Just updating the guide for new meta and my increase in skill with Shazam.
This guide is now a Jungle guide as my position on my team is now a Jungler. If you are wanting to use Shazam as a top laner I will keep the relevant sections and place them at the bottom so you can still reference it. There will be some overlap and maybe some irregularities but this is to ensure that I don't leave any info out and it makes it much easier for me to make the main guide.
I find as a jungle you're only as good as your ganks and ability to control objectives. So with this in mind going into a lane with less than 50% health is asking for trouble. So there is a focus on durability early on so that you can jungle and gank with high HP. The direction you will go is dependent on what your team comps is, what the enemy team comp is and what they are building.
So lets get started.
SPEED OF MERCURY (Q) Shazam dashes to the target, dealing 50 Power Damage and knocking them down for 0.7 seconds.
Damage: 50 95 140 185+ 50% Power Damage
Cooldown: 12 11 10 9
Cost: 50
This ability is your bread and butter for ganks. It will initiate, peel, stop channels and do burst damage. Its a no skill shot gap closer that knocks down. It also procks basic attack hit abilities. During a gank you will only likely get 1 use out of it so make it count. Watch out when using it on enemies that have dashes (Flash, or atomic WW as examples) as it will follow them over walls but also can be used to pull you into tower range. Put a point into it at level two and level it after your E.
This skill toggles between Mystic Power and Mystic Defense.
Mystic Power: Gain 2 Power Penetration, and your next Basic Attack fires a bolt of lightning that strikes your target and up to 3 additional enemies for 30 Power Damage.
Mystic Defense: Gain 4 Power Armor, and gain a Shield that blocks 40 damage for 3 seconds.
Damage:30 55 80 105+ 35% Power Damage
Shield:40 70 100 130+ 8% Bonus Health
Power Pen:2 4 6 8
Power Armor:4 8 12 16
Cost: 30
This ability 100% useless. Don't put a point into it unless you have to. Keep it on offensive for the pen, but don't waste energy on it.
Lightning emanates from Shazam for 3 seconds, dealing 20 Power Damage per second to nearby enemies. Enemies in the area lose 20% Move Speed.
Damage:20 35 50 75+ 20% Power Damage
Cost: 40 37 33 30
This ability is your chaser and kill securer ability. More importantly its your camp clearer. Notice its the only ability you have that cost gets reduced as you level. During a gank you will have opportunity to use it twice. Its important to note that if you run along side them instead of auto attacking you do more damage and slow them longer. So always position yourself in their way. Auto attack after its done or if you're directly in their path. If your not going to get the kill auto attack away but if you and the laner are close to a kill just keep them in the radius longer by running a long their path. The Atlanians Seal with mod will make the slow very significant.
Shazam dashes to the target location and blasts the area around him, dealing between 75 and 150 Power Damage. The farther Shazam dashes, the more damage he does.
While dashing, Shazam is untargetable and cannot take damage.
Min Damage:75 120 165 210+ 40% Power Damage
Max Damage:150 240 330 420+ 80% Power Damage
This ability costs NO ENERGY. So the only thing keeping you from using it is the CD. As you can see this ability does more damage the farther you go. So if you're in a fight don't bother using it on someone next to you, its a waste. Use it to initiate or to finish when they run and think they're safe. This lets you let your Q cool down and drop them with a 2 hit combo. Use it as an escape if 1) you have to. 2) you are gartunteed to escape. Don't waste it if you're going to die anyway. Unless you have a large amount of damage or there will be damage follow up by your teammates don't waste it on a full health enemy champ.
Shazam's Basic Attacks restore 2 Energy.
Shazam gains 1.2 Power Damage for every 50 bonus health, and 0.3 health for every 1 Bonus Power Damage. These bonuses do not stack with each other.
Power Ratio:1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7
Health Ratio:0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Energy:2 3 4 5
This passive will start to kick in hard once your about lvl 12-14 and have your 3 item past starting buys. You have enough extra PD from your health to basically count as another PD item. Late game your PD will translate into another Health item.
As a jungle your ability to gank and control objectives will determine whether you're a great jungler or just the jungler. I chose the two stolen powers for these reasons.
Choose detonate over consume every time. It has a long range which allows for steals. That alone makes it better. If the enemy is trying for emp and you are there they risk the steal without retaliation. Other than EMP use it on big camps early game to help clear time and prevent damage from tanking it for so long. I prefer Joker's detonate for the slow utility. I have secured too many kills with the slow to use anything else. By blowing up a meteor or a minion to slow/damage an enemy to get them back in range of my abilities it nullifies any benefit the others have.
Catwoman's Teleport is only 2000 merit now. No excuse for not having it. Use your teleport to magnify your presence in lanes. One of the best ways to use it is to gank bot, take emp. Then, leave their line of sight. They just saw you bot and will not expect you to be there. Get another gank and another EMP. If you use your port and you don't a) get a kill with follow up results b) protect/secure an objective c) join a team fight while split pushing you're wasting it. Getting one kill and doing nothing after that is not worth a 5 minute cool down.
The others either don't synergize well with Shazam and aren't valuable enough to the team to take and trump either detonate or teleport. But just to list a few specific examples.... Alternates and why not:
Invulnerable: For the purposes of this guide we are assuming someone else is the main tank. So that means you're NOT the tank. So don't be in a situation that makes you need this.
Physic Assault / super strength : You have enough CC and wave clear. Done.
Super Speed: you have two gap closer's and one can be used to escape through walls.
Healing wave / consume : If you're placing cams down and laning properly you don't need this. If in a pinch Teleport will allow you to go back, heal up pick up an EMP and be where you need to be before the window of opportunity is gone. You're not the support or the tank.
I use flat HP for my Aug's. Specifically: WOLF, TSUNAMI, SPEED, CASTLE . I use the following Mods: Discounted Marauder Shield, Empowered Ra's al Ghul's Robe, and Empowered Atlantean Royal Seal. The reasons are explained in the build order of the guide below.
Starting Items: Marauders Shield tier 2 (Modded for 100 credits off at tier 1) and 2 health pots. You may be tempted to use tier 1 ring and shield with 3 pots. If your going to be using all of your mods for other things and you have a team that will hard leash then I can understand. But tier 2 Shield is very strong right now. Its better than the other marauder items in every way as it is right now. Don't bother upgrading it as you're going to sell it later and its very useful at tier 2.
Early Items: Atlanteans Seal (Modded for the extra slow). Health, plus Power damage, plus slow. No brainer. Now lets look at what enemy is building and how well you're doing. If they are continuing to build damage and your team is some what beefy feel free to build damage as well. Build star heart or Radion Shard till you can refund it for the star heart start. Also bear in mind your marauder shield will sell for about 565. If you can start star heart with this sell, go for it. If you're going into tanky go with booster gold's suit. The HP will continue to ensure you're always at a gankable hp level and the CDR will start to let you use your Q more often in a team fight. The attack armor is a plus as you will no doubt have an enemy AD champ to counter.
Mid game Items: Ra's Al Ghuls (Modded with empowered lazarus effect). This item while modded is OP atm. Unless you die under turret and there are no teammates around its next to impossible to die while the cool down is up. Abuse this in team fights by baiting the enemy to over commit.
Mid to late transition: If the enemy has a heavy AD presence get nerons contract. This combined with Ra's will make you extremely hard to deal with. If the enemy has good power damage at this point you can either build Helm of fate or mirror master's prism. I feel without mods Helm is a better choice as it gives you power armor AND power damage. Prism is purely defensive. Now if your team comp has a decent amount of CC of their own opt for the modded prism for 40% reflect instead of atlantians seal extra slow.
Late game: Now you may have been asking "wheres the power pen?". Your not the main damage dealer. If you are and there is also another PD carry doing very well then you grab Book of eternity earlier. If not, then pick this up towards then if you see a significant need for it. If you have health based tanks on the enemy team go for cosmic staff.
Early Game
Now if you're new to jungling, don't do anything fancy. Start at HP camp, go to side lane camp and then go to lane to get EMP. Ask for a hard leash on the HP camp. If a fight breaks out at lvl 1 take your Q and secure a kill. But be warned, Q is a shit ability to start jungling. Start off with E and try not to use your detonate on the first HP camp. This will leave it available if you need it for EMP. Make your way to the mid lane jungle camps. On your first pass skip the camp with the 2 strong bots. This early, they take too much time, deal too much damage and don't give enough XP to be worth the time. Grab the 3 bot camp and you should be lvl 3 by then. Go to speed camp, use detonate here and then work your way to the other emp after the last side camp is cleared.
You change this pattern after the first EMP for two reasons. 1) The enemy is trying to take the other EMP. Use tele if you can get there in time to make a difference. If there are no cams close by this will not be likely. Don't waste the tele otherwise. If their jungle is there go steal a camp if it suits you. 2) The enemy mid/opposite lane you are at are in a prime gank situation. (50% or less HP, over extended and your laners are in good condition to engage with you). Early put a bigger urgency on ganking side lanes in order to get emps.
Go back if there isn't much for you to do at this point. This is to grab the emp back at base. If you are up on your timers you shouldn't waste an emp grab by already having a tier 2 EMP at base. Use them and use them often. Keep that pressure up and make your presence felt.
If your tele is up don't be afraid to split push so long as you have vision of the majority of the enemy team and your team is pushing elsewhere. Of course if your team can't disengage very well and are relativity squishy this should be done with extreme caution or encourage someone with good escape to split push while you safe guard the team.
Late Game / Team Fights
When the fight is engaged and you weren't the initiator go straight for carry's. Communicate with team to combo the same target and kill instantly. If you have a mobile carry on your team that can explode someone you won't need to use the ult. If someone is at 75% or less just combo them for the quick kill.
Initiating can be tricky cause you can easily dive too deep and find yourself focused and out of position. There is and easy way to avoid this. Q into whomever you can reach in a good position, let the rest of your team focus while the enemy closes on you. Back off a little, just enough to make them think you're trying to get away. By this point their carry feels safe enough to step up... Thats when you Ult him following with Q if its off cool down or E if its not. If you time this right and if the champ is low enough you can pick up the kill. As this happens your team needs to step up. You have set up the first focus with your Q, and jumped onto a carry. Your carry's should be stepping up and putting pressure on the enemy team who is likely trying to get out of the fight now.
Mid fight target shifting
Your job is to do damage but this has to be coupled with CC and putting pressure on the enemy carries. As you are extremely mobile, expect to be in the enemy's back line. In the situation where you have gotten their carry super low and he's likely going to get away, let him and E someone else who is trying to get away. Save your Q for someone who needs to be knocked down or stunned. The lesson is don't be so quick to use your Ult and your Q. Use them both when it nets an immediate kill. Otherwise you blow them both for just forcing someone back. Think about how long the fight is lasting. If you used your ult, your Q and your E start to manage your abilities. You may be able to use your E but your Q stuns and does more up front damage while gap closing. Wait til the energy comes back and use the Q instead. A low flash may be able to kill you while you are low before your E and a buddy can kill him. But he can't attack while knocked down.
This concludes my Shazam guide. The Augments I use are focused on flat Health. I believe having this early 96 HP along with the 100 from Marauders Shield will allow you to be very aggressive early. This will give you the edge from the word go.
GL and please give feedback and a thumbs up if you enjoyed the guide.
SPEED OF MERCURY (Q) Shazam dashes to the target, dealing 50 Power Damage and knocking them down for 0.7 seconds.
Damage: 50 95 140 185+ 50% Power Damage
Cooldown: 12 11 10 9
Cost: 50
This ability is your bread and butter. It will initiate, peel, stop channels and do burst damage. Its a no skill shot gap closer that knocks down. It also procks basic attack hit abilities. You use this ability the most however watch out when using it on enemies that have dashes (Flash, or atomic WW as examples) as it will follow them over walls but also can be used to pull you into tower range.
This skill toggles between Mystic Power and Mystic Defense.
Mystic Power: Gain 2 Power Penetration, and your next Basic Attack fires a bolt of lightning that strikes your target and up to 3 additional enemies for 30 Power Damage.
Mystic Defense: Gain 4 Power Armor, and gain a Shield that blocks 40 damage for 3 seconds.
Damage:30 55 80 105+ 35% Power Damage
Shield:40 70 100 130+ 8% Bonus Health
Power Pen:2 4 6 8
Power Armor:4 8 12 16
Cost: 30
While this ability may seem useful your energy constraints (more on that later) don't allow you to do a full combo with your abilities. So out of them this is the one that is least useful in a fight. Its mostly used for farming EMP, raider, etc. use this with your E (LIGHTNING FIELD) when farming these. Initiate with Q but then bounce between W and E. This is to keep you Q ready should and enemy come by. But other than this try not to waste the enemy on this ability unless you are running and need the HP from the shield. If you are running up against a PD champ on your lane then keep it on def for more sustain.
The one way to make use of this ability is to keep it on defense and for a quick poke activate before launching Q. This will allow for a more powerful poke as you immediately back off after landing Q.
Lightning emanates from Shazam for 3 seconds, dealing 20 Power Damage per second to nearby enemies. Enemies in the area lose 20% Move Speed.
Damage:20 35 50 75+ 20% Power Damage
Cost: 40 37 33 30
This ability is your chaser and kill securer ability. But during your laning phase its used to last hit minions and farm up. Please note this doen't mean use it to push the lane but use it last hit from a safe position. Use this ability to slow down running enemies for teammates and put down extra damage and discourage chasing when trading. As you may have noticed its the only ability you have that cost gets reduced as you level. Its important to note that if you run along side them instead of auto attacking you do more damage and slow them longer. So always position yourself in their way. Auto attack after its done or if you're directly in their path. If you feel confident put an additional point into it early as this will help take top jungle camp should you push the lane into tower.
Shazam dashes to the target location and blasts the area around him, dealing between 75 and 150 Power Damage. The farther Shazam dashes, the more damage he does.
While dashing, Shazam is untargetable and cannot take damage.
Min Damage:75 120 165 210+ 40% Power Damage
Max Damage:150 240 330 420+ 80% Power Damage
This ability costs NO ENERGY. so the only thing keeping you from using it is the CD. As you can see this ability does more damage the farther you go. So if you're in a fight don't bother using it on someone next to you, its a waste. Use it to initiate or to finish when they run and think they're safe. This lets you let your Q cool down and drop them with a 2 hit combo.
Shazam's Basic Attacks restore 2 Energy.
Shazam gains 1.2 Power Damage for every 50 bonus health, and 0.3 health for every 1 Bonus Power Damage. These bonuses do not stack with each other.
Power Ratio:1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7
Health Ratio:0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Energy:2 3 4 5
This passive will start to kick in hard once your about lvl 12-14 and have your 3 item past starting buys. If you have roughly 850 bonus health it will will translate into an extra 45.9 PD at maxed. Thats basically another PD item. If you have 429 PD you will have an additional 386 HP. So even if you build all PD you still get some tankyness out of it.
Again only concentrating on Top laning the first choice is super obvious (if its not you need to not play top). Its GA's Camera's. If you do not have GA cams that should be the very next thing on your buy list. The cams will save your life and let you run the lane by robbing the stealth pads of vision and of hiding places for the enemy. We will cover effective use of them later in the guide.
Teleport is the second choice. You are a split pusher champion (someone who can clear waves quickly). Your E allows you to push a lane and if your CD's are up and you have done your job during mid game there shouldn't be anyone who can 1v1 you safely. Split pushing a lane then being able to still join the team soon enough to show the enemy what its like to arm wrestle Zues's dick with their ass. This will not only let you win the fight but take a lane while you're at it. Plus during the early game use it to TP back to lane as Shazam doesn't have the best sustain. Abuse this if you notice the enemy has no tele themselves.
The others either don't synergize well with Shazam and aren't valuable enough to the team to take and trump either cams or teleport. But just to list a few specific examples.... Alternates and why not:
Invulnerable: For the purposes of this guide we are assuming someone else is the main tank. So that means you're NOT the tank. So don't be in a situation that makes you need this. Besides you'll be getting neron's anyways. You play timid, then explode on someone (no homo) and then clean up.
Physic Assault / super strength : You have enough CC and wave clear. Done.
Super Speed: you have two gap closer's and one can be used to escape through walls.
Healing wave / consume : If you're placing cams down and laning properly you don't need this. If in a pinch Teleport will allow you to leave lane and be back without losing farm. You're not the support or the tank.