With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.
Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.
Green Arrow is currently considered one of the best marksmen in the game, if not the best. He is recognized for his quick burst potential and wave clear. He is very versatile and can be played in all three lanes. He can be very effective in solo lanes as well as a duo lane which is why he is a top priority pick in Infinite Crisis.
This augment page is known as the 6% Critical Chance page. It is still used a lot by marksmen players since Critical Chance in Infinite Crisis can become game changing and one big critical hit can win your lane.
[/list] Page Two: Queen Industries Augment [Phax]
+1.87 Attack Speed, +1.5 Attack Penetration Queen Industries Augment [Columbus]
+0.3 Attack Damage/level (Max 5.7), +1.5 Attack Penetration Queen Industries Augment [Kai]
+2.41 Attack Damage, +1.5 Attack Penetration Queen Industries Augment [Bulwark]
+1.5 Attack Penetration, +1.5% Critical Chance
This page is known as the 6 Attack Penetration page. It’s really effective if you’re looking to play really aggressive in lane.
[/list] Stolen Powers
Poison Ivy's Healing Wave - Heal yourself and nearby allies for 40 Health. Further Healing Waves within 30 seconds will have their effectiveness reduced by 50%. You and nearby allies also gain a 10 Attack Damage and 10 Power Damage increase for 5 seconds.
Normally, marksmen use this heal as one of the Stolen Powers because it heals both you and your controller while fighting in lane, also since your controller is usually Power Damage, the heal grants you both 10 more damage in Attack and Power. The heal also has a shorter cooldown than barrier, which makes it more viable for lane.
Green Arrow’s Surveillance Cameras - 3 Wards that give you stealth vision, allowing you to deward and see incoming ganks.
Green Arrow Cameras allows you to place a maximum of 2 wards, which reveals stealthed champions or cameras. Vision dominance in lane gives your jungler the freedom to gank when the enemy is out of position.
[/list] Optional Stolen Powers
Cyborg’s Teleport - Teleport to an allied drone, tower, or camera after channeling for 2 seconds.
Cyborg’s teleport is optional for marksmen because it allows you to split push or teleport to objectives such as Raider or Leviathan whenever assistance is needed.
Super Girl’s Invulnerability - Supergirl's Invulnerability grants bonus Attack Damage as long as the Shield is active.
Gain a Shield that blocks 60 damage for 2 seconds. As long as the Shield remains active, you will be granted bonus 10 Attack Damage.
This Stolen Power is the newest addition to the list. I haven’t seen too many people use this Super Girl’s Invulnerability in their Stolen Power choices, but I think it could be really effective when trading with the enemy in early laning phase with the bonus Attack Damage.
Doomday’s Invulnerability - Doomsday's Invulnerability has a stronger Shield.
Gain a Shield that blocks 75 damage for 2 seconds.
People normally take Doomsday’s Invulnerability because it blocks 75 damage when activated. It blocks 15 extra damage compared to the other Invulnerabilities allowing you to stay alive when taking risky trades.
You can choose either Doomsday’s Invulnerability, Super Girl’s Invulnerability or Cyborg’s Teleport instead of Cameras; it all depends on preference. I prefer to run Green Arrow’s Cameras because having vision dominance in lane gives your jungler the freedom to gank. If you feel like their team composition has hard engage like a Shazam/Superman, you can run Healing Wave/Doomday’s Invulnerability if you want to try to stay alive in teamfights.
Superfoam Arrows (Q)
Green Arrow dashes in the targeted direction and enters the Superfoam stance. For 4 seconds his next Basic Attack has an Arrow Bonus that reduces the target's Move Speed by 10% for a short time.
Stance Bonus: While in Superfoam Arrow stance, Green Arrow gains 10% Move Speed. Taking damage suppresses this Move Speed bonus for 2 seconds.
You usually level this skill once in the early game around level 3 or 4 until late game, so you can have the ability to tumble away from incoming ganks.
Ballistic Arrows (W)
Green Arrow enters the Ballistic stance. For 4 seconds, his next Basic Attack has an Arrow Bonus that deals an extra 15 Attack Damage.
Stance Bonus: While in Ballistic stance, Green Arrow gains 3 Attack Penetration, and Bullseye can hit multiple Champions. Bullseye only applies the Ballistic Arrow bonus to the first Champion hit.
I prefer to max out this skill first simply because it does great burst damage and I love having that early Attack Penetration. If you’re able to hit with this skill, immediately follow up with your ultimate to land an insane amount of burst damage.
Thermite Arrows (E)
Green Arrow enters the Thermite stance, and for 4 seconds, his next Basic Attack has an Arrow Bonus that applies a bomb to the target. It explodes if another bomb is applied or 3 seconds pass. The explosion deals 40 Attack Damage in an area.
Stance Bonus: While in Thermite stance, any target killed by Green Arrow's Basic Attacks will explode, dealing 20 Attack Damage in an area.
I usually max Thermite arrows last, I prefer using the slow from Superfoam Arrows and chasing with Ballistic Stance. Thermite Arrows are still really good, but for me, I like to use the (Q,W,R) combo.
Bullseye (R) Charge: Green Arrow begins charging, increasing range and damage over 2 seconds. While charging he loses 15% Move Speed, and cannot Basic Attack. After 4 seconds the skill fails, and refunds half of its cost.
Fire: Fire an arrow that deals 50 to 75 Attack Damage to all enemies struck. Upon hitting an enemy Champion, the arrow stops and applies theArrow Bonus of the active stance.
His ultimate skill, Bullseye, can be leveled up at levels 1, 6, 11, and 16.
Some people take this skill first since you’re able to get Green Arrows ultimate at level 1. I prefer to start with Ballistic Arrows at level 1 for the early penetration harass and then I skill my ultimate at level 2. After skilling this at level 2, always skill it at levels 6,11,and 16.
Adaptable Ammo (Passive)
Whenever Green Arrow activates a stance he gains 16% Attack Speed at max level for 2 seconds and reduces the cooldown of Bullseye by 2.5 seconds.
Green Arrow’s passive is really strong, I max his passive second after I finish Ballistic Stance. It gives you bonus Attack Speed up to 16% while switching stances, which is really strong when trading with an enemy.
[/list] Skill Order
I like to skill Ballistic Arrows at level 1 because I like having early penetration while trading with the enemy in lane phase. When you hit level 2, skill Bullseye and start doing some hard poke. At level 3 or 4 I put a point into Superfoam Arrows so that I can have an escape in case a jungler decides to come and gank my lane, or just to dash forward and secure a kill. After this point, I max Ballistic Arrows, and then I start maxing Adaptable Ammo. This way when you dash forward with your Superfoam Arrows, your passive grants you a 16% Attack Speed bonus for 2 seconds, and once switching into Ballistic Arrows stance it grants another 16% for 2 seconds with the penetration. The Attack Speed bonus with the penetration is huge while trading with your enemy, especially early mid game. This combo I perform a lot is known as the (Q,W,R) burst combo.
Artifacts and Mods
Core Artifacts
Coda Blade, Joe Chills Revolver, Velocity 9 Implants
These three artifacts are the core for every marksmen you play. They should be bought every game, giving you Attack Penetration, Attack Speed, Critical Chance, Movement Speed and Attack Damage, which is everything you need in a marksman.
Some marksmen like to get Atlantis Gambit early to stay ahead of the enemy marksman, and modding it gives 5 Credits every 10 seconds with a little bit of lifesteal for lane sustain.
Zeiss Goggles is a good artifact to pickup mid game because it gives good critical chance, which works very well with your Joe Chill’s Revolver especially if you mod it. Also, this item has an active that grants +20 Attack Damage and +20% Critical Chance.
Atomic Axe is a good pickup if the enemy team is stacking Attack Armor. This item will help shred through it.
Deathstroke’s Claymore is a good marksman item but it’s all preference, it gives attack damage and attack speed which is always great for Marksmen. You usually only buy this item if you use the Terminate mod.
What to mod
Coda Blade: +9 Extra Attack Damage with mod. Zeiss Goggles: +6% Extra Critical Chance with mod. Joe Chills Revolver: +75% Critical Damage with mod.
These are the 3 mods I enjoy to run. I start off by building Coda Blade, then Zeiss Goggles for the Critical Damage, and finally work on my Joe Chill’s Revolver for the extra Critical Damage.
Optional Mods
Atlantis Gambit: +5 Credits per 10 seconds mod. Nil Weapon: Recycle mod. Deathstroke’s Claymore: Artifact gains ((Terminate) Activate to deal 10% of your target's maximum health as Attack Damage and increase further damage you deal to that target by 5%. (Tier 2).
If you like to run one of these mods for the optional mods, you can replace one with the Zeiss Goggles mod. I really recommend you using the Coda Blade and Joe Chill’s Revolver. To me, they’re a must. If you want to try and stay ahead of the enemy marksman in lane phase, you can use the Atlantis Gambit mod. You’ll have lifesteal for lane sustain, but you’ll lack damage when taking trades.
If you feel like your last hitting isn’t up to par, you can always run Recycle on Nil Weapon in lane until you get the feel of last hitting, but in my opinion, it’s a waste of another great mod.
Deathstroke’s Claymore Terminate mod is great, and I still love running this mod from time to time because the current meta has a lot of engage team compositions. Terminate allows you to activate it on a Superman who’s ulting you across the map. If you’re able to activate this while a tank is diving you in a team fight, and if you’re able to kite him with your Critical Damage and Attack Penetration, you will be able to melt him.
Starting Artifacts
Coda Blade, Health Vials
I enjoy starting with Coda Blade level 1 and getting 3 Vials. Vials are necessary in duo lanes or solo lanes because you are constantly exchanging, so this allows you to stay in lane longer.
Keep note that your Coda Blade mod kicks in at the 3rd stage, so I would keep it here because putting it to level 4 isn’t worth the money until you have max build in the late game. I would then work on Zeiss Goggles after level 3 Coda Blade.
Optional Starting Artifacts
If you modded the Atlantis Gambit you can go ahead and start level 2 Atlantis Gambit, which costs 750 Credits. Since you only start with 750 credits, you wont have enough for vials right away. Use cameras in your lane once the game starts to get vision control, then simply teleport back to base and buy some Health Vials before drones spawn. You’ll have enough money to buy 2 vials since you’ll be getting 5 extra Credits per 10 seconds.
This is the starting build if you chose the Nil Weapon Recycle mod. I don’t recommend this start because I feel it’s weak compared to starting off getting core items. If you feel like your last hitting needs work, it’s not a big deal to start with this starting option.
When should you trade in solo or duo lane
There are definitely key moments in lane when you can get some really good trades off. Don’t only pay attention to your own drones in lane, look your opponent’s as well. When you see that they’re going to go up for a last hit, go ahead and poke if you believe you won’t get hit right after. Doing that constantly will give you small advantages, which will end up being a big one. Also, keep note of his abilities. If the enemy uses a skill to kill a creep in lane or to try and harass you, that should be your opening to go and trade with the enemy knowing that their skill is on cooldown. You should keep these things in mind for any lane that you play in.
Playing a marksman mid lane
Early lane phase as a marksman mid is normally the make or break for you. You need to really be aggressive in your first few levels against the blaster. Because you're building Attack Damage items, you should be basic attacking the enemy when they step up to make a last hit while trying to take minimal damage from his skills.
Zoning the mid laner with a marksman is the best thing you can do to win your lane. You force him to lose Credits and Experience by sitting close to the drone wave and being ready to shoot him in the face with your arrows if he ever steps up. If you're able to do a great job zoning and forcing him to back to base, you could normally take mid turret around the 13 minute mark giving your team more map control for Raider and global Credits. It is also important to note that a well played marksman mid should draw the attention of the other team’s jungler or even other laners which helps relieve the pressure of your team’s laners.
Playing a marksman duo lane
Playing a marksman in a duo lane is different. You should try and pick a marksman that will work well with your controller. Green Arrow works great with someone like Atomic Poison Ivy. She has a root that locks them into place for a couple seconds allowing you as Green Arrow to shoot your Bullseye, giving great poke damage in your duo lane.
Duo lanes are more around what compositions work well together and how you and your controller can execute it.
What to keep in mind when playing marksman
Generally, marksmen get focused first in team fights because they have minimal skill shots and constant damage output. The biggest tip I can give is don’t always focus on the people around you, just focus on yourself, where you are, and how you’re positioning yourself. It’s very important that you stay alive in the fight and don’t get blown up instantly by being out of position. Your job IS NOT to initiate the fights. It’s to stay as far away as you can, and once you feel like the enemy team is focusing their attention on your tanks or other teammates, you go in and demolish everyone. The biggest mistake I see most people do as a marksman is focus too much on what your team is doing and running in the fight with your team. That gives your enemy an easy engage on you. Focus on yourself, your own positioning, and go into a fight at a great time to clean everyone up.
Hope you guys liked this guide! Post any questions or feedback in the comments below <3
Also if you have any questions or need any personal tips, follow below and message me personally. I will always get back to you ASAP. Love you all and hope to see you inside the game =)!
I like to use the coda blade +9 mod, atlantis gambit mod, and Joe Chill's mod but when running the 6% crit augs I run the 6% Zeiss mod instead of +9 coda blade mod. The crits are just too game changing.
I used to use wounding, I just like having more damage early especially on Green Arrow Combos. If the enemy marksman starts a gambit or nil weapon having the early coda and damage you should be able to kill or atleast zone them really hard.
I know this may be a stupid question, but I main tanks, and play carries on the side. Why the +9 mod on Coda? I use the wounding to save credits and it seems to work better for me than the +9 mod. I could question the crit chance over the terminate mod, but I can understand that reasoning.
Why would you tell people to mod Royal Seal over Prism. Until 2.0 sometime in the distant future, it is broken and should be modded in every tank set until it is fixed. I would also put priority in E since it has such a long cooldown, and is probably
Great guide, this is how I usually play her! But I'd recommend getting the Disintegration 2 mod for Cosmic Staff over 350 Credits off Starheart. Also if you're going defensive, Cosmic Belt is better than Ruby of Life in that it also gives you Power D