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Batman with humor and guns - A new flavor of justice
A Gaslight Batman guide by MonkeyLord83Last updated: Feb 26th, 2014
Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/batman-with-humor-and-guns-a-new-flavor-of-justice
3,400 0
Ability levelling order
Starter items
Core items
Offensive item options
Defensive item options
Situational item options
Stolen Powers
Table of Contents
Hi, I'm MonkeyLord83, and welcome to my Gotham Divided Gaslight Batman build. To open up, I'd like to say I can't take full credit for this guide, as it is heavily influenced by another GB guide (http://www.dawnbase.com/guides/jmmj6GXL). I followed that guide as I got started with Gaslight Batman and found the item build to be very effective, regardless whether you're going solo mid or bot with a support. However, there are cases when the guide doesn't provide enough guidance, which could mean troubles for newbies and people who are struggling in lane as Gaslight Batman. So in this guide, I'll focus more on tips, trick, alternative builds, mods and augments, and situations handling.1. A Note on leveling skills:
As you can see I level my skills a bit different to Bixle. Here's why: As an ADC, it doesn't really matter how you level your skills, as in the end, your basic attack will do most of the dmg. Leveling skills as an adc focusing more on how you play. Bixle lved R > Q > Passive > E > W, and didn't learn W at all until late game. This is understandable as you'll mostly use Q and auto attack, and only need E to escape from ganks. However, having W is not a bad thing if you're planning on harassing your opponent once in every while, it also makes your Q a little more effective if you lane opponent happened to get hit by your W. Also, most people will instnctively back as you fire your W, and you can use it to force people to do certain things with enough practice. Moreover, your W can also be used to save an allies being chased if casted at the right time.
With that being said, all you have to remember is beside your Ultimate, which is the most important, your Q should be maxed first, so you can harass and farm more effectively, your Passive should be maxed second, as it increase your dmg and atk speed, 2 of the most important stats an adc needs. W and E will be leveled depending on how well you're doing, whether you want to harass more (W) or need more frequent escape (E).
2. Mods and Augments:
Queen Industries Mod: Empowered Nil Weapon: Increase dmg done to drones at low health. This mods help you farm/last hit A LOT better. This is very important as you’ll get DOUBLED the money if you last hit than picking up from the ground, and by last hitting you’ll be able to harass your opponent more with basic attacks, making it hard for them to last hit, at the same time, since you’re last hitting, your opponent won’t get any chance to deny you your money. The down side of having this mod is you will only be able to buy Nil Weapon with 2 health pots instead of 3, but you should be fine if you also have other mods and augments I’m about to talk about.
Queen Industries Mod: Capacity Soultaker Katana: +10 more stacks of coins for lv3 and 4. Soultaker Katana is like the heart of this full dmg build, as it gives you atk and lifesteal, making it much easier for you to stay in lane and have an edge over your opponent, so having +10 max stacks of coins makes you even better in term of dealing dmg, and sustain.
For the last slot of Mod, consider either Queen Industries Mod: Empowered Mega Rod or Queen Industries Mod: Optimized Joe Chill’s Revolver. Joe Chill’s Revolver should be the second item you buy, plus, it is the main source of your mid-late game dmg, so having a 250 credits discount for final upgrade is good. However, if you lasted long enough to get Mega Rod, which is like the 5th-6th gear, but can be bought earlier in certain situations, the extra dmg is also something to think about.
Queen Industries Augment: DANGER (p7/12) +0.3 atk dmg/lv (max5.7), +1.4% atk speed
Queen Industries Augment: COLUMBUS (p8/12) +0.3 atk dmg/lv (max 5.7), +1.5 atk pen
Kord Industries Augment: DIVER (p8/12) +0.25 atk dmg/lv (max4.75), +0.75% Atk Lifesteal
Queen Industries Augment: BULWALK (p11/12) +1.5 Atk Pen, +1.5% Crit Chance
COLUMBUS and DANGER are also in the default augments set, but I feel Gaslight Batman needs the extra lifesteal, dmg, and atk pen so he can surprise opponent and be more effective in lane. Ditching the defend augment since it won’t do you much good. If you’re stupid enough to get caught, you won’t live regardless of having extra armor, and if you’re never caught why waste a perfectly good augment slot for things you won’t need anyway? Having these augments really makes laning phrase much easier as you heal back really fast while farming, and can defend turret much longer, even when having a disadvantage lane.
3. Alternative builds:
I’m not gonna explain too much on main build, since it’ll just be me taking words from Bixle’s mouth, and I don’t think that’s cool. So I’ll just explain some alternative items that I think would also be efficient on Gaslight Batman:
[[Joker’s Crowbar (2)]] should only be bought when you’re struggling too much and still have too little money, it’s not really recommended.
[[Cheetah’s Claw (4)]] and Sword Of Beowulf (3) are 2 options to choose from when you’re being focus too much and keep dying with enemies almost dead as well.
Zeiss Goggles (4) stats aren’t great, but it can be activate for a short boost that may be a game changer if you’re doing your job right.
4. Situation Handling:
a) Mid GB:
If you’re taking Gaslight Batman soloing mid, you should take surveilance camera and ward both stealth pad on each side of your lane, and should be watch out for Joker, Hal Jordan Prime, Cyborg, and another Gaslight Batman. Other than them, have a fun lane but don’t be too cocky.
Cyborg and other Gaslight Batman should also be building adc, so try to harass them without taking more dmg than they do and you’ll be fine as you have lifesteal. However, keep moving around while you farm so they can’t hit you. It’s a test of who is better than whom here, so I can’t really help you much.
I was going to say watch out for Blasters at first, but Catwoman is relatively easy to counter as Gaslight Batman, so she doesn’t really matter. As long as you can out-range them and harass, you’ll have an easy lane. However, the other Blasters (Joker and Hal Prime) can be a problem. They are Blasters, depending on skills to dish out a freakishly large amount of dmg in little time, and both of them have cc, plus their range is just as far as you are, or if less, only by a little bit, so if you do face them, in most case, you’ll have to farm under turret, waiting for ganks from the jungler or other lanes. But as soon as the Blaster used all their skill, they won’t be able to do serious dmg for a short while, so you can actually kill them if the person ganking your lane have good cc and/or can protect you somehow.
b) Bot GB:
If you’re going bot, you should try to last hit even more than mid, since you’ll share your money with the support, unless you’re soloing bot. Depending on your playstyle, your synergy with the support will varies. If you’re aggressive and eager to fight, you’d want a tanky support, such as, but not limited to, Arcane GL, or unusual support like Doomsday or Batman Prime or Superman (basically people who aren’t brave enough to solo lane so they volunteer support). Down side of this, you’ll have to go big or go home. If you like to play passively, freezing the lane and farm, sustain support is more suitable, Poison Ivy is the best sustain support, she can also harass enemies while you farm, and that’s a bonus. If you like to snow ball your enemies, poke them down and go in for the kill, Harley Quinn and Zatanna are your best friends. However, if the person supporting you can’t play a champ suitable for your playstyle, you two can always play defensively. Not getting killed is better than going in hard and feed the enemies. You can always go in when your mid or jungler came down to gank.
5. Tips and Tricks:
Your Q prioritized Echoed enemies, so a well landed W can help you harass enemies’ champion out of normal range. Same goes for last hitting and kill secure on champs that can blinks away (like Joker). If your enemies is one hit from death, and both your E and R is on cooldown, you know he’s echoed, aim your Q at a nearby enemies minions, and you may just get the kill if it bounced to the enemies champ and finish him off in time. Of course, if you fail, there’s always next time.
Your W can be used to check hidden area. If both you and your enemy are low on health, and he/she run into a stealth pad, don’t be stupid and just run after him/her, if he/she was planning a surprise burst atk, you’ll be dead, instead send your W in and let it blast, your enemy will either back out or die… Either case, you won’t.
Don’t just R for kills, sometime saving a fed teammate and get an assist is more important than getting yourself kills, especially when the enemy is known to have great health regen (IE: Batman Prime, Doomsday, etc.)
Objectives b4 Fights. You guys will absolutely hate me for keep saying it, but Objectives win games, NOT Kills. You can kill a lot, yet still be stupid one time to go alone, get ganked, killed, put your teammate into 4v5 situations, your teammates all get killed, enemies win. I’ve seen this waaaay too many time on too many moba games… One team is ahead, get cocky, everyone runs around farming jungle or fighting big bosses in the jungle, the enemies either backdoor or killed off the team one by one, and make a comeback. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many lives you takes, the only thing matters is the Power Core is destroyed.
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