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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Arrow

    How To Be An Annoying Arrow

    A Green Arrow guide by network5000
    Last updated: May 17th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2902-Green-Arrow-How-To-Be-An-Annoying-Arrow
    1,660 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive items
    Defensive items
    Situational items
    Stolen Powers

    This guide is merely a guide on my play style of Green Arrow

    Sorry for not having pictures as i don't know how the heck you get pictures, as this is my first guide.

    The first major thing you should know is that he's a Marksman. Green Arrow is a versatile marksman and can sometimes get out of sticky situations.

    -Great at Poking Enemy
    - Can sometimes get out of sticky situations
    -Great Range
    -Has faster cool down oh his ult, than any other champions
    -Great at finishing champions (if skills used properly

    -Bad with teaming up with ally marksman (mostly mecha ww)
    -Ult can be easily known as it can be heard
    -If he has no will he is very vulnerable and can't escape

    Item Build
    Starter Items
    I choose coda blade at the start for its damage and modular health vial for the extra survive ability, never underestimate it!
    Core Items
    Shard's Crane works well with Arrow, and Velocity for the speed,(great when vs another marksman) Coda Blade of course as it's still a great item and does a large sum of damage.

    ]Other Items
    This is mainly up to you, i hardly ever go for defensive items, mainly huntress crossbow and soultaker. Deadshot's visor is great as it gives attack damage and will, but you don't have to use it. Only take Ra's Al Ghul's robe at the end and if you're dying a lot, or you just want it, cause you just want it cause another guy took it.

    Stolen Powers
    For stolen powers,I usually take Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave
    or if you wish Poison Ivy's healing wave for the extra health (active this if you're running away from power damage) .
    And Doomsday's Shield
    or Katanna's shield
    (Activate this if running away from attack damage, mainly katanna's shield.)

    Key Points To Remember
    -Remember his ult also attacks with a skill that you used before (this is good for poking with his Thermite Arrows as his ult has big range
    -If run out of will you can't use Superfoam Arrows to escape, and you're dead as it needs a lot of will
    -If facing marksman mainly Mecha WW , you're pretty much screwed, unless a team mate helps you
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