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    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    Tank Doomsday

    A Doomsday guide by beastdude2003
    Last updated: Aug 23rd, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/70
    2,992 0


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    So this is my first guide for a MOBA. I just tried to make Doomsday (DD) as tanky as possible. It seems that even with balls out damage DD seems to still lack the necessary damage to take someone down so why not be obnoxious and NOT die.

    I went with hawkmans first cuz the healh is nice and when you get it maxed you can sell it back after your maxed out on items for a ruby of life if you want to be more personally tanky or if your team is actually team fighting i would recommend the Oa Gambit unless one of your support already snagged it up. (not sure if they stack im assuming not).

    Kryptonian armor is awesome maxed out because it gives you speed to position for solid charges which is latter added to with the the Velocity implants. Suit of sorrows is also great becuase of the Attack damage reflect. Plus they both give you lots of Attack armor and power armor to be balanced against all team comps.

    Finally lobos chain for slows and just general damage plus 500 Health aint nothin to shake a stick at.

    Let me know what you guys think any suggestions would be AWESOME.
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