1. Introduction
1.1 Why Gaslight Batman?
2. Amplifiers
2.1 Mods
2.2 Augments
3. Abilities
4. Stolen Powers
5. Items
5.1 Starting Items
5.2 Core Items
5.3 Late Game Items
5.4 Optional Items
5.5 Item Build Order
5.6 Complete Build
6. Gameplay
6.1 Early Game
6.2 Mid Game
6.3 Late Game
6.4 Kiting and how to play teamfights correctly
7. Matchups
7.1 Marksman
7.2 Controller
8. The End
1. Introduction
Hello folks, my name is Cris and I'm the Marksman for Team Dignitas.
We are the current Season 1 EU Champs.
I wrote some Leauge of Legends guides in the past, and now want to start writing some for Infinite Crisis.
You can follow me at https://twitter.com/dignitasCris.
1.1 Why Gaslight Batman?
Gaslight Batman is by far my favorite Marksman in the game.
He does well in almost every situation.
he has a great early, mid and late game
smooth autoattack animation
high hybrid damage
good escape
high will costs/low will regeneration
gets outpoked in lane
2. Amplifiers

2.1 Mods
Enhanced Attack Damage Shade's Cane
+10 Attack Damage (Tier2)
Having +10 Attack Damage in the early game makes last hitting easier and also gives you a decent damage boost for early teamfights. You want to have stats like that early in the game, since it falls off really hard later on.
Enhanced Attack Speed Huntress' Crossbow
+10% Attack Speed (Tier2)
Having 10% extra Attack Speed is always good, I value it over 10 extra Attack Damage on the Crossbow.
Enhanced Critical Chance Velocity 9 Implants
+10% Critical Chance (Tier3)
The 10% more Critical Damage on Tier 3 , makes it a really good mid and late game Item without needing to upgrade it to Tier 4 untill later on.
2.2 Augments
+2.41 Attack Damage (G)
+1.5 Attack Penetration (S)
+1.8 Attack Penetration (G)
+2.01 Attack Damage (S)
+2.41 Attack Damage (G)
+2.81 Attack Speed (G)
+2.81 Attack Speed (G)
+1.5 Attack Penetration (S)
Augments are meant for you to boost your early game.
These Augments allow you to have a strong early game and easier time with last hitting.
3. Abilities
Passive - Echoes
His passive gives him a damage bonus on all of his abilities and an Attack Speed bonus.
After using an Autoattack, the enemys are marked by Echoes for 4 seconds. His next ability will then trigger it which gives him a stack of Reverb, which he gets Attack Speed from. Every stack decays after 2,5 seconds individual. Maximum stacks are 5.
At rank 4 it gives him up to 50% attack speed and 25% bonus Damage on all of his abilites. which makes him really strong in the late game.
Q - Sonic Batarang
Sonic Bataran is a straight line skillshot, which is his primary poke and damage skill.
It bounces between targets that are close to each other.
At rank 1 it only bounces 1 time, resulting in hitting 2 targets. At rank 4 it bounces up to 4 times.
You use it in lane to waveclear or to poke your enemy.
If you want to trade with the enemy Champions, always try to hit him first with your Autoattack and then with your Sonic Bataran for the extra Damage from Echoes.
W - Sonic Shell
Sonic Shell is mostly for wave clearing and to get your Reverb stacks up.
Use Sonic Shell on drone waves or jungle camps, followed up by Sonic Bataran.
Never try to use it in 1v1's, it only does a little amount of damage and also has a small animation.
In teamfights only use it at the beginning, followed up by Sonic Bataran or Bat Scream to get maxium Reverb stacks.
E - Bat Flight
Bat Flight is his escape ability, it helps you to get out of sticky situations and ganks from the enemy team.
It can also be used offensively to chase enemys.
But be careful, some Champions can interrupt Bat Flight.
Nightmare Superman's W - Vortex
Wonder Woman's R - Blocking Bracers
R - Bat Scream
Bat Scream is a global skillshot, you can snipe enemys with it from across the map.
It does a lot of damage and is a good turn around Ability.
Try to use it at the beginning of teamfights to hit as many Enemys as possible.
4. Stolen Powers
Doomsday's Invulnerability
Doomsday's Invulnerability is a temporary Shield, that lasts 2 seconds.
It helps you to absorb good amounts of damage, when getting ganked or in teamfights.
Don't hesitate too long to use it. Using it early can absorb a lot of the initial Damage.
Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave
Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave is a Heal for you and your Team in a small area.
You and nearby allies also gain Power Armor and Attack Armor for 3 seconds.
You can safe allies with it and also give your Team the Aura in teamfights.
In teamfights try to use it early, when you are at 50-70% HP to make use of the Armor buff.
It can negate a lot of damage, when used with good timing.
5. Items
5.1 Starting Item's
Nil Weapon
Nil Weapon is a strong early game Item. It gives you sustain and 75 Health, which allowes you to trade with the enemy Champions. You can sell it later on.
Modular Health Vial Tier 3
Modular Health Vial gives you sustain during the laning phase. It's a Health Potion that refills everytime you port back to the base.
5.2 Core Items
Shade's Cane Tier 2 (Mod)
Shade's Cane is a really cost efficient Item and particulary good on Gaslight Batman.
All of his abilites either do Attack and Power Damage or Power Damage.
It should always be your first item after Nil Weapon. I don't build it to Tier 3, I much rather start going for my next Item. Shade's Cane is an early game Item, which can be sold later on for a defensive Item.
Huntress' Crossbow Tier 3 (Mod)
This will be your 2. Item. It gives Attack Speed, Attack Damage and has a really good passiv on Tier 3.
Overall a really good Item and a must have right now. It's the best Item to have comming from the early into the mid game.
Velocity 9 Implants Tier 3 (Mod)
Velocity 9 Implants is the 3. or 4. Item you are going to buy, depending on the Enemy Team. If the Enemy Team is stacking Attack Armor, Atomic Axe will be your 3. Item. If that is not the case you will buy Velocity 9 for the mid game Crits. Don't buy Tier 4 too early, since it only gives 5% more Attack Speed and 5% Critical Chance and a mediocre passive for 1000 Gold.
Atomic Axe Tier 2
Like I just metioned, you are going to buy Atomic Axe as your 3. or 4. Item depending on the Enemy Team.
Atomic Axe is the must have Item against an enemy Team, that focuses heavily on Attack Armor.
5.3 Late Game Items
Joe Chill's Revolver Tier 3
Joe Chill's Revolver got nerfed quite heavily in the last months, it's not as good anymore as it used to be.
You still want to buy it as your 5. Item, it will boost your late game damage heavily.
Soultaker Katana Tier 4
Lifesteal feels really weak, but you still want to have atleast one Lifesteal Item later on.
It takes some time to stack up, but with full stacks it's a really strong item in the late game.
Soultaker Katana is also way better than the other Lifesteal Item, Cheetah's Claw. It gives more Lifesteal when full stacked and also let's you Crit for more damage.
5.4 Optional/Defensive Items
Batman's Utility Belt Tier 2
Batman's Utility Belt is a counter to single target CC spells. It removes the crowd control of one spell.
Nightmare Superman's R - Condemn
Nightmare Batman's R - Feral Embrace
Wonder Woman's R - Blocking Bracers
Entropy Aegis Tier 3
Entropy Aegis allowes you to block the first spell that's going to hit you every 90 seconds.
It decreases the chance of you getting caught in the late game, and also let's you survive burst from Blasters thanks to the Power Armor.
5.5 Item Build Order
Nil Weapon
Modular Health Vial Tier 3
1. Shade's Cane Tier 2
2. Huntress' Crossbow Tier 3
3. Velocity 9 Implants Tier 3 / Atomic Axe Tier 2
4. Velocity 9 Implants Tier 3 / Atomic Axe Tier 2
5. Joe Chill's Revolver Tier 3
6. Soultaker Katana Tier 4
5.6 Complete Build

6. Gameplay
Gaslight Batman is played in the bottom lane as a Marksman together with a Controller.
Most of his damage comes from Autoattacks.
6.1 Early Game (0-15min)
The goal in the early game is just to farm up as good as possible, while not taking bad trades with your lane opponents. His early game is not the strongest, because he get's outpoked by higher ranged Marksman like Mecha Wonder Woman or Atomic Joker. He can follow up really good on ganks with his Bat Flight and high Damage potentiel in small scrimmages. It's important to wait for your Jungler or for your Controller to do the first step. After reaching level 6, he does really well in small teamfights due to his 3 AOE (area of effect) abilities. Forcing an early Raider or fighting for the Destroyer camp is where Gaslight Batman shines.
6.2 Mid Game (15-30min)
Your goal is still to farm up your Items, farming lanes safely by yourself and taking Jungle Camps without overextending. Be careful when going alone, Assassins are the strongest Champions in the mid game, try to not fight them by yourself. Group up with your Team, if they want to siege turrets or setting up for other objectives like Raider or Leviathan.
6.3 Late Game (30min+)
Now it's time to group up with your team. It's important to not stay in the in front in teamfights, always attack the closest enemy champion while kiting backwards. When sieging turrets, be careful not to get engaged on. Try to poke the enemy away from their turret, using his Bat Scream and his other abilities. Don't go anywhere by yourself, the death timer is really high. Getting caught might lose you the game.
6.4 Kiting and how to play teamfights correctly
The most important rule for any Marskman is to always attack the closest enemy, while slowly kiting backwards.
At the beginning of teamfights, you try to get your Bat Scream and Sonic Batarang out to get your Reverb stacks up. After that you mostly just keep Autoattacking the closest target.
So how do u kite effectively?
You bascially do an Autoattack and reposition yourself directly after it. You need to make use of the Autoattack cooldown. It should look like this in teamfights.
Sonic Shell/Bat Scream -> Autoattack -> Sonic Bataran ->Step -> Autoattack -> Step -> Autoattack -> Step -> Autoattack -> Sonic Batarang
Bat Flight is also a good tool in teamfight to reposition yourself.
7. Matchups
7.1 Marksman
Mecha Wonder Woman Difficulty: Medium
Mecha Wonder Woman's Q - Glaive Storm is a really strong harass tool for her during the laning phase. It's impossible to dodge it, try to stay behind your minions. Don't try to trade with her.
A normal combo for Gaslight Batman is Autoattck + Q, in that time Mecha Wonder Woman is able to do AA + Q + AA + Passive proc. In teamfights, try not to stay too long in her Ultimate.
Atomic Joker Difficulty: Hard
Atomic Joker has the highest range from all Marksman. During the laning phase, don't hug your ranged drone. He can use his Q - Hot Potato on the ranged drone, which then bounces of to you dealing a lot of damage.
Atomic Joker doesn't have any escapes, follow up on ganks by your Jungler with Bat Flight for easy kills.
At level 6, Atomic Joker has a lot of burst potential don't overextend.
Green Arrow Difficulty: Medium
Green Arrow has a lot of poke and burst potential, but falls off really hard into the late game.
If he uses his E - Thermite Arrows in combination with his R - Bullseye, he can burst people down to 50% Health pretty easily.
Don't try to fight him 1v1 untill later in the game.
He can shoot Bullseye from the fog of war, always be aware of that.
Cyborg Difficulty: Easy
Cyborg is a really weak laner. He doesn't do a lot of damage and has no escape. Gaslight Batman can easily outpoke him, while not being in any danger at dieng to him. Only Cyborgs late game is godlike.
7.2 Controller
Harley Quinn Difficulty: Hard
Harley Quinn is the best Controller in the game. She has good poke, really good sustain and high CC. Don't even try to poke down the enemy lane, she will just heal it up shortly after. Concentrade on last hitting or wait for your Jungler to gank them. Be careful as soon as she hits level 6. Her Ultimate is an instant CC, which can lead up to you dieng pretty easily. Her W - Back Off and R - Puddin' Time can also interupt your Bat Flight, always keep that in mind.
Nightmare Superman Difficulty: Easy
Nightmare Superman doesn't offer a lot of damage, has no sustain and no escape. He is really tanky and his
R - Condemn is a strong single target CC, which is really good to catch people offguard. The laning phase shouldn't be too hard, just be careful with his utimate.
Poison Ivy Difficulty: Easy
Poison Ivy has a knock up, that is easy to dodge when you are not to close to her. She also has a blind, which negates your Autoattack damage for a few seconds. It's important to only trade with her, while her blind is on cooldown.
Zatanna Difficulty: Medium
Zatanna is a squishy high poke Controller. She will mostly just try to poke you with her Q - Skewer. She also has high burst damage if she uses her E - Protect, Punish in combo with Skewer, so watch out for that. Due to her being squishy, she can be an easy kill on a gank.
8. The End
Thanks for reading my Gaslight Batman Guide.
Criticism and suggestions for improvements are appreciated, since I plan on doing more Marksman Guides.
You can follow me on twitter.com/dignitasCris for updates on the next guides, that I might going to write.