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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Superman

    Superman: Up, Up, and Away!

    A Superman guide by Garethor
    Last updated: Apr 11th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2562-Superman-Superman-Up-Up-and-Away-
    1,950 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive items
    Defensive items
    Situational items
    Stolen Powers

    Thanks for letting me know how this guide was doing! Since trying it out some more, you will see that I have changed some things. Let me know how this one works!

    Starting off the match, I like to take both Nil Weapon and Nil Cloak, offering that extra health boost as well as survivability early on. Once you get enough credits, you should head back to base and immediately begin building Spear of Destiny. Superman synergizes very well with this item, especially if it is modded properly as it will give him the health and defense he needs plus LOTS of attack damage that scales nicely late game. After the Spear I like to build V9 Implants, making him pack that much harder of a punch.

    Once you have these two items, my next suggestion is to begin building the Suit of Sorrows. The bonus health will increase your AD and I personally love the attack reflect. Once this is built, you can choose the remaining order of items based on what you need. I like to use Deathstroke's Claymore as the damage output is huge. To cap it off, I like to go with Soultaker Katana and Ruby of Life for the Lifesteal and Regen, but if you don't want to deal with collecting coins I suggest taking Lobo's Chain and Helm of Fate or Fragment of Mogo depending on what defenses and damage outputs you want. Spear of Destiny will ensure Mogo grants extra AD but Helm of Fate's PD is a huge boon to Heat vision and Frost Breath.

    As far as situationals go, Mirror Master's Prism is the obvious alternative to Suit of Sorrows and Psi-Scimitar can be an effective replacement for Soultaker or Deathstroke's Claymore if it is modded for bonus skill damage.

    Be sure to have fun, and don't forget to use your stolen powers! Super Strength gives you an AD boost and Super Speed helps you chase down the baddies. Please thumbs up or down to let me know how I did!
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