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    Infinite Crisis builds for general

    Benjy's Jungle tier list - Jan 9th 2015

    A general guide by Benjy
    Last updated: Jan 9th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/benjys-jungle-tier-list-jan-9th-2015
    2,956 0


    Just thought I'd make a jungle tier list as I thought people would probably be interested. It should go without saying but this tier list is in my own opinion. Feel free to comment if you disagree with any of my choices. For anyone that cares I'm the current jungler for Wolves, a competitive team in EU. I'll rank the tier one picks first to last but for tier 2 onwards I will have them unranked in their tiers. It's also worth mentioning that tier 1 is far far above tier 2, and tier 2 and 3 are very close.

    Tier 1

    1. Atomic Wonder Woman: Obvious choice for top jungler. Very OP at the moment. Her ridiculously high mobility, 'global' ult and high damage makes her incontestable for the number one spot.

    2. Superman Prime: This has to be the number 2 choice for me. His early game cc makes him a strong ganker to snowball lanes through the laning phase whilst his 'global' ult makes it too easy for him to force objectives and impossible to ward against.

    3. Gaslight Catwoman: A tough choice for number 3. But GasCat has too much damage to be ignored. Along with her invisibility and high mobility she is a very strong pick in jungle at the moment.

    4. Nightmare Robin: Damage. NRobin would have been my pick for #3 but his kit is far too one dimensional. He's all about jumping in and assassinating one target. His cc is simply too inconsistent for the #3 spot.

    Tier 2

    Aquaman: Jack of all trades, master of none. Aquaman is a very versatile pick in the jungle. He has high mobility, strong sustain for clearing and good cc. Although his early and midgame is great he lacks any real damage or tankiness in the lategame.

    Batman Prime: Lots of damage and strong gapclosing but no cc and no escape. This makes him a very risky pick for a jungler but very strong if he gets ahead. If you fall behind as jungle batman you can basically just ff :P

    Nightmare Batman: Strong sustain in jungle means he has a good clear. Good cc at 6 but very hard to pull off ganks before then. I've put him tier 2 because his lategame is stronger than most junglers due to his high cc ultimate.

    Arcane Green Lantern: Extremely high cc and strong 'global' ult. Lacks a little damage and when clearing it's easy to run out of will.

    Supergirl Prime: A little hard to clear early game as her cooldowns are very long but he has strong, slightly unreliable CC and decent damage.

    Tier 3

    Doomsday: A strong early game ganker and decent clear but he is pretty useless lategame. He can get tanky but aside from that his only cc is his w which is difficult to pull off in teamfights as you are never really behind/beside a high priority target.

    Flash: His only real perk is his midgame teamfighting. He has no sustain in jungle and his early game ganks are shockingly bad. However his ability to split apart a teamfight and deal a lot of damage whilst also being highly mobile earns him a spot in tier 3.

    Atomic Green Lantern: His clear is quite slow but his ganks can be strong provided he finds a way to gapclose. His scalling is good and his cc is strong. Almost a tier 2 pick but needs lots of setup to pull off ganks successfully.

    Wonder Woman Prime: Really high cc. Is a good pick for jungle if she is required for a team composition. Otherwise no real reason to pick her as her clear speed is low and her damage is weak.

    tl;dr: Tier 1 = AtomicWW, Superman, NRobin, GasCat. Tier 2 = Aquaman, Batman, NBat, ArcaneGL, Supergirl. Tier 3 = Doomsday, Flash, AtomicGL, Wonder Woman.

    If you like you can follow my stream at www.twitch.tv/Benjy__
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