Italicpigeon’s Coast City Guide for a Standard
Green Lantern Prime Build
Any questions or opinions in the comments section are welcomed.
Will update the guide relatively frequently as i play;
**these are a lot to do with your personal play style, if you are new to the game i maybe suggest taking some power damage/armor augments**
His laning phase poke is awesome so i take full damage augments to improve that further
1. Power Damage (G)/ Power Penetration (G) +0.53 Power Penetration/lvl (Max 10.07) / +2.11 Power Pen
2. Power Damage (G)/ Power Penetration (G) +3.16 Power Damage / +2.11 Power Pen
3. Power Damage (G)/ Cooldown Reduction (S) +0.43 Power Damage/lvl (Max 10.07) / +0.19% Cooldown/lvl
4. Power Damage (G)/ Cooldown Reduction (S) +3.16 Power Damage / +1.17% Cooldown
Empowered Abin Sur's Lantern
Will Force: 4.5% conversion to Power Damage
Enhanced Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone: +22 Power Damage (Tier 3)
Enhanced Fatality's Energy Lance: +22 Power Damage (Tier 3)
Empowered Ra's al Ghul's Robe:
Lazarus Effect: Restored to life at 50% Health (Tier 2)
Stolen Powers:
[[Flash's Super Speed]], as GL has no escape mechanic at all this is an awesome choice for saving your life and also for catching those speedy bastards with 1 hp left
[[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] is another great life saver
[[Robin's Surveillance Camera]] is another very viable choice and great against frequently ganking junglers, and especially the stealthers
I level and max his Q first as it decreases the cooldown and increases the damage a lot
Put a point in E at level 2 as the E > Q combo is too shweet
I Max his W 2nd as it increases its duration meaning you and your team can get out more damage on them as they attempt to run. Also very important for kiting and trying to escape, as you have no dashes or speed increases, the longer it slows them for the higher chance you have of getting away.
Also the longer the duration of Constrict the longer you have to hit the target with skills, thereby decreasing its cooldown further, meaning you can use it more and so ensues a somewhat vicious circle of bullshit
Starting Items:
Nil Ring: a safe starting item, all of Green Lantern's core stats, the HP helps you to live a little more dangerously in the early game
Tektite Vial : getting 2 of these and 1 of either a HP pack or a will pack is the most cost effective way to spend your remaining 250 credits as the 3rd tier of a hp pack costs 100 credits anyway
Early Core Items:
[[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (4)]] a great selection of stats and an awesome passive that you can get a tier 2, including the amplifier this item has 82 power damage and is a must buy. i buy the 2nd tier of this item from the tower as soon as i have the credits, by this point you will probably be on lowish will and the passive will help a lot. upgrade to the 3rd tier to get the bonus 22 power damage amplifier, and buy the 4th tier as one of your last buys
[[Abin Sur's Lantern (2)]]: get this to level 2 quickly to start building up the passive will.
[[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]]: with the amplifier the this item has 92 power damage now, so with the good use of the active ability, will increase your damage greatly
[[Hawkman's Harness (4)]]: buy this shizzle whenever you have a bit of money to spare, and sell it back when it is level 4, with no escape mechanic it's a lot safer to have some extra HP as apposed to the power damage from the radion shard
Mid Core Items:
The Starheart (4): HUGE Power damage increase, no reason not to get this item
[[Abin Sur's Lantern (4)]] /////////////////
Situational/Late game Items:
Atlantean Royal Seal (4): HP, Power Damage and an awesome passive that'll help you escape/chase
[[Neron's Contract (4)]]: with no escape mechanic apart from stolen powers, the passive on this is game changing. a must have vs a decent assassin player or to counter Atomic Wonder Woman's ult
The Book Of Eternity (2): you will get a big damage increase after getting this item late game from the power penetration alone
[[Metallo's Heart (3)]]: along with the CD reduction the 350 will gives you extra damage from Abin Sur's Lantern's passive and the armor is great against fed AD carries and assassins
Fragment Of Mogo (3): another nice item to counter AD champs. with the cooldown reduction and the passive you'll get a nice little dps increase also
Entropy Aegis (4): a very nice item to counter PD champs especially if you are being focused by one or more
will add more info on skill usage and general play tips soonish