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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Abilities
3. Items
4. Stolen Powers
5. Early Game
6. Mid Game
7. Late Game
8. Conclusion
1. Introduction
Cyborg is an Attack Damage hyper carry. He is average early/mid game, but has a one of the best late games. He lacks the escape, but has a movement speed buff from his E making him able to kite nicely when positioned well, especially with super speed. His kit is designed for late game, so trying to carry early game is a bit difficult if you can't outplay a couple opponents for some free items. I recommend not backdooring with Cyborg.
2. Abilities
[Cybernetic Targeting] Passive
Every fourth basic attack deals a percentage of target's max health bonus as damage.
Level 1: 2%
Level 2: 4%
Level 3: 6%
Level 4: 8%
[Tracer Shot] Q [30% Attack Damage]
Cyborg fires a burst of energy. It deals Attack Damage to every enemy it hits, and applies the Trace Energy effect for 6 seconds.
Cyborgs Basic Attacks deals additional Attack Damage to when attacking enemies marked with Trace Energy.
Damage: 70/100/130/160
Tracer Energy: 20/30/40/50
Cooldown: 5/5/5/5
Cost: 50/50/50/50
[Charged Burst] W [20% Attack Damage]
Nearby enemies lose 20% movement speed for a duration.
Targets with the Trace Energy effect are dealt Attack Damage, and their Move Speed penalty is doubled.
Damage: 50/75/100/125
Duration: 1.5/2/2.5/3
Cooldown: 10/10/10/10
Cost: 70/80/90/100
[Cascade] E
Cyborg gains Movement Speed and Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
While this skill is Active, Basic Attacks against targets with the Tracer Energy effect increase the duration of the Cascade by 1 seconds, up to a maximum of 8 seconds.
Movespeed: 20/20/20/20
Attack Speed: 10/15/20/25
Cooldown: 15/15/15/15
Cost: 60/72/84/96
[Plasma Cannon] R [60% Attack Damage]
Cyborg fires a massive blast in front of him dealing Attack Damage to all enemies in the area.
For 10 seconds after the blast, Cyborg's Basic Attacks pierce through targets, firing their full range and damaging all enemies in the line.
Damage: 300/360/420/480
Cooldown: 110/100/90/80
Cost: 150/150/150/150
3. Items
Starting Items
Nil Weapon
4 [[Health Pack (1)]]
1 [[Will Pack (1)]]
Back ASAP for [[Joker's Crowbar (2)]]
[[Hawkman's Harness (4)]]
Okay, this item is really good due to this reason only. Whenever you have left over cash from wanting to upgrade an item, lets say Joe Chill's Revolver (4), it cost 1000 credits per upgrade, well with whatever cash you have left over, you put that cash into Harness. If you have 250 extra after upgrading, get Rank 1, if you have 750, get Rank 3. Making you a little more tankier. I love this method of play.
Note: Don't forget to upgrade to Rank 4 before selling. lol.
Core Items
[[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]]
Velocity 9 Implants (4)
Getting Revolver and Implants first is a HUGE damage boost. You have the protection of 400 HP from the Harness so you have some decent survivability. Like I said in the Situational Items, if you are getting blown up by assassins get a couple levels in Batman's Utility Belt, then continue onto the Core Items.
Soultaker Katana (4)
Before getting Implants, you can get 1 level in this for lifesteal then finish later.
Situational Items
Atomic Axe (2)
Get this if you are even. (Sell Joker's Crowbar (2) for this if you need a final item.)
[[Batman's Utility Belt (3)]]
This item goes REALLY well with Revolver/Implant Combo.
[[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
EDIT: So I realized something. This item, only does 5% of current health, and not Max Health. Which means, this is more of a late game item, if everyone is stacking Health.
Coda Blade (4)
This item is 100% worthless for AD Carries, if they don't have an Ivy. If they have an Ivy, and your Assassin didn't get this, then get it. It procs with your Q which is nice.
4. Stolen Powers (Note: Get the upgraded versions if you can.)
Surveillance Camera: Playing with a coordinated team? Do not get this. Solo Qing or don't trust your teammates? Get this. :P If your Top Jungler has Camera, you don't need it, because he should be warding your spots.
Super Speed: Get this, nuff said.
Invulnerability: If you get Doomsday's Invulnerability then it also acts as a Cleanse which is nice. Get this if your team is coordinated so you don't need camera.
5. Early Game
6. Mid Game
7. Late Game
8. Conclusion
Thank you for looking at my guide on "I AM ROBOCOP" Check out my profile for more guides and don't forget to Like and Comment if you feel that I did a great job on the guide. Also comment if you have any questions about the guide that may make it better.
Good Luck Have Fun Everyone.