Greetings Protectors !
My name is Bart VonDoom, I have been playing Infinite Crisis since the first day of the closed beta, and I played both Gotham Divided and Coast City, but now it is only Coast City. I've been playing Doomsday since his release, and he had his fair amount of changes since day one and was a tad underplayed, but with the latest changes since the game went officially Live, especially in terms of itemization, I'm pretty sure Big Mister D will come back to the front of the stage as to my mind is the best disruptive tank at the moment, and can also do a damn good amount of damage. This is my fourth guide on Dawnbase, you guys can check out my Nightmare Batman, Blue Beetle and my Atrocitus guides too, and if you like what you see please rank it good, so green thumb if you enjoy that guide please.
Play Style and Role:
This guide is how I personally play the Doomsday Jungle on Coast City and may not be fit for every single game. Doomsday is naturally tanky, and can start ganking very early game. By doing good use of the stealth pads on Coast City, you can easily assure a kill for your team by using your E>W>Q>Q>Q combo at level three. Doing so, you will single out an enemy, put him out of position (preferably in a direction close to your teammates) and generally knock the target with your E (if you hit a wall).
In this guide, I will try to show you how to maximize his tankiness to increase your damage output and be as disruptive as possible for the enemy team, securing kills for you and your teammates while sucking up large amounts of damage.
Pros and Cons
Fury based champion, all abilities are free, except your ultimate which needs 100 Fury, which means no need to worry about Will and Will Vials
Relatively short cooldowns
Very good tankiness (that can be naturally increased with a good use of his passive) which helps you stay in team fights and suck up a lot of damage
Good mobility and attack damage (for a tank)
Very disruptive for the enemy team
Can easily secure kills with the Charge (E) + Berserk (W) + Pummelling Assault X 3 combo
Can be very good 1 VS 1
Tons of damages late game
Need to play safe early game
No escape (even though his Q can be used to escape dodgy situations)
Somehow item reliable
Augments and Mods:
I use scaling Health augments with Doomsday as Bonus health is the pillar of his strengh, and I do use one flat HP + Move Speed augments to give you a good advantage early game
The augments I use are the following:
Wayne Enterprises BEAST : +0,32 Attack Armor/Lvl (max 6.08), +3.01 Health/Lvl (max 57.19)
Wayne Enterprises LANDLSLIDE: +2,32 Move Speed, +3.01 Health/Lvl (max 57.19)
Wayne Enterprises TSUNAMI: +2,32 Move Speed, +24.06 Health
Wayne Enterprises WRECK: +0,32 Power Armor/Lvl (max 6.08), +3.01 Health/Lvl (max 57.19)
This leaves us with a nice 384,1 Move speed at the start of the game and already 33.09 Bonus Health (this will grow up to 195.63 Bonus Health max), that will add nicely with our abilities and items.
The mods I am using are here to allow me to increase my damage and jungle clearing times early game and keep up my Health sustain and effectiveness all game long:
Queen Industries Empowered Mega Rod - Shockwave 4 - Tier 3: Your basic attacks explode, dealing 55 Attack Damage + 10% of your bonus Health to other enemies nearby . Now I use the Mega Rod as my starting item, as at Tier 1 it gives you +10 Attack Damage, +10 Health Regen per 10 sec and the Shockwave ability (15 extra Attack Damage + 2% Bonus health at Tier 1) that really help clearing the jungle camps. As we will be pilling up bonus Health from our items all game long, an extra 55 Attack damage + 10% bonus Health per auto attack is simply tons of damage.
Wayne Enterprises Empowered Lobo's Chain - Tier 4 Hook Shot: Activate to throw a hook chain that cripples the first champion hit for one second and slow him with Attack Harrier* for 5 seconds or until the target moves more than 1000 away.
Now this is your utility/chasing tool, not only Lobo's Chain grants you a massive amount of Bonus health (300 HP at Tier 3) and some Attack Damage, it also comes with a slow (see Attack Harrier explanation below) and the hook shot is your extra CC ability, as it cripples and then slow a target, making it easier for you and your team to chase and secure kills, especially those nasty running away low health targets. You can also use this as an escape ability, as if you are low health and someone is chasing you, hooking them will cripple and slow them, giving you the time you need to move to a secure location.
*Attack Harrier: Lobo's Chain's ability that unlocks at Tier 3. Basic attacks slow your target move speed by 30%, decaying over 2 sec.
Alternative: I would recommend that Mod when you are already confident in playing Mister Doom, and familiar with his mechanisms, as Hook Shot is a skill shot that needs to be activated (aka most often forgotten) so if you are starting with Doomsday, I would swap this Mod for Holt Holding Capacity Ruby of Life, which will increase the HP charge of the ruby, granting you even more Bonus Health. Let's now move to our last Mod.
Wayne Enterprises Empowered Spear of Destiny: Enforcement 2 Tier 2 - Gain Attack Damage equal to 3% Bonus Health. This will make you a beast late game (as this is one of your last items) and give your damage output a super-heroic boost !
The first mod is a way to maximize your damage output as you will be pilling more Health than Attack Damage with your items.
The second mod is a complete personal choice, to my mind it really gives Doomsday an extra control ability that helps chasing and securing kills. You can also use this as an escape when you are low in health and someone is chasing you. As said above, you can swap it for the Capacity Ruby of Life, which increase the maximum stacks and provide you with an extra 100 HP.
The third mod is really to improve your damage output late game, making you a damn damage sucking threat to the enemy team.
Stolen Powers:
I don't use Doomsday Invulnerability while jungling on CC, but do not get me wrong, this is one of the best Invulnerability in the game, the shield is massive and can save your life. I do prefer having vision (especially on Coast City, where danger can strike at every single corner) than the shield.
Prime Robin's Camera is my go to, as said above, you need vision on Coast City as it will save your life more than often than a shield. Robinu2019s camera having five charges makes it the best camera for CC's massive jungle.
Atomic Joker's Detonate is simply the best Stolen Power for Junglers at the moment, its very low cooldown grants you faster clear of the jungle and you need to remember it does work on environmental objects too, as it sometimes helps to escape dodgy situations.
Item Choices:
I start at level one with two Modular Health Vials and Tier 1 Mega Rod, to give a boost to my damage output, help my HP regen and improve my jungle camps clearing time.
If you feel confident to invade the enemy's jungle and go for their Elite/Destroyers (the big camps located on each side on the Doomsday Device) do it as this will give you a good boost in XP and gold, not to mention that the enemy jungler(s) will not have it. Then go straight to yours and you will be level 2. Continue to do camps until your level 3 and then go for you first gank. Try to set it up in a way that you will Charge (E) one enemy and make it hit a wall in the direction of your team to completely make him out of his secure zone and ensure the kill and get at least an assist.
Back to base as soon as you have 1250 coins, and get Tier 2 Lobo's chain, which will give you HP and Attack damage boost.
Continue to clear your jungle camps but make the enemy feel your presence at all time, anytime you can gank, just do it and gank! The more kills you will get or provide for your teammates, the more it will serve you. Max your Lobo's chain first, go to Tier 2 Mega Rod and start building your Ruby of Life.
If you play your role well, you will just be ganking non-stop, ruining the enemy team moral, and securing kills for your team. Remember to always secure your relay, and try to get the enemy one as much as you can as those relays are THE KEY to win a Coast City game.
As soon as you have maxed your Ruby of Life, finish your Mega Rod by getting the Tier 3. With these three items maxed up, you are now a good damage dealing tank.
Now, depending of the enemy team composition, I will focus on getting some defensive armor item, if they are more of an Attack Damage team, and they start buying armor too, I will go for Claw of Horus as it provides everything you need, Attack Damage, Attack Armor, Health and a passive that makes it similar to an Attack Penetration item. If they are not getting armor, go for Fragment of Mogo, as it provides 250 HP, 40 Attack Armor and the passive really makes you a real pain for the enemy team when you are on the front line of the teamfights. If they are more Power Damage based, do not hesitate and go for Kryptonian War Armor. 20 Move Speed, 200 HP, 10 Health Regen per 10 sec, 40 Power Armor and a passive that increase healing, this item has it all. I generally end up by getting it anyway. If you want to play more aggressively versus Power Damage teams, Sword of Beowulf is also a very good choice. If don't want to go defensive, Coda blade (high damage + Attack penetration), Deathstroke's Claymore (damage, cdr and attack penetration) and Huntress'Crossbow (attack damage, attack speed and a passive that makes your auto attack devastating) are good choices. Extra special mention to Batman Utility belt which can be one of the best offensive item on Doomsday ! It brings you Health, Attack damage, cdr and a passive that makes your auto attack deal an extra 100% of your base attack damage after using a skill. This scales perfectly with your Q, as you can Q>Auto Attack>Q>Auto Attack>Q>Auto Attack and deal a massive amount of damage. If you manage to unleash a full combo (R>Auto Attack>E>AA>W>AA>Q>AA>Q>AA>Q>AA) it's generally a kill 99% of the time.
As soon as you have maxed up your first defensive item, you can start building the Spear of Destiny, and max it as soon as possible to get the 3% Bonus Health converted into Attack Damage. Needless to say your damage output will be maximized by this item, while you will still be able to tank a massive amount of damage, and you will be able to disrupt the enemy team very easily.
If you have time, max up your last item.
I have listed as situational Entropy of Ages, which is brilliant against full Power Damage teams, Booster Gold as it could be of good help to gank under turrets (although you barely need it, but it can be efficient against very defensive teams) and last but not least Metallo's Heart that provides loads against Attack Damage orientated teams.
Abilities and combo strategies:
Pummelling Assault (Q)
Doomsday rushes forward and smashes the target area, dealing 30 to 75 Attack Damage + 30% Bonus Attack Damage to all enemy hit. Pummelling Assault can be triggered up to 3 times in a row, no more than 5 seconds apart.
Attack Damage: 30-45-60-75 +30% Bonus Attack Damage (multiply this by 3)
Cooldown: 9-8-7-6
Kryptonian Rage Active: the Third attack knocks down all targets for 0.75 second.
This is your main harass tool, the fact it does area damage is a massive advantage, and you can do it three times in a row. It helps clearing camps/lanes and does a good amount of damage. Its range is OK, so you can also use it to run away from a chasing enemy. Max it first. Do not forget you can knock down your targets with your third attack when Kryptonian Rage is active.
Berserk (W)
For 4 seconds, Doomsday gains 10 to 25 Attack Damage, 10% Move Speed and deals a total of 80 to 200 Power Damage over time to nearby enemies.
Kryptonian Rage Active: Move Speed Bonus is doubled.
Bonus Attack Damage: 10-15-20-25
Power Damage over time: 80-120-160-200 + 8% Bonus Health
Cooldown:12 sec
This ability is a real good reason to pile up on Bonus Health, as the more it goes, the more damage this skill will provide. If you position yourself correctly during team fights, this is an enemy team HP shredder. Not to mention it boosts your Attack Damage and your Move Speed, making it excellent to secure kills and/or chase (especially when Kryptonian Rage is active).
Charge (E)
Doomsday dashes to an enemy champion and carries them forward. When he grabs them, he deals 40 to 130 Attack Damage + 40% Bonus Attack Damage. If Doomsday slams them into a wall, they will take an additional 60 to 180 Attack Damage + 50% Bonus Attack Damage and will be knocked down for 0,8 (+0,1 for every 250 Bonus Health).
Kryptonian Rage Active: Doomsday will carry his target 50% farther.
Attack Damage:40-70-100-130 +40% Bonus Attack Damage
Impact Attack Damage: 60-100-140-180 +50% Bonus Attack Damage
Cooldown: 15-13-11-9
This ability is your main disruptive tool, as it enable you to single out an enemy, and when placing this skill well, you will take them in your team's direction, ideally hitting a wall at the end. This helps securing kills big time, I used to call it the Carry Eliminator as if you play it well, it is a kill for your team for sure. Be very careful using this when Kryptonian Rage is active as you will be taking your target twice farther the distance.
Kryptonian Rage (R)
Doomsday gains 10 to 25% Attack Reflect, 10 to 16% Resilience, and all enemy champions that damage Doomsday become his Revenge targets. Kryptonian Rage cost 12,5 Fury/sec, halves Fury regeneration, lasts only until Doomsday runs out of Fury and improves all his other skills.
Passive: Doomsday generates 7 Fury each time he executes a skill or a basic attack. When Kryptonian Rage gains its first rank, your Fury meter is automatically filled to the max.
Resilience: 7-8-9-10
Attack Reflect: 10% - 15% - 20% - 25%
Cooldown: 2 sec
This is your ultimate skill, it basically enhances all your other abilities, and makes you way more disruptive for team fights by giving you Resilience and Attack Reflect (it is like an in-built moded Suit of Sorrows meet Diana's Bracers), not to mention it can trigger your passive Revenge on multiple targets, making you even more tanky and helping you to increase your maximum health. This skill is often overlooked, but it can be a real game changer, not to mention the ridiculous cooldown time of 2 seconds.
The Fury thing is kinda weird, as all other Doomsday skills are free of anything, but it is just a way to control this ability and ensure it is not active at all time.
Revenge (Passive)
When Doomsday has no current Revenge target, and is damaged by an enemy champion, this champion becomes his Revenge target for the nest 15 seconds. Damaging the target refreshes the duration of the effect.
Doomsday deals 3% to 6% +1% per 300 Bonus Health extra damage against his Revenge target, and the target deals 3% to 6% +1% per 300 Bonus Health LESS damage to him. Doomsday permanently gains 10 to 25 max Health (up to a cap of 300 HP) and 10 Fury when he kills a Revenge target.
This passive is actually way underrated as it is very strong, kinda complicated but very strong. Basically when a champion attacks you, he becomes your Revenge target, meaning you will deal more damage to him (3% to 6% extra damage +1% per 300 Bonus Health) and he will do less damage to you (3% to 6% less damage +1% per 300 Bonus Health), creating a gap between you, making you stronger and the enemy weaker. If you kill that enemy, it will permanently increase your pool of HP from 10HP to 25HP per kill depending on the level of this skill, up to a maximum of 300 HP, making you even more tanky and augmenting your damage output as this count as Bonus Health.
I hope you enjoyed that guide and if so please give it a green thumb's up, and please feel free to comment and give constructive critics. I will continue to update it as far as the game evolves. If you feel like adding me
to your in-game pals' list, my nick is bartvondoom on the EU server. See you on the streets of Gotham or Coast City.