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    Infinite Crisis builds for Nightmare Batman

    A sweet dream or a beautiful Nightmare? [WIP]

    A Nightmare Batman guide by THodge
    Last updated: Apr 2nd, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2429-Nightmare-Batman-A-sweet-dream-or-a-beautiful-Nightmare
    3,617 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Stolen Powers
    This guide is a work in progress and will be updated more as I continue playing Nightmare Batman. For now, the guide only covers Stolen Powers and their applications throughout the game, but more will come soon! Comments with feedback are greatly appreciated.

    This guide for will provide a good starting base for anyone interested in learning to play Nightmare Batman, but I strongly encourage you to experiment and tweak the build to suit your playing style, as this guide focuses on the way I prefer to play Nightmare Batman.

    The first choice you'll make after hero selection is which Stolen Powers to take.

    Stolen Powers

    1st Stolen Power: Robin's Surveillance Camera


    The surveillance camera is a crucial asset to both you and your teammates. With N. Batman's passive lifesteal, you rarely ever need to return to your team's base, so having the extra charges from Robin's Stolen Power will let you take advantage of that great sustain. If you haven't unlocked Robin's Surveillance Camera yet, make sure you always have a camera with you to replace destroyed/expired cameras.

    Camera Placement:

    Early Game

    The first camera should be placed on the Green Lantern logo in the top half of the center jungle. (Red diamond near top lane) This will alert your top-laners to enemy champs trying to sneak up from behind when you're trying to take that first turret. Additionally, if the enemy jungler(s) try and invade your half of the jungle, this is one of the main ways they will enter your team's half of the map. When the doomsday device phases in, the camera will allow you to see if the enemy team is going for the capture.

    The second camera should be placed in the center of the 3-armed stealth pad in the center of the bottom half of the jungle. (Red diamond near bottom lane) This camera is crucial for alerting your lower lane to an ambush while they are pushed up against the turret. The enemy jungler(s) will take advantage of your squishy bottom lane marksmen to get a kill or two early in the game, which will hurt your team in the late game when their jungler can take out champs in just a couple attacks.

    Mid-Late Game

    The camera placement later in the game becomes very situational.

    If the doomsday guardian spawns but your team isn't prepared to fight it yet, then place a camera at the Green Lantern logo up near top lane like you did at the beginning of the game. Knowing when the enemy team is going in for the Doomsday Device will give you an advantage; after they've fought the Guardian their Health and Will won't be full, and their skills will probably be on cooldown. Knowing this, you and your teammates can wait in ambush for the enemy team. Let them do the hard work for you!

    If the Doomsday Guardian isn't a concern, the next priority for cameras is preventing ganks (an enemy champion coming from another lane to take out your champs). After you take the first and/or second tower in top lane, put a camera down in the center of the three-armed stealth pad up in the top corner of the jungle near the enemy's next turret. (If you are on the Right moving Left, put the camera in the Top Left Corner, if you are on the Left moving Right, put the camera in the Top Right Corner of the Jungle)
    The same idea applies to the bottom lane as well; put the camera nearest to the turret that your laners will be attacking to warn them if an enemy is coming from behind.
    The camera placement locations for the team on the Right moving Left are marked with a Blue Diamond in the Top Left and Bottom Left corners of the jungle.

    Important Note on Cameras:
    The camera placements aren't set in stone; if enemy champions keep coming out of the same place in the jungle, put a camera somewhere in the path they're taking so your team can react faster, whether they're escaping or attacking.

    Second Stolen Power: Katana's Invulnerability


    Katana's invulnerability has the special bonus of Attack Reflection and Power Reflection while the shield is active. N. Batman is great for assassinating an enemy, but sometimes you'll end up chasing an enemy champ. You should try to avoid chasing as you'll probably run into a support or tank which will end either with your target escaping, or worse, your death. Sometimes you'll be in the jungle and stumble across the entire enemy team, they'll hit you with some form of Crowd Control, and you'll take loads of damage. Having invulnerability will let you escape those scary moments.

    But why Katana's Invulnerability? I take Katana's Invulnerability over the other Heroes' Invulnerability because when you get ambushed, Nightmare Batman isn't going to be able to go in and fight their whole team, but the Attack Reflection and Power Reflection will deal out some pretty hefty damage to their Blasters and Marksmen.

    Once again, I encourage you to play around with different Stolen Powers; whatever suits your playstyle best will be the most effective in game.

    Moving on, we have Nightmare Batman's Abilities. This section is next on my list :D

    Latest comments
    Nice guide but I have one question, why you're maxing Bat Swarm so early on? It's not dealing high damage and is kind of unconvinient since they took stealth from it.(Sorry if it's stupid question but i can't see any items, augments or modifiers and I don't know if it's my browser or you haven't choosen any... in other words, I don't know if you're jungling or not :P).
    8:53 am, Apr 4th, 2015
    1:11 am, Apr 5th, 2015