With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mods : Based on the new patch, this area is under testing, however, my personal favorite at the moment is:
Queen - Capacity Soultaker Katana
Queen - Enhanced Deathstroke's Claymore
Queen - Enhanced Atomic Axe
Reason being as Gaslight Batman, you scale well off of farming the drones, the more credits you have the more items you can buy. These Mods allow you to get more stacks on your Soultaker giving you more damage and more attack lifesteal. Enhanced Deathstroke's and Atomic Axe gives you more damage on the item making it more credit efficient for your build.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Augments : Based on the new patch, this area is under testing, however, my personal favorite at the moment is:
Wayne - Attack Lifesteal (G) / Attack Armor (S)
Wayne - Attack Lifesteal (G) / Attack Armor (S)
Wayne - Attack Lifesteal (G) / Move Speed (B)
Wayne - Attack Lifesteal (G) / Attack Speed (B)
Reason being as Gaslight Batman, you need the attack lifesteal as your stat of choice. This allows you to live longer and trade better. The Attack Armor is only efficient if you are laning against another marksman, if you know you are not, replace them with the power armor ones.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stolen Powers :
[[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] - Can be used defensively or offensively.
Defensively: gives you a shield to survive the assassins or cc combos so you can get away.
Offensively: Shields you so you can take those last hits to kill enemy hero.
[[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]] - Ward out your blind spots and possible gank routes the team can use. Gives you the confidence to farm safely.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities :
SONIC BATARANG - Q - Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Batarang that deals 50/85/120/155 damage to the first enemy it hits, then bounces 1/2/3/4 time(s), dealing 20% less damage each bounce.
It bounces to enemies affected by Echoes first. Has a +70% AD ratio and a 65% PD ratio.
SONIC SHELL - W - Gaslight Batman throws a Sonic Shell that explodes when it reaches max range or when the skill is triggered again. Enemies in the area are dealt 50/90/130/170 Power Damage, have Echoes applied to them, and are revealed for 4 seconds.
An amazing revealing tool for lane control. Has a +75% PD ratio.
BAT FLIGHT - E - Gaslight Batman dashes forward, dealing 55/100/145/190 Power Damage to every enemy he passes through.
Our main escape tool. Has a 70% PD ratio.
BAT SCREAM - R- Gaslight Batman fires a massive sonic blast that travels the length of the battlefield, dealing 225/350/475/600 Power Damage to every enemy it hits. It deals 10% less damage to each succesive target, to a minimum of 50% damage.
Global Ultimate, great for engaging or finishing fights. Has a 90% AD and 90% PD ratio.
ECHOES - Passive - Gaslight Batman's Basic Attacks apply the Echoes effect for 4 seconds. Targets with Echoes take an additional 10/15/20/25% damage from his skills and apply a stack of Reverb to Gaslight Batman. Reverb buffs Gaslight Batman's Attack Speed by 10% per stack. Max Stacks:2/3/4/5
Gives us our steiroid.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starter Items : These are my preferred start items:
[[Cheetah's Claw (1)]] : Very minimal Attack Speed and Attack Lifesteal stats. However, this item is well enough when it gets upgraded once or twice. Don't forget that you can purchase items at turrets in this patch, you can just upgrade everytime you get the credits.
Modular Tektite Vial (3) : Gives the cushion in lane to deal and take damage. Remember to use it or its useless. Also gives mana regen, although mana for our skills is low this item will allow constant poking in lane.
Modular Health Vial (2) : More health sustain.
These items give you the damage to last hit and the rejuvenation to stay in lane and trade.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Core Items : For this build you will need:​
Soultaker Katana (4) : With awesome Attack Damage and Attack Lifesteal stats, This is a great mid game buy. The passive allows us to get more AD and Lifesteal with every coin we pick up. The more we farm the bigger we become. Great for extended trades.
[[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] : With excellent Attack Damage and Attack Speed stats, this item is a great buy. The passive helps us take down the tankier heroes in The Bleed. We see this item really shine in late game. Doomsday beware!
Velocity 9 Implants (4) : With excellent Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance, and Move Speed stats, this item is a great buy. It makes you crit even more often, and allows you to kite better with the passive, 10% increased ms on aa, and the bonus move speed. With these implants you will be able to kite anyone while being able to aa inbetween movement clicks.
Atomic Axe (2) : With an awesome Attack Damage stat, this item helps your crits hit even harder. The passive also gives you 35% Armor penetration, making us annihilate squishy heroes, and melt tanks. Once we have this item, everyone on the map will fear us.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional Items :
Velocity 9 Implants (4) : With excellent Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance, and Move Speed stats, this item is a great buy. It makes you crit even more often, and allows you to kite better with the passive, 10% increased ms on aa, and the bonus move speed. With these implants you will be able to kite anyone while being able to aa inbetween movement clicks.
[[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] : With excellent Attack Damage and Attack Speed stats, this item is a great buy. The passive helps us take down the tankier heroes in The Bleed. We see this item really shine in late game. Doomsday beware!
[[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] : With great Attack Armor and Power Armor stats, this item is a great late game item. Not to mention it brings us back from the dead. Allowing us more time to get that narrow kill, or escape with little health. This item also give you spectral wings when the passive is available, making you look like a god.
[[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]] : Health, Attack Speed, Cooldown Reduction, and Move Speed are what this item provides. This item is excellent if we are against a Gaslight Catwoman or Nightmare Batman . The passive is the real reason we would get this item. Allows us to purge ourselves of all debuffs.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early Game :
In the early game, we need to focus on farming. When we hit 4, that's when we get our full kit and we can start doing some crazy trades. When Trading, remember to AA,Q,AA for maximum dps output. If you are against someone with a skill shot, hide behind your drones and Q them as much as possible, the bounces might push the lane though so make sure we are warding. And to reitterate, last hit. It gives you more credits and allows you to stand where you are for the coins to fly to you.
Farm Farm Farm as much as possible, then at lvl 3-4, start making trades to either set up kills or push them outta lane. Remember to use Modular Tektite Vial (3) everytime you trade. Make Zeiss Goggles (1) into Zeiss Goggles (2) as fast as possible, then get [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] as fast as possible. The reason I am saying as fast as possible is because the more last hits you get, and deny on their behalf the stronger we become, we need that margin to be as big as possible as fast as possible.
Optimal warding poistions:
TOP: Above the DDD in the + Shaped area below you, and another in a stealth field of your choice.
BOTTOM: Above in the Tristealth Field, and either in the long stealth pad in lane, or in the other stealth fields along the bottom jungle path.
Below is a map that will help you understand what I mean :
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mid Game : During the Mid game, we should be getting every power relay we can possibly get. If we manage to get both our top lane drones will be stronger allowing those Heroes to help push bottom lane. How mid game works is thats when the game will swing in favor of one team, depending on how good ganks are and how fed we can get. Team fights are now priority over skirmishes and protecting turrets is vital. Power Relays > Turrets > Skirmishes. Team fights will happen mostly around Power Relays and Turrets.
Mid game we should be shoving our lane trying to take turrets and continuing to ward according to our current position. By this time we should know just how strong our opponent is and can either poke them down to nothing and leave or play defensively. By the time we take the second turret we should almost never be alone. If there is farm in a lane, we take it push it a little and rejoin the team. I will say again, NEVER ALONE. By this time we should be debating finishing Zeiss Goggles (4) or going onto getting Velocity 9 Implants (4). After that we can start our Atomic Axe (1) or even finish into Atomic Axe (2) if we are fed.
Team Fights : During Team fights, we need to be in the back line. Never be in front. If we get caught with a cc we can die almost instantaneously. Throw out our Sonic Shell (W) and Sonic Batarang (Q), Then go to town on the AA's while kiting anyone who gets to close to us. Use Bat Flight (E) if we are getting dove in the teamfight, its our only escape we need to use it to stay alive. When to ultimate is tricky. The optimum time to use it is when the fight initially happens, when we can hit as many heroes as possible. OR we can use it to kill the enemy Marksman or Blaster who narrowly got away and is retreating to base. Both work fine, just make sure we land it, nothing is more embarassing than missing a powerful skill shot ultimate.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late Game : During the late game, every team fight counts as death timers are getting longer and longer. That being said, our role as a markman is to make sure we dont die so we can fend off drone waves at our turret. The power relay control will determine the victor and the DDD will become priority for close games. The DDD will do 1000 true damage to anything in its blast radius. If we have it, use the DDD where we can get the most out of it, IE team fights or when pushing on the power core turrets. The DDD can also reset control on any of the power relays if used on one. Use the DDD wisely to win these games.
Late game is when we should be a hyper carry, and everyone would hate to see us alone with them. Skirmishes are recommended if we can guarantee you can get the kill without dying. However, since we are the power house of the team, its better to hunt together than to be alone. Make sure we are warding common pathing areas. By now, we should have our core build done, and building either tankier or more damaging depending on if we are being focused alot or just carrying beyond belief.
If dying too much:
[[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] and [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]].
If carrying beyond belief:
Soultaker Katana (4) and [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matchups : These will be given in alphabetical order, in solo and duo fashion, and then given a rating. Arcane Green Lantern
Solo Lane: He's a strong pusher but runs out of will quickly. Poke him everytime we have the chance. Rating: Easy-Medium
Duo Lane: The lantern throws and the giant statue are annoying in a duo lane, can make our life hell if he has an aggressive lane partner. Be warned he has a stun and if times properly, can interrupt our swing. Rating Medium-Hard
Atomic Green Lantern
Solo Lane: Not very threatening if you can dodge skill shots and kite effectively. Even if he does grab us Bat Flight (E) away. Rating: Easy
​Duo Lane: Still not that threatening unless the lane partner can perform a cc chain. Once again if he grabs us Bat Flight (E) away. Beware for ults though, It will slow you to oblivion. If we have it on us already, stand away from the rest of our team so it doesnt go on them. Rating: Easy-Medium
Atomic Wonder Woman
Solo Lane: An interesting lane if i do say. She can still do great damage in a short amount of time as well as slow us. If we are in a lane with her, we need to be as aggro as possible till she is lvl 3, once she gets her full combo we need to be wary of trading with her, cuz she will win most of the trades if shes smart. If she is stronger that you slow her with your Sonic Shell (W) and kite towards your turret. When she ults to you, wait till she uses her whole combo, then Bat Flight (E) away. Rating: Medium-Hard
Duo Lane: Same as above. Except she has a partner. Be careful that we dont get caught out of position. If we do, we will get punished hard for it. Be passive. Rating: Hard
Solo Lane: Not a problem lane whatsoever. He wont be able to farm against us. When he gets close to farm AA,Q,AA him and that will teach him from going in. If he keeps going in we poke him out of lane. Simple as that. Rating: Easy
​Duo Lane: Still not that much of a threat, unless lane partner is cc oriented. In which case, when we are marked by his Q, run back to our turret so he doesnt W us, so the chain cc wont happen. If we manage to do that then we will innately win the lane. Rating: Easy-Medium
Solo Lane: She cant trade with us early. Pressure her everytime she goes for a cs and we will win the lane. Rating: Easy
​Duo Lane: For the first half of the lane everything will be peachy, but when she is 4 she will start becoming and annoyance. Plus her whip slows us and takes some of our hard earned credits. Not nice, shes still not scary, but she can zone us well if her lane partner is as aggro as she is. Rating: Medium
Solo Lane: This lane is a farm lane. However we can turn it into a bloody lane if we can dodge his skillshot and not go through any extended trades with him. Make sure to not take his passive shot. It does percent damage to us every fourth auto. Rating: Medium
​Duo Lane: Same as above. Dodge his skill shots and dont overextend. If he has a cc lane partner, it makes it easier to hit us with his skill shot. Once we are marked Cyborg will do more damage to us. Just farm. Rating: Medium
Solo Lane: Poke him out. He cant do anything about it. Rating: Easy
​Duo Lane: Make sure he doesnt E us into the wall. if he does we get knocked down and take extra damage, and he can easily chain cc us by himself. If we get caught like that we will be punished severely. Rating: Easy-Medium
Solo Lane: Poke him out. He cant really hurt us without taking tons of damage himself. Rating: Easy
Duo Lane: When he goes for a trade or a cs punish him. Keep in mid his lane partner wont like you hitting him, so be aware of your positioning and all will be fine. Rating: Easy
@bethio Its called an "opinion" doe. But hey, I don't play Gasbat though. More of a Cyborg guy but you are welcome to try and teach me a lesson in game :D
Why would you tell people to mod Royal Seal over Prism. Until 2.0 sometime in the distant future, it is broken and should be modded in every tank set until it is fixed. I would also put priority in E since it has such a long cooldown, and is probably
Great guide, this is how I usually play her! But I'd recommend getting the Disintegration 2 mod for Cosmic Staff over 350 Credits off Starheart. Also if you're going defensive, Cosmic Belt is better than Ruby of Life in that it also gives you Power D