Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Abilities
3. Items
4. Stolen Powers
5. Early Game
6. Mid Game
7. Late Game
8. Conclusion
1. Introduction
Gaslight Batman is a high damaged Attack Damage Carry with a great variety of what he can do in team fights due to his abilities dealing damage to multiple enemies. As well as being a great 1v1 Duelist due to his kiting potential and High Damage, allowing him to rarely get hit and keep his distance from Melee Champions.
2. Abilities
[Echoes] Passive
Gaslight Batman Basic Attacks apply the Echoes effect for 4 seconds. Targets with Echoes are revealed and take an additional % Damage from his skills.
Level 1: 5%
Level 2: 10%
Level 3: 15%
Level 4: 20%
[Sonic Batarang] Q [60% Attack Damage, 60% Power Damage]
Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Batarang which deals Attack Damage to the first enemy struck. The attack can then bounce to additional nearby enemies, dealing 20% reduced damage after each bounce.
DMG: 55/90/125/160
CLD: 5/5/5/5
Cost: 30/35/40/45
[Sonic Shell] W [50% Power Damage]
Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Shell that explodes at maximum range or earlier if the skill is activated again. Enemies in the explosion are dealt Power Damage, have Echoes applied, and are slowed which gradually decays.
DMG: 65/115/165/215
CLD: 8/8/8/8
Cost: 45/50/55/60
[Bat Flight] E [ 60% Power Damage]
Gaslight Batman fires a grappling hook into the air and pulls himself forward, dealing Power Damage to all enemies he passes through.
DMG: 75/125/175/225
CLD: 20/18/16/14
Cost: 60/60/60/60
[Bat Scream] R [75% Attack Damage, 60% Power Damage]
Gaslight Batman fires a massive sonic blast that travels the length of the map dealing significant Power Damage to everyone it hits. (Damage reduced with susequent hits.)
DMG: 350/435/520/605
CLD: 85/80/75/70
Cost: 150/150/150/150
3. Items
Starting Items
Nil Weapon
4 Health Pack
1 Will Pack
Back ASAP for
[[Joker's Crowbar (2)]]
[[Hawkman's Harness (4)]]
Okay, this item is really good due to this reason only. Whenever you have left over cash from wanting to upgrade an item, lets say Joe Chill's Revolver (4), it cost 1000 credits per upgrade, well with whatever cash you have left over, you put that cash into Harness. If you have 250 extra after upgrading, get Rank 1, if you have 750, get Rank 3. Making you a little more tankier. I love this method of play.
Note: Don't forget to upgrade to Rank 4 before selling. lol.
Core Items
[[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]]
Velocity 9 Implants (4)
Getting Revolver and Implants first is a HUGE damage boost. You have the protection of 400 HP from the Harness so you have some decent survivability. Like I said in the Situational Items, if you are getting blown up by assassins get a couple levels in Batman's Utility Belt, then continue onto the Core Items.
Soultaker Katana (4)
Before getting Implants, you can get 1 level in this for lifesteal then finish later.
Situational Items
Atomic Axe (2)
Get this if you are even. (Sell Joker's Crowbar (2) for this if you need a final item.)
[[Batman's Utility Belt (3)]]
This item goes REALLY well with Revolver/Implant Combo.
[[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
EDIT: So I realized something. This item, only does 5% of current health, and not Max Health. Which means, this is more of a late game item, if everyone is stacking Health.
Coda Blade (4)
This item is 100% worthless for AD Carries, if they don't have an Ivy. If they have an Ivy, and your Assassin didn't get this, then get it. It procs with your Q which is nice.
4. Stolen Powers (Note: Get the upgraded versions if you can.)
Surveillance Camera: Playing with a coordinated team? Do not get this. Solo Qing or don't trust your teammates? Get this. :P If your Top Jungler has Camera, you don't need it, because he should be warding your spots.
Super Speed: Get this, nuff said.
Invulnerability: If you get Doomsday's Invulnerability then it also acts as a Cleanse which is nice. Get this if your team is coordinated so you don't need camera.
5. Early Game [0-10 Minutes]
1v1 Lane
During a 1v1 lane, you want to make sure you get as much farm as possible. Try not to miss any credits, or lose them to turret. Losing 50% of the credits adds up after a while. When playing the Solo Lane, you need to make sure you are auto attacking and gaining as much HP from the Nil Weapon as possible, trade with enemies as best as you can. Knowing how much your enemy can trade is key in this scenario. If he wins the trade, he can win the lane and push you to your turret. You want to push him to his turret, so that he can have trouble farming, and if he misses a CS to the turret, it's a victory for you. Top Lane is pretty short, so pushing to turret isn't that hard. Especially with your W/Q Combo. Now its 4:30 into the game. You wanna try to have as much HP and Mana as possible for when the relays come up. If there team invades your relay, you have to have optimal damage output, or else they may be able to win the engagement and take control of both relays, taking control of both relays, means 2 things, 1. You're lane will get pushed, and turret may take 50% tax from your minions, or 2. They can 3 man group top and push your turret and get lane control for the next relays to come. Either way, it's pretty crucial. Best way to handle them having 2 relays this early, is to have top jungle support for a couple minutes. Yeah you lose out on solo XP and Credits, but it's worse to have the tower take the tax instead of your jungler, or worse, the whole team getting 1k gold for the turret being down and map control. It's your job as a top laner, to help control the relays. So be one, with the jungler. (:
1v2 Lane
1v2 Lane isn't that difficult as Gaslight Batman, it does suck a little PRE 6, but you can deal with it. During a 1v2 lane, you're gonna lose some credits to tower, but on the bright side, you're getting 100% xp, instead of splitting it as they are, which means you're gonna hit level 6 faster. Also, they're splitting the credits as well. So once you are about to hit level 6, have the jungler come and so that you can recall, when you come back, hopefully your jungler is 6 as well, and you can all in them with your new sexi item advantage. From here on out, you should have lane control overall, even against a 1v2 lane. During the time in which Relays spawn. You want to try and keep the 2 enemies at top as long as possible, if you do, you should be able to take your relay no problem. Don't even try to invade there relay if its a 1v2 top, unless you have both junglers and your bot lane support coming. It will end badly. Try to keep one relay during these times, and mid game, you will have a power spike over the 1v2 top lane.
6. Mid Game [10-25 Minutes]
The mid game is here! So hopefully you still have top turret. You should if you call the jungle for help when it gets bad, and didn't die. I personally like to defend the Doomsday Device instead of taking it at 10 minute's when it spawns. I feel it's better as a top laner to farm up for the top relay, then after the top relay, go for DD unless the enemies force it upon you. Keep it warded inside so that you know. You should have your Joe Chill's Revolver (4) before the 15 minute mark. You need to fight for this top relay, so at the 14 minute mark, call the support up top so that you can have 4 people top around 14:40. You want to have [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]] at this time, so you don't die to their assassin. With the Revolver Damage, you should win the fight as long as you positioned yourself right. So you got it for free? Awesome! Thank the other team for not paying attention. Now you can easily get top turret. Stay top and push your ass off to get that turret and keep your top lane warded so you don't get annihilated by ganks. After the first turret, recall, and get as many points into
Velocity 9 Implants (4) so that you can fight for Doomsday Device.
7. Late Game [25+ Minutes]
The late game has come! You should have your 2 core items, and been starting on your 3rd, who knows, maybe you're fed enough to be working on your 4th item. During this time, you wanna be making plays as a team while having 1 person split push. You are the AD Carry, it's best for you to be with the team and not to be split pushing. You are the core to the team, which means without you, there isn't very much DPS for the team. Having whoever has teleport or having the assassin split push I would say is best, due to the fact that Assassin's have the most movement speed in the game so they can get to your team and come in to clean up when a fight may happen.
When making plays as a team, I mean going for objectives. You need to get your relays, and you need to get the Doomsday Device. If both are not up for another 1-3 Minutes, then you push lanes as a team. When you have 2 relays, you let top push on it's own, and you push bottom as a team. Due to having 2 relays, top get's super minions, so pushing bottom is better. You can have your split pusher top, so that they gain the xp/credits that the drones drop, but that means your team has to stall bottom, instead of fight. Once top pushes to turret, then you group. Just always remember, OBJECTIVES WIN GAMES. Especially in this game, just keep getting ready for objectives and sticking with the team.
8. Conclusion
Thank you for looking at my guide on "
(Top Lane) Master of the Future" Check out my profile for more guides and don't forget to Like and Comment if you feel that I did a great job on the guide. Also comment if you have any questions about the guide that may make it better.
I will be updating this guide more and more so that this guide has Gotham Heights and Coast City in one, at the same time, I want to add in Bot Lane with it as well, making it a complete guide.
Good Luck Have Fun Everyone.