Hi! I'm brawlerdude! This is my first guide, but I've used this so many times, and have been successful the majority of the time, so I thought I'd share it with you. This guide is for jungle
Gaslight Catwoman and focuses on crit chance, on-hit effects, and a touch of durability.
While I'm not too strict on how I level up abilities, I gave a general idea of what skills to prioritize. I usually try to have one point in each of my main abilities before maxing any of them, just to make sure I have them in case I need them. In GL Catwoman's case, start with your Q, then take a point in her stealth if you plan on ganking early, or a point in your W if you plan on staying in the jungle a little longer.
Stolen Powers:
You'll want to take Nightmare Batman's Consume and Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Cameras. GL Catwoman's X-Ray Vision used to be INCREDIBLY useful for counter jungling, relay control, and ganking, but since they changed it so that you no longer see every enemy champion on the map, Surveillance Cameras are you next best bet. You'll want to put one by the Doomsday Device to keep an eye on it, and help top lane see ganks coming. You'll also want to put a camera by either relay, depending on how aggressive/defensive you want to be.
To start, get the recommended items,
Nil Weapon and [[Marauder Knife]]. You can substitute 3
Health Packs and 2
Will Packs for the [[Marauder Knife]], depending on your playstyle. After you have enough gold for it, go back and buy [[Claw of Horus]] and upgrade it before getting other items. Keep
Nil Weapon and [[Marauder Knife]] until you need the extra gold/room in your inventory.
Claw Of Horus (2) has a unique passive that steals Attack Armor on-hit from the target, as well as giving you lifesteal, making it a good jungle and ganking item. After you get
Claw Of Horus (2), you'll want to start getting some crit chance items. I recommend getting [[Zeiss Goggles]] first, as its first few upgrades are the lowest price, and it still gives good stats. Try upgrading it to
Zeiss Goggles (3) before getting other items. After that, I'd pick up [[Velocity 9 Implants]], and upgrade
Claw Of Horus (2). At this point, if you're familiar with the prices of these items, you should notice a pattern: get the lowest priced item/upgrade, at least after getting
Claw Of Horus (2). Follow this pattern to complete [[Claw of Horus]], [[Zeiss Goggles]], and [[Velocity 9 Implants]]. After this, get either [[Joe Chill's Revolver]] or [[Spear of Destiny]] depending on whether you need more "Deadly" passive, which increase your critical damage from 200% to 250%.
Spear Of Destiny (2) has a passive which increases your attack damage as your health decreases. Once you have both of these items, your final item should be [[Deathstroke's Claymore]] and obviously, [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]. This upgrade item's passive makes your auto attacks deal power damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum health. With this item build, you will shred your target's armor with
Claw Of Horus (3), deal power damage based on their max health, attack quickly, and hit like a steam-powered truck with your crit chance.
For jungling paths, I usually get the camps of 3 small drones with 1 large drone near both top and bot lane, as they're easy to kill. But, I'm still figuring out which camps to hit when. Just keep killing jungle drones, and always capture the relay on your side of the map. If possible, try stealing the enemy relay, as well, to give top lane a boost. Once you hear that your relay will be operational in 30 seconds, you want to start heading over to it. You never want to give the enemy team a chance to steal your relay, as it could give them an advatage in top lane, or bottom lane, if they already have 2 relays.
One of the coolest things about Gaslight Catwoman once she gets her ultimate is that if she dashes to a target that is marked by her Q, or a basic attack while in stealth, her ultimate will no go on cooldown. So if you stealth into a cluster of enemies and fire your Q into all of them, you can jump from one target to another.
GL Catwoman's W does damage based on the target's health if they're below 50% max health, so You'll want to save that as a finisher, after using your Q-R combo.
Keep in mind that lifesteal, abilities, on-hit effects, and Consume work on the Doomsay Device, so once you get rolling, you can easily take it out on your own. However, if you can save your Consume, I'd do that so that you can use it on one of the vehicles southeast and southwest of the doomsday device, to create a quicker path to the enemy's base.
That's about it. Now go out there and tear your enemies to shreds!