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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Catwoman

    Wolvesandpizza's kitty assassin

    A Gaslight Catwoman guide by wolvesandpizza
    Last updated: Apr 4th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2439-Gaslight-Catwoman-Wolvesandpizza-39-s-kitty-assassin
    6,048 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive items
    Defensive items
    Situational items
    Stolen Powers

    Gaslight Catwoman is by far my favorite champion. She represents everything I love about assassins in videogames. Stealth in, surprise! You're dead... and i'm already escaping before your team can react. I average about 15-22 kills and 1-2 deaths every match.

    - Insanely High damage output
    -Good at roaming
    -Ability to take turrets down quick
    - Extremely Squishy
    - No Escape if you open w/ your E (Susceptible to suppressed abilities)

    I focus my build mainly on High Attack Damage, Critical Strike , Attack Penetration and Attack Speed.

    Starter lane : Nil Weapon + Coda Blade (4) or Zeiss Goggles (4) Why: I'm confident in my ability to not die + More dmg rules!
    Jungle: Marauder Knife (2) + Zeiss Goggles (4) Faster attack speed = Faster clear.

    Core Items: I either max Zeiss Goggles (4) or Coda Blade (4) first.

    Then I move onto Huntress' Crossbow (3) In-case my my abilities aren't enough to finish off my target. The extra attack speed aids in getting those extra basic attacks in.

    If you're having problems with a tank go Deathstroke's Claymore (3) . The armor pen makes a huge difference for me. If you wanna put the ass in assassin go Joe Chill's Revolver (3) next. Watch your combo melt squishes.

    All other items listed are purely situational. Need sustain? Build life-steal or health. Having problems taking down tanks? Build more armor pen.

    My favorite combos:
    Blood Hunt > Basic Attack > Steampowered Claws > Predator's Grace x2 > Shred


    Blood Hunt > Basic Attack > Steampowered Claws > Shred> Predator's Grace x2

    I like to leave the option open to either finish them off with a second Predator's Grace or use it as an escape. (Either to a drone or champion)

    Stolen Powers:

    Atomic Wonder Woman's Super Speed is great because it can either be used as an escape or a chase. Bonus it deals attack damage to enemy champions you move through.
    Zatanna's Psychic Assault You ain't going anywhere! Enemy champion loses 40% Move Speed for 3 seconds. You can also use it on an enemy in pursuit of you.

    If this guide helps you please leave me feed back. I'd love to hear that it's helping you. Please don't be rude and downvote this into oblivion for the sake of the contest. I'd like real constructive criticism.

    Here's a screen shot proving my build works great

    Here's an alternative attack speed build I've been digging a lot lately

    Winning with the odds against me in a 4 vs 5 match.
    Latest comments
    If you guys need any things explained don't hesitate to ask. Feel free to add me in game also.
    8:58 pm, Apr 7th, 2015