Robin is best played as an assassin's support; which is why I believe people don't feel that he is a good champion. His entire kit works very well when his items are geared towards an attack damage bruiser. The Boy Wonder should roam with an AD champion - my favorites are
Batman and
Gaslight Catwoman. [[Lobo's Chain (4)]] allows you to keep targets from escaping and combined with the mobility you get from Bo Master+Vault Kick means only champions with [[Flash's Super Speed]] or low cooldown escapes like
Flash will be getting away from you.
This Guy! (Passive)
Every 12 seconds,
Robin's next basic attack will mark his target for 6 seconds. The next ally to use a skill on the target will consume the mark, dealing 30 Attack Damage to the enemy and restoring 30 Will/15 Energy to themselves.
This spell is very strong if you can roam with a partner. However, if you are not content with following a teammate (I would not recommend playing this way), level Vault Kick before This Guy! because you cannot activate the bonus damage by yourself.
Vault Kick (Q)
Robin dashes forward, dealing 65 Attack Damage to the first enemy he strikes, applying This Guy! and knocking them backwards and flipping an equal distance away.
This is usually maxed third for the reason mentioned in This Guy!'s analysis. Even though it is your only damaging basic spell, I don't give it priority over Bo Master and Dynamic Duo. Bo Master is the spell that allows your Vault Kicks to go through enemy units. Dynamic Duo is what makes
Robin an assassin's best friend.
Use this to knock priority targets away from the fight; if you are behind them, you can shove them into your team (just remember to not activate Bo Master until after you bump them).
Bo Master (W)
For 4 seconds,
Robin gains 30% Attack Damage Reflection and his basic attacks reduce 12% Move Speed for 2 seconds which can stack up to 2 times. In addition, Vault Kick will now pass through enemies and deal damage to them all. It will not apply knockback or This Guy!.
As recently stated, proper Bo Master usage is the most important part of a roaming
Robin. The 12% slow on your basic attacks can stack up twice, giving a 24% slow that meshes very well with [[Lobo's Chain (4)]]. Knowing when to use this in combination with Vault Kick makes or breaks a
When to use with Vault Kick: Escaping and an enemy blocks your path
You are chasing someone and need to jump through an enemy in the way
You're trying to get to the enemy team's backline threat
When to not use with Vault Kick: Knocking around opponents
Escaping from a Power Damage Caster - you are using extra Will that could be used for an extra Vault Kick
Dynamic Duo (E)
Robin and your target gain the Dynamic Duo effect for 5 seconds. The Dynamic Duo effect grants 25% additional Will/Energy restoration from This Guy!, 9% Move Speed and 4% Attack Lifesteal. If used on himself, then only Robin gains the benefits and the Attack Lifesteal is increased to 50%.
Maxing Dynamic Duo second is the best time to level it. You are finishing your first two Attack Damage items, [[Lobo's Chain (4)]] and
Mega Rod (3), which makes the lifesteal increase much more beneficial. The movespeed is useful at level one and the difference between 9% and 12% isn't good enough to justify maxing Dynamic Duo first. Spam it on allies when enemies are nearby or the
Orbital Cannon activates (first one opens at six minutes) so you can get there quickly. Using this will prevent
Robin from continuing on his motion path so self-casting the ability when running from a threat is the best. You can do this by pressing Alt+E (get used to doing this - it will make you a better player and more comfortable with your keyboard). You have to use your best judgement as to whether or not using Dynamic Duo on yourself is better that using it on an ally. Don't give this to a Power Damage champion unless they have a form of Crowd Control and can catch the target they are chasing.
Emergent Leader (R)
Robin spins his bo overhead, dealing 120 Attack Damage to enemies in the area and knocking them back. For the next 8 seconds, plus 2 seconds for each enemy champion struck, Robin grants 16 Attack Damage and Power Damage to all nearby allies.
This ability should be used to fling enemies all over the place. Use it to save yourself as a last ditch effort from a pursuer. Use it to launch an enemy threat into your team or separate them from theirs. After activation, try and keep allied champions inside of the circle surrounding you. If they know how
Robin works, they should be putting in effort to stay within its range.
Amplifier Page
Wayne Enterprises Mod Empowered Lobo's Chain Artifact gains Hookshot: Activate to throw a hooked chain that Cripples the first target for several seconds or until the target moves far enough away to break the chain (45s Cooldown).
This active has several benefits. It will activate a spellshield. This means when you have teammates chasing
Gaslight Joker or someone with
Entropy Aegis (4) towards you, you can use this active to disable the spellshield and Vault Kick him back into your team. It will also allow you to hinder the mobility two people at once. The next time someone is chasing you while you hunt down their carry just pop the active behind you. You should get some distance from them quickly.
Queen Industries Mod Empowered Mega Rod Splash damage is 55 + 8% of Bonus Health (Tier 3)
You are to buy this item immediately after you finish Lobo's Chain. Upgrade it all the way through just as you did Lobo's. I find the Mega Rod to be underrated. Most matches I play, it isn't bought by anyone but me.
Holt Holdings Mod Resonant Metallo's Heart -25% Attack Speed for all nearby enemy champions (Tier 3)
Before you buy Metallo's Heart, you'll want to pick up [[Batman's Utility Belt (2)]] so you have the Purge active (allows you to cleanse yourself of all current debuffs). This item synergizes with your Bo Master's ability to reduce attack speed. This makes your Attack Damage opponents think you are a big time tank.
Kord Industries Augment Codename: LASER
+ 3.02 Move Speed (G)
+ 2.01 Attack Damage (S)
Queen Industries Augment Codename: DANGER
+ 0.3 Attack Damage/lvl (Max 5.7) (G)
+ 1.87 Attack Speed (G)
Holt Holdings Augment Codename: OAK
+ 0.39 Attack Armor/lvl (Max 7.41) (G)
+ 2.51 Health/lvl (Max 47.69) (S)
Queen Industries Augment Codename: FALCON
+ 2.41 Attack Damage (G)
+ 1.87 Attack Speed (G)
This combination of augments give off a strong mix of early game pressure (thanks to the flat move speed, attack speed, and attack damage) and late game persistence (thanks to the Holt Holdings Augment).
Basic Champion Interactions
Ally:If he is building hybrid feel free to roll with him.
Enemy:If he has built Attack Damage you can easily defeat him, but be wary of Power Damage since he will try and poke you down with tosses of his trident.
Arcane Green Lantern
Ally: After you pick up [[Lobo's Chain (4)]], I wish your enemies luck in escaping the pair of you. Be cautious with how far you chase because it's going to take a while to secure the kill.
Enemy: You should be able to fight him, but it is going to take a looong time. Don't worry about his crowd control because you can keep up with him with [[Lobo's Chain (4)]] and Vault Kicks
Atomic Green Lantern
Ally: This is going to go in your favor unless you are outnumbered or are against some very fed opponents.
Atomic Green Lantern is strong building Power Damage and Health, but now he has a Dynamic Duo buff to keep him going.
Enemy:This fight will likely not go well for you unless you can dodge his spells or are just significantly farther ahead in credits.
Atomic Poison Ivy
Ally:Don't use Dynamic Duo on her unless there is no one else around.
Enemy:You should be able to fight her 1v1 during all stages of the game unless she has built major armor. You should counter her if she is the one terrorizing your team by building [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]
Atomic Wonder Woman
Ally:A strong champion to place your Dynamic Duo on. She has a lot of Attack Damage burst, and can stick to targets very well with her dash.
Enemy:If you are both at full health and alone, start fighting her, but if she takes over 1/3 of your health with her first combo you should turn away.
Ally:Don't bother hanging around with him unless you are chasing down someone that his taunt will get before you do.
Enemy:Unless he catches you along with one of his teammates you should be alright.
Ally:One of my favorite champions to team up with. Not only do you get a partner that is beefy and does tons of damage, but you get Robin to talk about the "classic dynamic duo."
Enemy:This fight is all about items and levels. You might be able to fight him if you're even, but I'd be wary. don't bother if you're behind.
Blue Beetle
Ally:Any marksman is good with Dynamic Duo's buff. His damage can be lackluster so keep that in mind.
Enemy: Easy kill 1v1 almost every time. You can keep up with him because of Bo Master's slow. He simply doesn't have the power to kill you unless he's fed(you should know this already)
Ally:Someone with a ludicrous amount of dashes doesn't make much use of the speed buff of Dynamic Duo. Search for someone that can benefit from the lifesteal and movement buffs.
Enemy:You will most likely be able to defeat her, but always keep an eye out for other champions as she may dash away to a teammate.
Ally:Great ally to stick around. He has high damage, but is easily catchable so he will need you to keep him alive in order to be effective.
Enemy:Easy kill; he has no real escape. His slow and speed boost have cooldowns that are to high to keep him away from your terrifying ass.
Ally:Great champion to buff as he can also give himself a movement boost and benefits from free lifesteal as much as a carry would.
Enemy:You are usually able to kill him 70% of the time, 85% if your [[Shazam's Invulnerability]] is up. Time your [[Shazam's Invulnerability]] after his second/midway through his third ground smash because it will give it a small buffer window for the healing effect during his transition to autoattacks.
Ally:Strong ally to roam with... if you can keep up. Don't bother with Dynamic Duo though.
Enemy:If Bo Master is activated before his first F=MA you should be able to win as long his gold is near yours.
Gaslight Batman
Ally:Dynamic Duo really benefits him if he hasn't built lifesteal yet. If he can't position well it's your duty to keep him alive. He is Batman, after all.
Enemy:Easy kill - even easier if you dodge his spells.
Gaslight Catwoman
Ally:Very helpful when she has movement boosts. She has overpowering damage, but no crowd control to keep up with fleeing opponents. Your Dynamic Duo could net her an extra kill or two in a fight.
Enemy:Unless she is terribly far behind, don't bother. Until you get to buy some armor, any god gascat will kill you every time.
Gaslight Joker
Ally:He has an area of effect slow, so the movespeed is very nice if enemies are trying to flee.
Enemy:You can definitely fight him pre-level 6 and usually fight him after level 6. Keep in mind that his ult costs nothing if two people stand in it.
Green Arrow
Ally:The marksmen in this game definitely rely on positioning more than anything else. The speed buff is great and lifesteal is nice, too.
Enemy:Easy kill. There isn't anything else to say. If he can 1v1 you, don't play
Green Lantern
Ally:He's okay to hang with, but there is probably a better option.
Enemy:Don't bother with him unless you know he is a very bad player.
Harley Quinn
Ally:A solid choice to hang around. She can be more useful alongside you as Power Damage rather than Attack Damage, but both are strong. Only lend a buff when she has built Attack Damage.
Enemy:A fight you should win 4/5 times. The 1/5 times you lose is if she builds Power Damage and kites you around while slapping you with pies.
Ally:Look for better targets to buff. He has a pretty long ranged blink so the speed isn't too useful.
Enemy:If you dodge the first Mr. Punchy go for it, otherwise you are most likely going to get laughed at by Mr. J.
Mecha Superman
Ally:If you are chasing a mobile target that won't be able to jump through his wall, get him the movespeed. Other than this scenario, you are probably better off lending Dynamic Duo to someone else.
Enemy:You can fight him, but it takes a good 45 seconds. Try to avoid long confrontations and use health kits to restore mana as you jump around him.
Mecha Wonder Woman
Ally:As a hybrid champion, she makes great use of the and lifesteal, but it is most efficient when she is straight Attack Damage. Being a squishy champion means the movespeed is important to her as well.
Enemy:If you can intimidate her you will kill. The more she can stack her passive up on you, the more of a chance she will kill you.
Nightmare Batman
Ally:Seeing as he can give himself a speed bonus and has passive lifesteal, try and place Dynamic Duo on someone better.
Enemy:Recently rebuffed, Nightbats can create quite a challenge despite most of his damage being auto attacks. Be wary of his coming out of stealth as those bats will tear you a new one.
Nightmare Superman
Ally:His damage can reach high levels. He hands out shields and disrupts the enemies (so give him movespeed if you want to annoy the enemy team) like an annoying sister.
Enemy:If you can reach him without using Vault Kick to close the gap it's an easy goldmine. Try and save Vault Kick to get away from his area of effect snare as soon as he places it.
Poison Ivy
Ally:Don't bother lending Dynamic Duo to her. She is good to have with you to defend points.
Enemy:In the early game the fight can edge in her favor, but you can outplay her. She will struggle against you, but she will go down. The only way you should go down in this matchup is if she has
The Starheart (3) and armor.
Ally:This can't happen unless turbine institutes an All-for-One mode like there was in LoL.
Enemy:This fight is based around the gold spendings of both players. You will have bought a few items geared towards being a high damage bruiser. If the enemy Robin went and got
Suit Of Sorrows (4) you won't win without a full
Soultaker Katana (4).
Ally:He has an area of effect slow and a dash so he doesn't benefit much from Dynamic Duo and builds Power Damage which voids the lifesteal from it. There aren't many worse options that Shazam.
Enemy:If you've made it long enough into the game to where you have bought [[Mirror Master's Prism (4)]] you can easily kill, otherwise it can go either way.
Star Sapphire
Ally:Crummy champ to hang with. Look for better options.
Enemy:One of the easiest kills you will get if you have a partner. She can only keep her pet on top of one of you so make sure Dynamic Duo is on both of you. If you are by yourself, there is a slight chance you will die, but if you play it well you'll come out with a kill.
Ally:Very strong champion in my opinion and a great roaming buddy. Stay with her and it will be unlikely for you to lose.
Enemy:If you dodge her skillshot you should be able to net a kill. Once you buy [[Metallo's Heart (3)]] You'll be able to kill her anyways.
Ally:If he is building tankier than he is offensively, try to use Dynamic Duo on someone a little more deserving. He doesn't offer much crowd control to justify giving a speed boost to over someone else.
Enemy:He is not a big problem if he is building like a bruiser or tank. I don't feel comfortable fighting one with offensive items unless I am 1250+ credits above him.
Wonder Woman
Ally:Actually pretty good synergy between the two of you. She can keep someone there for you to slow or catch them faster with her Lasso of Truth combined with Dynamic Duo's movespeed buff.
Ally:Another champ that you don't make much of an impact on.
Enemy:Easy to kill if she has already burned her morph spell. As long as you aren't a rabbit, she won't be alive.
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