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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atomic Poison Ivy

    Atomic Ivy, "WHY CANT I RUN?" (Jungle Blaster)~Updated

    An Atomic Poison Ivy guide by MisterB3ndy
    Last updated: Feb 20th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/atomic-ivy-good-luck-escaping
    4,581 2


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    Hey guys, Misterb3ndy here again. I've made a Atomic Ivy build after trying her for a week. She's an amazing tank, if not one of the best. She puts up a darn good fight aginst enemy fed tanks/bruisers as well. This build is very versatile due to the nature of AI's spells. I will be adding more text to the guide as I continue to figure out more about her, but this build should do just fine for the meantime.

    As you may know now, AI's crowd control is outta controll!!!(literally). It is important to finish Marauders shield for the extra HP and Resilience it provides.(this item literally made for ivy) After getting the Maurader shield fully upgrade or buy the royal seal. This enables your Q to keep the enemies tied to your belt, meaning, you should have ample amount of time to kill them with your teammates(DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SPAM PING!!  . 

    After buying the seal, I like to go straight for Metallo's Heart for the Armor/Will/CDR it provides. The armor allows you to tank multiple hits from the ranged carry heros without being too worried about dying. The extra will you receive allows you to spam Q longer without needing to heal. Metallos fully upraded makes Ivy a beast by the way....its kinda scary and OP at the moment.

    Your main objective with Atomic Ivy is to get to the lane early after hitting level 3 from the jungle creeps. It helps alot that she has an epic snare that most people can't detect her using. I start the gank off by using W to catch the enemies and stunning their ability to make a quick escape. After I land the W, I immediately use E behind them to slow one or both of the enemies as they try to get away. Upon slowing, I repeatedly use Q over and over again until the enemey has died. After a couple of ganks, the enemy culprit should either be: 1. Raging hardcore(hopefully not) or 2. Switching lanes (preferably).

    Important items:

    The royal seal is the butter on the waffles for this build. In order for my build to run according to the way I planned it, I must max this item as quickly as possible. The slow applied by a skill is SOOO valuabe and should not be without for any long period of time. Not only does this item have a lot of health it has power damage, which will eventually stack well with starheart. This item was made for IVy...I've repeated this statement numerous times in this guide, but honestly, I can't see any other champions benefiting more from this item and Metallo's.

    Good time to use AI's ulti: when a teammate is being ganked by the enemy jungler OR when your team is in the middle of a team-fight (it cloaks allies in mid fight)---be careful though, popping your ultimate spell will cloak your entire team assuming they are smart, so you will be the only visible hero for the enemy. <--(Make sure you are tanky)

    Attributes you want on Amps:
    -Attack/Power Armor

    WayneDiscounted Marauder Shield100 Credits Off (Tier 1)
    LexEmpowered Atlantean Royal SealSkill Harrier: Targets damaged by your skills lose 30% movement speed. (tier 4)

    HoltResonant Metallo's Heart Improved Dampening Aura: -30% Attack Speed for all enemy                                              players. (Tier 3)

    ****This build is currently under construction due to the recently new release of this champion. It will be updated after I learn more about the champion and test a couple more possibilities****

    Post any remarks or comments below. I appreciate remarks.

    P.S. I hope Ivy doesn't get nerfed, she's super OP. 8D

    See you all on the battlefield!
    Latest comments
    Ahhh you are right, sorry. I just created a Mecha WW build, I guess that was still on my mind. Thanks buddy, I appreciate the update.
    12:35 am, Jan 18th, 2014
    Why do you call her Mecha Ivy?  Typo? =) Def want to test her with this...
    12:25 am, Jan 18th, 2014