note: post any questions/suggestions or whatever ya need in the comment section.
Hey hey, this is my first guide here so be gentle please.
Don't just copy and paste the build, you gotta experience a bit changing it to your way. Also every match is different, don't be one of those who buys the exact same items in every single game.
This is more of an offensive build so get ready to deal a tons of damage. This build only works if you have massive balls and you are not scared of the enemy. Show the whos the boss!
Stolen Powers:
[[Flash's Super Speed]]
[[Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision]] [ gives you assists if your team kills someone on the other side of the map and shows invisible targets ] <- My favorite. VISION IS OP. VISION IS OP. VISION IS OP. The amount of times this saved me or I saved a capture point because I know where is the enemy going. Such a short cooldown. Great if there is a Gaslight Catwoman or Nightmare Batman in the enemy team
[[Doomsday's Invulnerability]]
[[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]] - Nice in organized groups if someone in your team has [[Cyborg's Teleport]]
Pls no:
Super Strength or its variations <- Nah. It's not that great. Easy to dodge...
Meteor Drop,
Detonate <- C'mon... just don't. This is like taking smite [LoL] in a lane.
Psychic Assault- It's alright but not really needed.
Item Build:
Nil Cloak One of the most gold efficient strarting item. Good starting item. You could also spend a 1000 on [[Hawksman's Harness (4)]] and a [[The Materioptikon (2)]] if you have a full squishy team top. Keep in mind that if you stack health, the enemy is just going to ignore you if they see that you just stack health.
I really enjoy [[The Materioptikon (3)]] on many high Will based champions. WW has fairly high skill costs, this is a fairly cheap item and it will get rid of your Will problems. You can stick with just the (2) part for a while and upgrade it later on once you get to late game. The [[Will Balance]] is what you really want.
You could buy a [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]] when you have a 1000 gold loafing around when you're upgrading [[Lobo's Chain (2)]] ish.
[[Lobo's Chain (4)]] passive is really great. It lets you stick on those nifty champions that are so good at getting away. Your skills scales on Physical Dmg and Health. This item really has everything you need. I love to rush this item as soons as I solve my will problems.
For your next item you can go for [[Batman's Utility Belt (3)]] if you're doing well so far or the enemy doesn't have a fed Power based champion with 20 kills. If they do go with something like [code]
Sword Of Beowulf (3)[/code]. It's passive blocks 200 damage if you fall below 30% health. This really works well with your passive. The enemy thinks you are an easy target because you're low on health - Oh snap you have a shield that blocks 200 damage and hopefully you have your passive as well.
Get both items anyway. They're both usefull on an offensive WW.
Now it's time to go defensive, get either/both
Suit Of Sorrows (4) and
Kryptonian War Armor (4) depending who is fed in the enemy team.
Skill order:
Q -> E -> W
Ofcourse Lvl up R whenever you can.
I prefer leveling up my Q first because of the short cooldown. Your Q can secure kills and it's a great initiating skill. Use it engage and when the enemy use their escape skill.
If you're defending a point use your E to clear massive creep waves when they are taking over your tower. You can clear them in a few hits.
You can jump to your own creeps using your W. Good way to kite until you get your Q again. Sometimes you need to kite under the tower.
Lasso Grab (Q)Wonder Woman throws her lasso, stunning the first target it hits. Wonder Woman then blinks to the stunned foe and deals Attack Damage.
Protection (W)Wonder Woman blinks to an ally and places a damage shield on both her and her target. If the shield is broken by damage, the cooldown of her skills currently recovering are reduced.
Amazonian Prowess (E)When activated, Wonder Woman gains bonus Attack Damage and her Basic Attacks deal damage to targets in a circle around her.
Blocking Bracers (R)Wonder Woman taunts all nearby enemies, pulling them close and forcing them to make basic attacks against her for a short time. During this period she is unable to attack or move, but deals constant Attack Damage to all adjacent enemies and her Attack and Power Armor are significantly increased.
Child of Olympus (Passive)When Wonder Woman's Health drops below 25%, she will heal a percentage of maximum health over several seconds.
A good (!!) Doomsday that is building him right (!!) is going to rip you apart. He rips pretty much everyone apart though, but other than that no one should be a major problem. For your first few games go balls deep all the time, you will learn your limits fairly quickly. This might cost you a game or two but whatever, you learn from your mistakes.
Catwoman, Flash and all those "OP" champions shouldn't be a problem in a straight up 1v1 either.
p.s. Ignore my awfull english. This is a guide for a game not an english essay for my exams. It's understandable. If it bothers you then read another guide that is written by someone who's first language is english. Deal with it or leave! Thank you!!
+ 15/08/2013 - updated Counters section, added update log