (values from Amplifiers taken apr-15)

    Maybe you prefer less Power Armor and more Health in that case you can prove instead [[Cliff]] and [[Mountain]]: [[Oak]] and [[Castle]], or [[Forcefield]] and [[Beast]].

    What will I get for each level of Augment? (values from Amplifiers taken apr-15)

    Attack Damage: +2.41 G - +2.01 S - +1.85 B
    Attack Damage / lvl: +0.3 (max 5.7) G - +0.25 (max 4.75) S - +0.23 (max 4.37) B
    Power Damage: +4.21 G - +3.51 S - +3.24 B
    Power Damage / lvl: +0.53 (max 10.07) G - +0.44 (max 8.36) S - +0.4 (max 7.6) B
    Attack Speed: +3.5% G - ?u00bf? S - +2.69% B
    Move Speed: +3.02G - +2.52 S - +2.32 B
    Attack Armor: +3.9 G - +3.25 S - +3 B
    Attack Armor / lvl: +0.39 (max 7.41) G - +0.32 (max 6.08) S - +0.3 (max 5.7) B
    Power Armor: +3.9 G - +3.25 S - +3 B
    Power Armor / lvl: +0.39 (max 7.41) G - +0.32 (max 6.08) S - +0.3 (max 5.7) B
    Health: +24.06 G - +20.05 S - +18.51 B
    Health / lvl: +3.01 (max 57.19) G - +2.51 (max 47.69) S - +2.31 (max 43.89) B
    Cooldown reduction: +1.97% G - +1.64% S - +1.52% B
    Cooldown reduction / lvl: +0.2% (max 3.8%) G - +0.16% (max 3.04%) S - +0.15% (max 2.85%) B
    Power Lifesteal : +1.68% G - +1.4% S - ??? B
    Attack Lifesteal: +1.2% G - +0.75% S - ??? B
    Attack Penetration: +1.8 G - +1.5 S - +0.9 B
    Power Penetration: +1.8 G - +1.5 S - +0.9 B
    Critical Damage: +6.25% G

    Except Augments Cooldown reduction, with everyone else that increase per level to Level 8 we will have equaled the flat Augments, and from that level are better. With Cooldown you will have to expect to lvl. 10 to match the flat.

    Well, that's all for now. I hope the guide will be useful. Thanks for reading this far, and if you liked to give him one "like" to stay in top positions.

    wbid: Kommissarius (EU)
    Latest comments
    I totally recommend this guide, awesome, GJ!
    5:19 pm, Apr 2nd, 2015
    Feel free to leave your comments about things you would like to include =D
    1:15 pm, Apr 2nd, 2015