I will not discuss about playstyle in this guide. I will leave it up to you because i think it will help u to learn playing the champion.
TIP* Abilities Order: U can always switch 2 and 3 if u think u can't stay alive in lane and u need an escaple plan.
-Coda Blade Tier 3
-Zeiss Goggles Tier 4
-Velocity 9 Implants Tier 3
-Lobo's Chain Tier 4
-Joe Chill's Revolver Tier 3
(-Atomic Axe Tier 2 or Batman's Utility Belt)
U will find me in-game with name "kltpzyxMrM"
4/5/15 Update:
Switch Flash's Super Speed Stolen Power with Supergirl's Invulnerability for more AD boost.
Advice: Don't hesitate to start your fight with Supergil's Invulnerability for AD boost and Poison Ivy's Healing Wave during the fight. It's a Kill.
17/5/15 Update:
Change Kryptonian War Armor(3) with Entropy Aegis(3)
23/5/15 Update:
Core items: +Zeiss Goggles Tier 4
+Velocity 9 Implants Tier 3
+Lobo's Chain Tier 4
-Atomix Axe Tier 2 moved to Situational Items (If there are 2 Tanks)
Offensive Items: Joe Chill's Revolver Tier 3
29/5/15 Update:
Replace Empowered Joe Chill's Revolver Mod with Enhanced Velocity 9 Implants