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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atrocitus

    Dycer's Atrocitus' Jungle Fight Club Guide

    An Atrocitus guide by The_Dycer
    Last updated: Mar 5th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/dycers-atrocitus-fight-club-guide
    7,526 4


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    To please all those people who I played with and against who wanted me to post a guide to how I play Atro, here you go.

    Why Atrocitus on Coast City?: He is a great jungler who has a kit great for disrupting the enemy during team fights. His ult also gives a huge damage boost to your team. If you need general jungle help, or anything dealing with Coast City, check out my main Coast City guide. 

    As always, let's talk about augments first. Atrocitus is one of the few champions I feel the new modded reflects work perfect with. With slightly less armor and health, you need to be a pretty tanky for them to work as well as they used to. You also can still mod Cosmic Staff for Disin 2, but it is no where's near as strong on him as it used to be.

    I start off the game by build Marauder Ring T2 and 3 health pots. I then build ruby of life up as fast as I can. Once I get this to T3, I work on the modded defense items I have that will counter the damage I am taking in fights.

    Once those items are capped I either build up to be a monsterous tank, a PD bruiser like champion if my team has another really tanky enforcer, or I go for the AD build for fun. All of the optional items to succeed in each one of those roles are there for you to see. And yes, AD Atro is still rather strong. This is because he can hang around for a long time basic attacking enemies. 

    Ganking: Make sure to go into a gank enraged. Use your E to pull them in for a long enough time for your ally to do some solid damage. Then use Q to slow them down. If they have an escape, and you are nearly full of rage, use Q, wait for them to use the escape and use E to pull them back in. Don't ult at whim. It has a pretty long cooldown and you want it for team fights. Use it only if you really need to. If you have Super Strength up, you can use it to clear a car to gank from an un-expected spot or use it to throw a rock to knock up your enemy for extra hard CC. 

    Team Fighting: As long as your Ult is up, initiate the teamfight with it. The +15% incoming damage over 6 seconds gives your whole team a major DPS boost at the start. Hit all 5 enemy champions, and the team fight can be over very fast.

    You should use your E and/or Q on the squishy target closest to the frontline. So many assassins hang too close to the frontline at the beginning of a teamfight, and Atrocitus is a champion that can make that practice a costly mistake. If an assassin engages hard onto your carry at the start, and before you used your E, use your E to draw them off, and your Q to make sure they have a hard time escaping.

    As always, I hoped you enjoyed the guide. Remember if you liked it, give it a thumbs up. Ratings are important so that new users can find the best guides/builds out there to improve their game.
    Latest comments
    Honestly, who jungle with Atrocitus ?
    2:54 pm, Mar 1st, 2015
    A lot of people and his jungling prowless is greater in Coast City. And to save time and space, I converted my Gh guide for Atrocitus into a jungling guide so people would still know how to use their favorite character on a different map. Along with all my other converted guides, more info will be added to them soon so players can pick up the role faster. 
    4:37 pm, Mar 1st, 2015
    So why Enhanced Suit Of Sorrows and not Empowered? I usually find my self loosing a fight cause i don't have that little extra reflect. + 10 Move Speed might help a bit at the early stages but it never helped me end game.
    9:46 am, Jan 16th, 2015
    Sorry, that was a typo that I re-inserted from a previous version of the guide. 
    3:38 pm, Jan 16th, 2015
    Quick Question By "All my augments are Gold scaling health/armor" Do you mean Hold Holdings Augment CodeNames : Vanguard & Oak + Wayne Enterprises Augment CodeNames : Wreck & Beast? Stats for the Augments : Vanguard : Power Armor (G)   +0.53 Power Armor/lvl (Max 10.07) Health (S)               +3.51 Health/lvl (Max 66.69) Oak : Attack Armor (G)   +0.39 Attack Armor/lvl (Max 7.41) Health (S)               +2.51 Health/lvl (Max 47.69) Beast : Health (G)               +4.21 Health/lvl (Max 79.99) Attack Armor (S)   +0.44 Attack Armor/lvl (Max 8.36) Wreck : Health (G)              +4.21 Health/lvl (Max 79.99) Power Armor (S)   +0.44 Power Armor/lvl (Max 8.36)
    5:34 am, Nov 10th, 2014
    -.- sorry for the messiness apperantly my code didn't work as expected
    5:35 am, Nov 10th, 2014
    I don't even remember off hand which ones I use. To save the merit I go with what I already have. As long as it gives decent stats, go with it. In augments you should value health over armor though in my opinion.
    8:56 pm, Nov 10th, 2014
    As a new Atro player this guide looks great. really like getting the Harness early then salvaging it. Hadn't thought of that :)
    7:02 am, Oct 21st, 2014
    Refundables are on GH for a reason. Use them to your advantage.
    9:35 am, Oct 21st, 2014