Hi and welcome to my guide!
Mecha Superman is a SUPPORT and should be treated that way!!!
He has aura's!!! Think about it!!!
He has a Cra* Ton of cc!!!
He has a wall and a silence and a pop-up
Enough said, he is a support!!!
Mecha Superman has major burst damage.
Don't let it fool you!!!
Ability Order
Drill Attack (q). I max this out first, because not only is it a split second stun. But in conjuction with a crystal, acts like a silence. It's good for getting those last hits, if your adc or apc to busy poking.
Sunstone Eruption (w). Short area aoe that can produce a pop-up, when cast on a crystal. Another cc!!! This guy is rediculas!!!
Fissure (e). Let me explain. Create a wall in your ops face that screws them 100%. In sequence from cast e, pop w as they try to go around, and hit with q for the silence so they can't dash away. Auto easy kills!!!
Terraformer (r). Aoe aura that triggers your passive. This passive gives your friendly armor!!! Aka reduce that damage! AKA I'M A SUPPORT!!!
Agent of hope (passive). Whenever you cast a spell on a crystal get armor and armor!!!!!!!
Stolen Powers
Barrier is by far the best defensive power you can get. It saves your life, when your going for that last hit. Or if your bad, your living through that last hit.
Heal. Mecha Superman is a front line champion. With this little bit of info, your going to want a heal to increase your odds of punishing the bot lane.
Starter Items
Nil Ring. I start with this for the fact is has everything i'm looking for in a early game item. Some health for being tanky, will regen for casting spells w.e they are up, and damage so you can rape your lane into submission.
Max health pots just keeps you in lane longer.
You got 50 extra, why not go for that will pot.
Core Items
Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone. Little bit of tankiness, with the ability to outpoke their support. Gives you that extra will, so you can keep bursting with your 3 step combo.
Cosmic Belt. I get this maxed, after getting dreamstone to lvl 2. This item makes it so you can dominate bot lane!!! They won't see it coming, when you take them from full to 0 in a heartbeat.
Atlantean Royal Seal. Tankiness with a slow and damage!!! Hell yea this is one hell of a good item on Mecha Superman!!!
Optional Items
Entropy Aegis. If I plan on going the bruiser route aka my team has more then just me as a tank, I take this combined with Steel Breastplate for pure dominance.
Fragment of Mogo. I almost get this every game. It goes really well with your ult and just gives you so much utility and tankiness.
Helm of Fate. Part of the bruiser set-up. If you have more then 1 tank or just need a little more damage, this is your item. Combines very well with Entropy Aegis and Steel Breastplate.
Kryptonian War Armor. Health regen right now is rediculas and people hardly ever know a way to counter it. if your just stomping the living shinazol beans out of them, get this for an even bigger beating.
Metallo's Heart. If your up against more then 1 ad champion stacking attack speed, get this. Aka Flash and an adc.
Ruby of Life. If your the main tank, this item is there for you. You'll have to route your opening build in order to get this stacking, but it's very good if your the main tank.
Steel's Breastplate. As said above, if your going the bruiser route, grab this item with Aegis.
Suit of Sorrows. I almost get this every game. It's rediculas. Just plan super tank at this point.
Pandora's Box. As the support role, if your carries are getting jumped on and can't seem to get away during a team fight. grab this to turn the tide's of battle.
Testing these at the moment, but ap dmg with health and move speed is were i'm leaning.
Empowered Nil Ring (page 4). Recycle. Da good item and you get your money back!!!
Enhanced Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (page 5). +15 dmg. Good god your one hell of a poke!!!
Empowered Atlantean Seal (page 2). Skill Harrier. OMFG a slow ontop of your silence pop-up and stun. This is just brutal!!!
Thank you for taking the time to read my guide!!!
If you happen to be playing premade and combine this guide with my Green Arrow guide, you should never in a million years lose bot lane. If you do message me, so I can SLAP THE SHINAZOL out of you.