Listed here is the location,price and what the augment does that i use for most supports.
Page:8/12 Price:400Merit Augment:2.63 Attack Armor 2.63 Power Armor
Page:9/12 Price:400Merit Augment:3.16 Attack Armor 1.75 Movement
Page:9/12 Price:400Merit Augment:3.16 Attack Armor 3.16 Power Armor
Page:9/12 Price:400Merit Augment:3.16 Attack Armor 1.08% Cooldown
Listed here will be the price of mods and what they do to buff that item.
Rapid Medusa Mask
Medisys Restore Health and Will upon leveling up.(Tier 2)
Resonant Olympus Gambit
Improved Olympus Gambit+20 Attack Armor,+20 Power Armor, and +10 Hp10(Tier 3)
Altered Steel's Breastplate
Iron Will 30% of damage taken is directed to Will, long toggle cooldown.
Stolen Powers
Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera
Gaslight Batman's Surevillance Camera has increased sight distance
Gain 3 charges that are spent to place Stealthed
Surveillance Cameras that grant vision in an area around them for 180 seconds. Up to 2 Surveillance Cameras may be on the battlefield at once. Charges are refilled automatically upon returning to base.
Gaslight is one of the camera's i love but i hate the fact that it doesn't have 5 charges. But it does give a great difference in view distance in comparsion.
Robin's Surveillance Camera
Robin's Surveillance Camera has two additional charges.
Gain 5 charges that are spent to place Stealthed Surveillance Cameras that grant vision in an area around them for 180 seconds. Up to 2 Surveillance Cameras may be on the battlefield at once. Charges are refilled automatically upon returning to base.
This camera is most likely the
best choice overall due to the fact it gives 5 charges instead of 3 meaning you can stay in lane for even longer because you can just keep warding. With the bonus ward from base you get a massive 6 ward start right off the bat.
Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision
Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision has a longer vision range.
For 8 seconds your
Champion has increased vision range, can see enemies in Stealth, can see through barriers and into stealth pads.
This is great for the extra safety
play of having farther view range and works well for not face
checking but just checking with far range which also helps with spotting wards at a distance.
Atomic Poison Ivy's X-Ray Vision
Atomic Poison Ivy's X-Ray Vision has a reduced cooldown.
For 8 seconds your Champion has increased vision range, can see enemies in Stealth, can see through barriers and into stealth pads.
The entire purpose of this is to do nothing but clear camera's like crazy so that your jungler can come in even more often or make the other support waste another camera.
Item Path
Item Rundown
Skill Order
Skill Rundown
Laning Phase
Team Fights
Warding Locations
Warding Early:These are all the yellow locations. These locations make it abit annoying for junglers to invade your side and also prevent you from getting ganked easily. With map awareness these spots are key for the early game.
Warding Mid Game:These are all the blue locations. These locations are great for objective control and jungle control of the enemy jungle. Use the blue in the enemy jungle
Only if you have the lead and it is safe to ward the enemy jungle otherwise stay to the middle points of the yellow wards for coverage as they are still good spots.The two spots that should remain the rest of the game is Raider and Levi. with these spots coverage it gives you objective control so that way it isn't done while you had no idea.
Warding Late Game:These spots are great for Raider camera's in the early game and really good for catch outs in the late game when they go to get their buffs. And if they don't well you just steal them instead. with this map coverage it makes it hard for the enemy to either get into your jungle if you are losing by warding your side where the spots are marked. Or it makes it hard for them to go around in their jungle due to the amount of vision you have of them.