With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
Hello there, this is Cpt speaking with his very first guide for . I've read a lot of GH guides and I've noticed that the way I started playing him vs the way they do, I've generally won the battle top with my team 90% of the time(or it feels that way anyway. This guide does make you a tankier more than anything, however should you team need more damage you'll be able to build it as well generally. I'll minirant on about randomly why I started picking these items on him and stuff of the sort.
Starter Items
[[Lobo's Chain (1)]] - Going to build this either 2nd or 3rd after your two core items. Use this to stop those pesky champs from running away.
Suit Of Sorrows (1) / Entropy Aegis (1) - During the loading screen, you'll know which one you'll be getting with your [[Lobo's Chain (1)]] since they enemy will either be AD or PD(for me it's mainly been AD anyway).
[[Lobo's Chain (4)]] - In 70% of my matches, I've generally started building this straight up. However, if you're planning on doing more damage I'd recommend getting your damage items like [[Joe Chill's Revolver (1)]] at one level at least then finish off LC.
[[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] / Atomic Axe (2) - By now their team will have either build Suit Of Sorrows (3) or not. If they haven't get [[Joe Chill's Revolver (1)]] since you'll get more damage, if they have some armor you should definitely get Atomic Axe (1).
Optional Items(attack damage)
Claw Of Horus (3) / Sword Of Beowulf (3) - I usually get one of these for , but there are some that would benefit from doing more damage instead of playing an offset tank. Personally I usually don't get these unless I'm not planning for [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] or Atomic Axe (2).
Psi-Scimitar (3) - This used to be one of my favorite early game items for since it gave me good early game damage for his W and E. I stopped recently getting it since the enemy focused me a lot of the time, but I still do occasionally build this.
[[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] - Not much to say about it other than it gives you damage and some attack speed. Hardly ever have a chance to get it myself but I don't see how it's a bad item for him.
Mega Rod (3) - For that extra boom in your punches. This is one of my favorite items to get along with a [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] since I get a good attack speed and possible crit damage. Optional Items(defense)
[[Booster Gold's Power Suit (3)]] - Be a hero! If you get this, it should boost your passive sheild.
[[Steel's Breastplate (3)]] - Gives you more will, more move speed, and attack armor. I don't see it as a bad item to get for him.
[[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] - I personally thing everyone should get this item for tanks, or tanky people, or even if you're doing a lot of damage cause the enemy by now should be focusing you.
Stolen Powers
[[Atomic Wonder Woman's Super Speed]] & [[Posion Ivy's Healing Wave]]
I personally run these two because I find the super speed to help me chase enemies when I'm not able to get it, or if lobo's isn't fully built, and the healing wave since I can do a little extra damage with my team.
[[Superman's Super Strength]] - This is good as well since it gives you a bit more attack damage.
[[Shazam's Invulnerability]] / [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] - If I'm going with extra sheild I'll run either of these, but in most cases DD's shield is the best at the moment.
[[Flash's Super Speed]] - Gotta go fast!
[[Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave]] - For that extra defense instead.
Rant about this guide:
Ok so here's the section as to why I decided to do this build the way I do. When I purchased I decided that I wanted to be good with him, but being good takes a while and also takes a bit of practice with item builds and stuff. So I scoured the site and tried out a few of the builds I saw on here and none of them worked well for me, mainly because I got focused down a lot for those early top tower fights. My cousin suggested to do an early Claw Of Horus (1), and I did that for a time and ended up getitng Psi-Scimitar (1) when I first backed. But it wasn't cutting it out for me, so in one of my games I played I saw a build a Suit Of Sorrows (1) as well and he did pretty good. So from then on I always went [[Lobo's Chain (1)]] and either Suit Of Sorrows (1) or Entropy Aegis (1) for that early game survivability. Of course not all my team mates were perfect and didn't know who to always focus, but by mid game I was doing a good amount of damage and was able to generally kill who I was focusing. So I decided I'd make a guide telling you what kind of items I've been building that've been helping me since there's some newer 's out there that don't know how to build decently.
Also when in doubt, I highly recommend watching his champion profile to get a good idea on how to play him, since that's also how I learned a bit of him.
Why would you tell people to mod Royal Seal over Prism. Until 2.0 sometime in the distant future, it is broken and should be modded in every tank set until it is fixed. I would also put priority in E since it has such a long cooldown, and is probably
Great guide, this is how I usually play her! But I'd recommend getting the Disintegration 2 mod for Cosmic Staff over 350 Credits off Starheart. Also if you're going defensive, Cosmic Belt is better than Ruby of Life in that it also gives you Power D