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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Arrow

    Dycer's Laning Green Arrow Guide

    A Green Arrow guide by The_Dycer
    Last updated: Feb 9th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/dycers-laning-green-arrow-guide
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    Green Arrow is my favorite Marksman. He has the abiltiy to go deep, and get back out while dealing massive damage on the way.

    Build Your Own Adventure: Green Arrow

    Mods: Your choices are the same three that all marksman have to choose from. The Full 10: +10% Speed Crossbow, +10% Crit V9s & +10 AD Coda, Speed Crit: +10% Crossbow, +10 AD Coda, & Deadly 3, and Full Crit: +10% Crit V9s, +10 AD, and Deadly 3. At the moment I have gold pen augs in these modsets.

    Which should you take? That's up to you: The Full 10 gives you a lot of damage, crit chance, and speed, and is the cheaper early build meaning you get your first 3 faster. You sacrifice an extra 25% crit damage unless you run the crit damage augments though. Speed Crit gives you extra speed, and full crit damage. This can very easily argued to be the best overall, but you pay for it literally. This modset sets you on a build path that is the most expensive first 3 build. Full Crit is just that, you are investing everything in crit early-mid game. You get max crit chance, and max crit damage while sacrificing base damage compared to Speed Crit. Nearly every other attack will be a crit that bypasses reflect, so this build can be very benefitial. May the crit chance system be with you. 

    The Builds: Your starting items are Coda Blade/Nil Weapon, and 2 Health pots, and 1 will in all build paths. Build Coda to T3 before branching off into your individual path.

    Each modset has its own build path from here. With Full 10, you build Crossbow then T3 V9s before moving into Joe Chills. Speed Crit requires you to build Crossbow and Joe Chills before grabbing T3 V9s. And finally, Full Crit has you build T3 V9s then Joe Chills before building Crossbow. 

    Now for some more options!: I moved Atomic Axe to the optional list because you don't need it every game. It is only worthwhile if the enemy is stacking attack armor. If you don't see an enemy with a true attack armor item, don't build it, it will be a credit sink. Other than that, use the items that fit your requirement best.

    Stolen Power Reveiw: I like Robin's cameras because of the 5 charges. I can go longer before having to return to recharge them. And Invulnerability is to help escape when you go too deep, or get a massive gank. Your controller should have a healing wave. If they don't, you may want to take that. 

    Playing in lane: Move laterally. Always keep moving. Focus on last hitting, and keep moving. A moving target is harder to hit. Remember to poke with your ultimate. A few good hits on the enemy carry and you'll have some free time to farm. The best thing to do is just focus on last hitting, you will gain more experience, gold, and have larger waves to bring the enemy tower down. And when your support secures a lock down, make it count.

    W or E? It really depends on your lane enemies, and what you want. W is great if you have higher base health marksmen and supports going agianst you. You can hit them both if you fire your ultimate at the right time, and deal massive damage. E is great if you have lower base health enemies and for lane clear. You'll have arguably slightly higher burst potential, but less penetration early, and can only land one hit with your ultimate. If you can not decide, level them like I have in my guide, and with this way you have your options to toy with. If you do decide, level the one you want first once you rank all 3 stances to 1.

    Well this is my short handed Green Arrow guide (trust me I halved the size of the original update). I hope it helps if you are new to Green Arrow, and looking for a solid way to build him.

    Remember, if you liked the guide, give it a thumbs up!
    Latest comments
    sorry im new here. what does gold pen mean?  
    11:38 pm, Feb 6th, 2015
    When you go to the amp screen, you will see (G). Gold is the highest tier you can get.
    6:54 pm, Feb 8th, 2015
    Nice guide! What do you think about maxing your passive before your Q that is only good for utility?? (not your focus as a marksman)
    8:02 am, Dec 11th, 2014
    Many games I'll stagger the passive and Q, but this guide is for you. The safest bet in any game is max your Q. The attack speed boost is great, but an escape up more often is better.
    9:01 am, Dec 11th, 2014
    You mention in your guide, I quote, "I run the crit damage page for my marksman, and my mods are +10 AD Coda Blade, Deadly 3 Joe Chills, and +10% Crit Chance V9s. The extra crit damage can be game changing." I read in the forums that Base crit damage is 175% and the crit damage skill cap is 250%. If this is true, you only need 75% crit damage to reach the crit damage skill cap. A crit damage aug page adds 25% crit damage and a deadly 3 adds 75%, that is 100% added crit damage, so that 25% crit damage is lost in the augs. Please correct me if I am misinformed, as I am running crit damage augs and regular Joe's (Deadly 2) for 75% crit damage.I run a +10 damage crossbow in the modded Joe's slot.  I have also though of running the modded Joe's (Deadly 3) to reach crit damage skill cap and change my augs. What are your thoughts and please correct me if I am wrong.
    3:24 pm, Nov 2nd, 2014
    You mention in your guide, I quote, "I run the crit damage page for my marksman, and my mods are +10 AD Coda Blade, Deadly 3 Joe Chills, and +10% Crit Chance V9s. The extra crit damage can be game changing." I read in the forums that Base crit damage is 175% and the crit damage skill cap is 250%. If this is true, you only need 75% crit damage to reach the crit damage skill cap. A crit damage aug page adds 25% crit damage and a deadly 3 adds 75%, that is 100% added crit damage, so that 25% crit damage is lost in the augs. Please correct me if I am misinformed, as I am running crit damage augs and regular Joe's (Deadly 2) for 75% crit damage.I run a +10 damage crossbow in the modded Joe's slot.  I have also though of running the modded Joe's (Deadly 3) to reach crit damage skill cap and change my augs. What are your thoughts and please correct me if I am wrong.
    2:45 pm, Nov 2nd, 2014
    I refreshed and it double commented. Please delete this comment.
    3:26 pm, Nov 2nd, 2014
    Im just starting off for this game and I love Green Arrow so I bought him, My score was like 1-8 really bad! But after trying out this build the past few games I've had 11-2 which to me as a beginner is good ha. Really good build/guide. Thank you
    12:30 am, Aug 9th, 2014
    Remember, if you like guides, give them a thumbs up. It helps other players find the best/most helpful guides when they come looking.
    8:27 am, Aug 9th, 2014