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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Batman

    Hybrid Gaslight Batman

    A Gaslight Batman guide by GhettoGerbil
    Last updated: Apr 12th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2594-Gaslight-Batman-Hybrid-Gaslight-Batman
    1,796 0


    Ability levelling order
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    Starter items
    Core items
    Mid-Late Game
    Final Build
    Stolen Powers
    Here comes a fun build to play hybrid Gaslight Batman!

    This is for my own reference purposes, but if you want to give it a try.. feel free!
    Make sure you play safe, 2 core items are coin collectors. Don't need you dropping all your stacks on death constantly.


    I prefer getting that bit extra Attack Lifesteal for more sustain in lane and the damage and penetration that comes with the augments.
    Then grab one Power Lifesteal and damage per level for all your AoE abilities.


    Empowered Cosmic Staff for some extra damage on all the AoE abilities as well as a nice chunk of power damage and CD reduction.
    Empowered Psi-Scimitar for a nice 50+50% power damage after ability use.
    Capacity Soultaker Katana for some extra damage and lifesteal. Don't Die!

    Items: (The good stuff)

    Start with scarab and logoz for some will sustain. Get T2 logoz ASAP! The coin collecting fun begins. It will give you relatively decent power for a cheap price.
    Rush right into T4 soultaker, the lifesteal is critical for some lane sustain.

    Now since this build is hybrid, you won't be dealing TONS of damage on autos and skills. But you'll have decent damage off auto attacks, and a pretty nice burst after skills. This is why I put in the Huntress for some sure damage off tanky opponents since we have a lack of penetration with this build.

    I go for Batman's Belt. Health, Damage, CD reduction, and a burst off skills. What's not to like? Also... you ARE batman after all.
    But this is a hybrid build right? We need some power... how about Starheart? 100 power and a 30% power bonus will go great with the power from Psi-Scimitar.

    1,2,3,4....7 welp sell the scarab for the Psi-Scimitar! It also gives will regen to offset what you lose from the scarab.
    Finally when it's all said and done. Sell your T2/T3 Logoz for the Cosmic Staff. % DoT will be nice to give anyone pains, especially those tanky guys. Also the wound works wonders against any strong healers or lifestealers.
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