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    Infinite Crisis builds for Poison Ivy

    Unkillable Ivy Guide [Gotham Heights]

    A Poison Ivy guide by velvet
    Last updated: Aug 20th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/50
    10,529 7


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     Hey everyone and thanks for viewing this guide for the way to build and play an unkillable Poison Ivy on Gothem Heights.

     Before trying this guide out make sure you have a little experience in playing this champion. Try out different builds and see which one is comfortable with your playstyle. Test out her skills and try playing with different team comps. This way you'll understand fully on what I'm talking about in this guide. Alright let's get started.

    ~Leveling your skills

    So first off you'll be taking a point into q-w-e. this helps out early with ivys passive of using six skills for the small heal buff. After grabbing each of those you'll be maxing your shield [e] since you want to be helping yourself and your team mates by either baiting your opponents or just securing a kill. Following the shield is your knock up ability [q], the reason I choose [q] over [w] is because your blind doesn't increase the duration nor does it reduce the cooldown of the skill, leveling [q] will grant you a better cooldown allowing you to disrupt more during fights. For your third skill to max I choose her passive. your passive jumps from 15 to 30 after being maxed, so you'll be picking up some heavy healing after getting kryptonian's. Then lastley you'll grab your blind.

    ~What powers to take and why

    The two powers I go with are, " Shazams Invulnerablity " and " Poison Ivy's Healing Wave "
    Shazam's not only grants you a small bonus shield, but also heals you as long as the enemy damage doesn't break through it. This also works with Kryptonian's if I'm not mistaken.
    The second skill is obvious for this build. Ivy's Healing Wave not only heals you and surrounding allys, but it also grants them bonus power damage and attack damage. Just make sure you are using these skills wisely. If you're in a team fight, just pop healing wave if your allys are getting low, it'll be easy to tell after playing her for a while.

    ~How To build Ivy

    Now again this is just one of MANY ways you can build Ivy, i just find this to be a great build because...well, you don't die nearly as much. So first off you're going to start with [[The Materioptikon (2)]] and Ruby Of Life (1) This will give you the will regen and health you need for the first battle at the top capture point. After gathering 750 credits your next job is to pick up Ruby Of Life (2) after getting that you can go in any order of the next 3 items. Just depending on whos getting fed on the other team. If they're mostly PD (power damage) I start building kryptonian's (also start building this so you can get the additional healing regen) If they are mostly AD (attack damage) start building either [[metallo's heart]] or [[steel's breastplate]] after that just follow the build according.
    always invest in hawkman's harness when you have multiples of 250. And when you need 1000 coins to buy something, sell it (because it's fully refundable) then just start building it all over again. It just gives you more health to make you a bit more chunky.

    ~The Ivy Mechanics

    So with Ivy, your main goal in life is to keep allys alive, you do this in many ways, your knock up is good for defending yourself and others, OR for grabbing an escaping enemy so your team can just go ham on them. [joker reference]
    Your W is more of a poke ability early game but in team fights it gets pretty real. Always target the enemy who deals the most ATTACK DAMAGE. Whether it's an adc or a heavy melee assassin or enforcer, always always always blind them so they do nothing to your allys and you for 2.5 seconds.
    For your shield you'll be using this almost every time it's available, it's pretty self explainatory just like her other skills, but basicaly shield the person who's receiving the most damage, it can be you or an ally.
    Your ultimate is going to be the skill that changes teamfights. Use it when you're being tower dove, or when there is a large amount of dps incoming your way, it's also good to use lots of skills inside of the ult to pop your passive in it as well, creating TONS OF HEALING.
    I know most of this is pretty obvious, but to her skills there really isn't a secret, it's all in the items you buy and how you play her.
    For any questions please feel free to message me either here or in game.

    Here's a picture of some of the games I played, I honestly didn't die for 11 games in a row. I also have some good players on my team but still, it's a small achievement, so I decided to share the build in hopes you guys can get inspired to play her!

    -Thank You
    Latest comments
    Hey, just came around to say you might wanna update this. The Materioptikon isn't around anymore. And due to copy/paste I'm stuck in this format... But yeah, sick guide man, thanks for sharing
    3:27 am, May 5th, 2014
    Awesome guide! I'm not the best at MOBA's so this one's really been helping me out; one question though, when going against AD is the choice between steel's breastplate and metalo's heart situational or is it a personal preference? 
    5:25 pm, Mar 24th, 2014
    good guide ! I really did it very well yesterday in my first play with ivy thanks to your advices !
    4:14 pm, Mar 6th, 2014
    Great guide! I made an account here just to log in and post to tell you I was UNKILLABLE my first game with Ivy! :) Zero deaths ftw! Thanks again... -Mantiflash
    8:11 pm, Nov 24th, 2013
    Nice guide dude, Poison Ivy is my favorite champion and this is now my favorite way of playing her good job!
    8:07 pm, Sep 14th, 2013
    Good to hear man! She's an awesome champion, once I have some more free time, I'd love to post a coast city guide for her! :D
    1:36 pm, Sep 15th, 2013
    Pulled off a 1v3 against Poison Ivy, Cyborg, and Shazam with this build. This is an incredible build.
    10:19 pm, Aug 28th, 2013
    Hey thanks for the input man, I've seen you around before, Great playstyle. I didn't know you did guides on here as well, I'm about to go check them out. I'll shoot you an invite maybe we can party up sometime.
    12:16 am, Aug 31st, 2013
    Good guide, ivy is pretty fun tanky!
    9:49 pm, Aug 26th, 2013
    Yeah she's hilarious to play, thanks for taking the time to read and comment, feel free to add me in game brother! Same name as here.
    12:16 am, Aug 31st, 2013