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    Infinite Crisis builds for Blue Beetle

    Blue Beetle shred dmg build on GH

    A Blue Beetle guide by exiled98
    Last updated: May 25th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/blue-beetle-shred-dmg-build-on-gh
    2,799 0


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    Hello readers this will be my 2nd guide for BB on GH which focus a more concrete build than my prvios one , hope you guys find it usefull if you have any input , suggestions or comments just put it straight in the comments section and i will answer to my best ability.

    Coda blade (Enhanced) , Deathstoke claymore (Empowered) , Atomic Axe (Enhanced)

    Some engagement skill sequence example :

    From ranged mode :
    E >auto attack > E > auto attack > Q > R > Q > W > E

    From infiltrator mode : For defence and retreat purposes
    W > E > R > E

    Extra notes
    Remember to always travel with your teammate at least move in 2, the main reason of this build to fully focus BB's true damage and building according to it to shred and pierce amour against bruisers or any dps class alike.

    Only commit fully if you know when you combo before R enemy is already less than half , but pay attention against champions like doomsday or any other bulky champions, before you R into them make sure u mark them with the terminate mark from Deathstroke claymore to assure the kill because even if you mange to drop them to half before you R them you will still get killed and your assurance of the upper hand is that Terminate mark from the claymore, my previous experience assure me like how i go 1v1 against a full build Atomic Green Lantern and still kill him.

    When you see your passive is still in cooldown , my suggestion is dont commit , you always want to commit only when your passive is off cooldown.

    If your having trouble building up your core items , bank them in hawkman's harness, because the health it gives can be beneficial and also semi counter BB's squishieness.

    Last thing is choose your fights smartly , feel free to go straight ahead against any squishies one on one if both of you are in equal lvl and items but watch out for that wombo combo type squishies like another BB or Green Lantern for those make sure you mark them to out burst them with deathstroke claymore, more often than not i suggest you dont start a fight with any bruisers or enforcers cuz is always a bad idea due to them being too bulky and if your deathstroke claymore is on cooldown then definitely don't do it, but on the other hand if they are near half health or lower than that then is a green light to go for the kill.

    Have fun playing beetle out there , although i wish turbine would buff his base health and infitrator mode attack speed... cuz as of current state he is definitely not your high tier pick champion due to those 2 reasons.

    To all other Kha-Ji Da units out there : Begin invasion and extermination of any ressistance !
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