With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
I've been playing a lot of Sinestro Top lately and a few people have asked me to make a guide!
Sinestro is by far my most favourite Top Solo Champion.
Might be wondering why I'm playing Sinestro top lane instead of jungle. I feel Sinestro is a great top lane assassin style Mage and even tho E can't be used to harass nor his passive as good as other Mage champions, the Silence on W I feel has helped me through alot of situations and match ups. Sinestro is great for snowballing top also if you are confident in your prowess.
(Personal Update Notes)
04/05/2015 (Posted)
04/07/2015 (Update)
04/08/2015 (Update)
04/13/2015 (Skill order Update)
04/20/2015 (Item build, Mods/Skill order Update, added smurf screenshot at the end)
04/22/2015 (Match up Update)
05/16/2015 (Updated Augments)
Champion Spotlight Sinestro
Table of Context
1. Items
2. Stolen Powers
3. Mods & Augments
4. Skill Order
5. Match ups
6. Tips/Etc (screenshots of end game)
1. Items
Starting Items
Standard mage top starting items for the best results early game.
Core Items (Not In Order because things are situational)
Always the best item to rush as a Power Damage champion. The active is just really amazing. Takes practice to use it every time before your all in. If you are the type to forget the active most of the time, just get Tier 3 (for the Mod spike Dmg)and upgrade it later after you finish your core items.
Depending on how the lane is going you will either get the Starheart or Neron's Contract. If you are winning your lane and snowballing, Starheart will help snowball harder and get this item first, then get the Neron's Contract after. IF you are struggling in your lane or it's dead even, I recommend getting Neron's Contract before getting Starheart, mainly because of more pressure that might come from enemy junglers. Also I will ALWAYS get Neron's Contract 2nd if I'm matched up against a Marksman or Attack Damage Champion!
This is super Important to get for Sinestro, I feel like it's a big help to snowball in 1v1 fights when picking people off. Also it it's extremely helpful early game sometimes I get tier 3 purely to snowball the game harder if I'm ahead and be able to cast more spells more often with the great Will Regen it provides and really high Power Damage (With Mod too). Small Note For regular sinestro players who main him and spam him alot and are well versed in his combos and kit, I get this item 2nd over Starheart. Experiment between the two items and see how things go. I prefer Psi-Scimitar 2nd after my Fatality Lance or 3rd depending if I need Neron's Contract 2nd.
A must to top off your end game core build to help chunk down tanks AFTER you finish off the enemy squishes first.
Offensive Items
At this point it's really situational between Offensive and Defensive Items.
Depending on how fed the enemy tank is or if there are 2 or more tanks with Mirror Master's Prism. They will almost always get this item on a tank and I recommend getting Eclipso over Cosmic staff, Psi-Scimtar, OR Neron's Contract. It's very situational which item to replace with eclipso or instead of Ra's al Ghul's Robe if you feel you need more damage and/or if it's on cooldown (When items are maxed). If you find yourself in a situation where there are fed tanks with Mirror Master's Prism 80% get this over Cosmic staff/Ra's al Ghul.
Decent Power Damage and Cooldown reduction in one item with the dmg/%Hp and Wounding Skill to top it off. Ok Late game item. After many more games with Sinestro I feel this item is lackluster even as an end game item in some ways, but it's a MUST if the enemy has Soultaker Katana or any sort of item like that with life steal as the Wounding will diminish any unexpected comebacks during your engages.
Defensive Item
This is the only defensive item I get if I'm getting focused and dove onto. Cosmic Belt is totally useless. TIP Sell this item if it's in cool down after you die for items such as Eclipso or Cosmic Staff ONLY when you are FULL build with extra coins to spare.
2.Stolen Powers
Best Stolen powers for top lane solo for any champion. You might have to get Cameras in Solo Queue if your top jungler doesn't get cameras for you. I recommend Gasbat or Robin Cameras if you find yourself dying to ganks alot over Meteor.
3. Mods & Augments
Enhanced Fatality's Energy Lance is a Must on all Standard Blasters. +10 Power Damage
I started picking up [Empowered Psi-Scimitar] more often because it helps secure kills I normally would not be able to kill with his full kit in drawn out fights. +Skilled Attack 2: After skill use, your next attack deals 50 + 50% Power Damage. (Tier 3)
[Enhanced The Book Of Eternity] is something I prefer more now since I feel the other Mods for Sinestro are somewhat lackluster and I will ALWAYS get Book of Eternity if the game proceeds to late late game. +15 Power Damage
I stopped getting Cosmic Staff so I stopped using [Empowered Cosmic Staff] mod but I still have a page for it incase I feel I will need it in certain games. I would replace the Book of Eternity Mod. Still really good. Preference on whether you get Book of Eternity of Cosmic Staff Mod.
+Disintegration: Dealing damage from skills applies an effect dealing 2% of the target's current Health each second as Power Damage for 4 seconds. If the target is hit when below 50% Health, the effect applied deals 1% of Maximum Health each second. (Max 120 per second vs creatures and drones) (Tier 3)
Blast, Nebula, Forest, Quicksand. Gives the best Power Damage, Power pen, and a bit of Cooldown. These are set up to snowball from the very start of the game.
4. Skill Order
Dread Scythe (W) Almost always get this level 1 right away for laning, even when there are invades before laning W will be sufficient. It will be your primary harass during the laning phase and always use it when cool down is up. I get this at level 1 and max it Last since it won't be used for damage but for only the silence.
Saw Blade (Q) I normally get this level 2 after Dread Scythe to help me harass a bit more but if they are being super careful or if you are worried about early ganks, I recommend getting Cull the Weak(E) at level 2 instead then get Saw Blade (Q) at level 3.
Cull the Weak (E) Is what I get at level 3 normally so that we have one point in everything to utilize Sinestro's QWE Kit right away.
Yellow Impurity (Passive) Amazing passive, the Missing health % dmg makes me want to max it right away T___T... and the extra duration on silence..... AND the extra DMG WTF..... OP.
Fear Incarnate (R) OP. Fear/Snare/DMG GG! (With Sinestro's E Kit..... OP)
Now That we are over the Early game, I will show you my skill order from level 1.
Saw Blade (Q) I Max right away because Saw Blade has the lowest cooldown and it's a great spell to spam in small fights.
Cull the Weak (E) I max 3rd for the last-hit kill potential and to help out with securing kills with Cull the Weak (E) for the passive cool down reset.
Yellow Impurity (Passive) I max this 2nd because of the Missing %hp DMG and Bonus Dmg on all spells all around.
Dread Scythe (W) I max this last because leveling it doesn't give as much damage to Sinestro's full kit and doesn't decrease cool down from leveling it.
1v1 Spell Order - Simple Harass. Against Blasters[/b] For the Silence.
1v1 Spell Order - Simple Harass. Against Marksmans or Attack Damage Champions (Different)[/b] For the Extra Bonus Missing HP% Dmg when marks with Yellow impurity.
How the spell order usually looks in Normally 2v2 from ganks. This order is during laning phase while there's creep around.
In 1v1 Match ups where I'm more dominant for sure I just harass with this combo.
I use Cull the weak first to get my passive on them and it helps me jump over any creeps, instantly using Dread Scythe for the silence and Saw blade to top it off. Great combo vs other Blasters such as Green Lantern who get dominated by Sinestro.
Spell order in team fights
KS RESET KS RESET KS Kappa. (But in all honesty... that's what happens)
Simple Sinestro combo during 1v1 ONLY when you know the enemy jungler isn't near by. This Combo is only for Higher skilled Players who are very well aware of enemy jungler locations at ALL Times.[/b][/u] This is by far the Best Harass combo to go with against BLASTERS (It's difficult to out trade Marksman with this combo, so I prefer to only do it against Blasters)
5. Match Ups(Laning Only)
The more it has the harder it is.
Just wait for his (W) and go in for harass. but it is hard to kill Good Joker players. When he is low, Start off with R>E>W>Q. If you blow your combo and joker lives.... Nah Sinestro OP ^_^v Joker doesn't have much of a kill threat so all you really have to worry about is the jungler ganking you.
Probably one of the harder match ups against blasters since Arcane Super girl simply stays back and farms the Drone waves and has better poke range. Try your best to apply pressure while she is clearing the waves utilizing the camo areas (bush? iunno).
Not too difficult. Her kit is useless vs Sinestro except for her ult. Do not get baited into her ult when she has her Stolen powers up such as healing wave or invulnerability. Pretty much the only way she can kill Sinestro.
She got buffed with her ult range and her Q range itself is enough already to out range and poke Sinestro out. Really depends on how good the player is. If they can't land Q's just go out n kill her.
I've noticed good cat players poke and all in with their ulti, but as long as Sinestro pokes with only QW or use E>W>Q AFTER catwoman uses her W on a creep (which would be bad). All you have to watch for is her ulti and just E away to tower range and wait.
Sorry but this isn't a match up where Sinestro will ever be out traded or lose to. All you need to do is Q>W or E>W>Q (Walk away). Green lantern is so immobile as long as u get your silence on first and not miss ult, you will win 100% of the time. Just Do NOT use the E>W>Q combo if you aren't going to use ulti and he has his ulti, you will be putting yourself in a spot where you can die, but that's the only way Green Lantern can kill a Sinestro.
Mirror Match?!? Uh.... Good luck! Kappa. Just depends on who can land their Ult.
Basically good Marksmans will beat Sinestro in lane. Since silence isn't helpful and the only way to win is with Fear. But when Fear Incarnated is on cooldown or pre-6 Sinestro will be bullied hard.
6. Tips/Etc
- Sinestro's range isn't that great so be careful when laning against long range pokes or marksman.
- Learn to side step and harass with just W if you must.
- Never use E to clear Minion waves unless you're going back to base.
Just examples of my build end game :) (Hiding enemy names because... you know. They are nice guys. All decent players since in my mmr though)
@ The Dycer
Either Psi Scrim or Dreamstone works, It really depends on playstyle. I just prefer the extra damage to assassinate the backline threat the best way and most secure way possible. (sometimes the auto comes in handy)
AND WTF my post above got double posted GG....
I would like to say that for your combo starting with W is pointless as you need to use another skill first for the silence to actually affect them. And I do not see the point in picking up Dreamstone at all considering T2 of Dreamstone is the same cost as T1 of Psi-Scimitar and Psi-Scimitar gives 20 PD as well as 30% will regen where as Dreamstone gives 25(%?) will regen as well as the passive. I would also like to hear your explanation on picking flat augments as opposed to scaling.
As to the Psi Scim question, I prefer Dreamstone over Psi Scim on any blaster that does not auto often. On Joker, Green Lantern, and Star Sapphire it is great. On Blasters like Sinestro and Catwoman you get so much more out of the CDR on the later tiers of Dreamstone. Yeah Sinestro can use Skilled Power to trade in lane, but the laning phase is over fast in Coast City, and you need to be effective in teamfights. (I still squeeze 35% into my build on him.)
Scimitar when modded gets you 25-35 more PD than Dreamstone. And Senpai said she was selling Dreamstone at T2 anyway before the CDR comes into effect so there is no point in getting it at all. Plus the reset on your E when you get a kill almost makes CDR pointless. And when I play Sinestro I play him as more of an assassin picking off indivduals more so than as a teamfighter like Sapphire or Joker.
**Sorry I had no idea how to reply to comments till now LOL.
To answer your questions it's really situational on whether I want the extra damage from Psi Scrim and Dreamstone but now I normally just go for the extra damage from Psi Scrim. There may be rare occasion where I will need the CDR from Dreamstone but Mostly likely not. The Flat Augments are for snowballing my early game, as late game the augments don't really provide much compared to what u can get from items. Flat is definetly much better as it has more of a impact ingame.
Also the combo with W, I want to explain that it's not the straight up combo I use as most good players won't let u hit the Q and W at same time (usually use a gap closer to run away or dodge) So I just harass with W through minions and use my Fear (R) to start my CC and silence during the combo after ult.
**Sorry I had no idea how to reply to comments till now LOL.
To answer your questions it's really situational on whether I want the extra damage from Psi Scrim and Dreamstone but now I normally just go for the extra damage from Psi Scrim. There may be rare occasion where I will need the CDR from Dreamstone but Mostly likely not. The Flat Augments are for snowballing my early game, as late game the augments don't really provide much compared to what u can get from items. Flat is definetly much better as it has more of a impact ingame.
Also the combo with W, I want to explain that it's not the straight up combo I use as most good players won't let u hit the Q and W at same time (usually use a gap closer to run away or dodge) So I just harass with W through minions and use my Fear (R) to start my CC and silence during the combo after ult.
Why would you tell people to mod Royal Seal over Prism. Until 2.0 sometime in the distant future, it is broken and should be modded in every tank set until it is fixed. I would also put priority in E since it has such a long cooldown, and is probably
Great guide, this is how I usually play her! But I'd recommend getting the Disintegration 2 mod for Cosmic Staff over 350 Credits off Starheart. Also if you're going defensive, Cosmic Belt is better than Ruby of Life in that it also gives you Power D