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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Arrow

    Grommash's Gotham Divided Green Arrow Bot Lane Guide

    A Green Arrow guide by Grommash
    Last updated: Apr 2nd, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/grommashs-gotham-divided-green-arrow-guide
    8,713 8


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Hi and welcome to my guide! 

    Disregard the 2 coda blades being bought before katana. This site is majorly bugged with the item list.

    I'm not calling myself a pro by any means, this is just a guide based on what I know and what I have collected from my friends.
  • Green Arrow is by far the best ADC in the game at this time.
  • This guide will be the best guide your ever going to see for Green Arrow, in my opinion.
  • It's still a moba and if you don't have the basic skills on movement, placement, and farming. You'll still do well, but your never going to own.
  • Practice makes perfect and if you follow this guide, you'll be damn neer perfect.

    Ability Order
  • Ballistic Arrows (w). Anything that scales in dmg, is by far the most important and best ability u can get for your champion.
  • You can always tell if a Green Arrow is good or not based off what they start with.
  • Superfoam Arrows(q) . A slow on any champion is amazing especially after u got your w maxed. Getting this at level 1 is super legit. The amount of move speed it gives you let's you get in and out with eeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  • Bullseye(r) a no brainer, whenever your ult is up lvl it.
  • Thermite Arrows(e) is what i was lvling behind the passive. With further testing, it is confirmed your passive should be your last priority. If you can't last hit, lvl this at 4. Also having this at around 2-3 before your enemy reaches their 2nd armor is very good. You can get kills with this, mid game.

    Stolen Powers
  • Barrier is by far the best defensive power you can get. It saves your life, when your going for that last hit. Or if your bad, your living through that last hit.
  • Green Arrow cams are simply amazing. With the ability to see stealth, you rock the house.
  • With stealth being as dumb as it is in League right now, it's just as bad in this game. So camera's that give you the advantage to see them coming is a no brainer.

    Starter Items
  • I start with Nil Weapon, because it gives you good base dmg. Base dmg is key for farming. 
  • Max health pots just keeps you in lane longer.
  • You got 50 extra, why not go for that will pot.

    Core Items
  • Katana is your Bloodthirster! A weapon that can give u stacks and life steal. Come on now that is rediculas. Get this to 3 so you can get your stacks on.
  • Usually on any champion I play for dmg, i get some sort of Arm pen or Pow pen early. This is no diffrent. It helps with farming and gives you so much good poke. This is why we go with coda and getting it to lvl 3, for that simple reason. 
  • Velocity 9 Implants. This allows you to not have to max your q out early. The move speed is key with an adc.

    Optional Items
  • Atomic Axe is usually a pick-up for me in 100% of my games. Any legit player will find some sort of attack armor to get across the game. Especially when you'll be dominating them. Increasing that attack pen, is exactally how you counter this.
  • Batman's Utility Belt. This is a great item for any ADC, because it gives move speed and attack speed. YOUR BEST STAT AS AN ADC IN THIS GAME IS MOVE SPEED!!!!! Don't even thank for a second that means don't at least have 380+dmg.
  • Claw of Horus. I don't get this item very often, but when I do it's based off the team having multiple tanks. This is a good way to deal with them, but can alter your build. This item is only good if your attack speed is high!!!
  • Joe Chill's Revolver. Attack Damage, Crit Chance, and Crit Damage. Holy shinazal beans! This item is used in 90% of my games. If they have 1 tank, this item is a no brainer add in at 100%. The squishy champions, have no chance.
  • Lobo's Chain. Great for the ability to kite or chase down champions with high move speed.
  • Ra's Al Ghul Robe. It's a Guardian Angel! If your being focused, GET THIS!
  • Suit of Sorrows. If the enemy team is stacked with ad. Also this item is very good, if they have 2 ad champions diving your face every fight.
  • Deathstroke is your third key item. It comes with a high based dmg and attack speed. Also with the ability to boost that dmg!!!!!!


    Queen Industries Augment ( Code names Hex and Beaver ) Page 8
    Queen Industries Augment ( Code name Bulwark ) Page 11
    Wayne Enterprises Augment ( Code name Wave ) Page 7

    I choose mainly Attack damage and Crit. The fact their is only 2 that fill that role, we add in apen and lifesteal. The added Attack Speed on the 4th and last Augment ( Wayne ) helps u win early close trades. Phax and Mantle are also very situational augments that can replace wave enterprise. This should only ber the case, if your lifesteal is planned to be high lategame. you would be surprised what that 1-2% can do.


    Nil Weapon for Recycling
    Katana for the extra stacks!!!
    Coda for the dmg

    This is based off me wanting early dominace, in my lane.

    If you have any questions, please ask. I hope you enjoy the guide!!

  • Latest comments
    Wayne Enterprises Augment ( Code name Wave ) not Wave Enterprises Augment ( Code name Wayne ) >_<
    12:28 am, Apr 2nd, 2014
    Fixed and thanks for the typo up and up.
    8:18 am, Apr 2nd, 2014
    Fixed and thanks for the typo up and up.
    8:19 am, Apr 2nd, 2014
    Your wording for batman's utility belt seems a bit off. Not sure what you were trying to say there. As for your amps, I like everything except the last one. (BTW, there is no codename Wayne for that page, I think you meant Wave). Anyways, I don't like the last one b/c it has a bronze status. Why not go for the augment Phax or Mantle on page 6?
    4:44 pm, Apr 1st, 2014
    It all depends on how you want to do the build. If you go with the mod +10 stack on your katana, then the lifesteal isnt worth it and phax and mantle will work. The 4th augment we are speaking of is a situational augment based on how you plan on your build. If your doing a scrim and know what your up against, this would be an easy choice. I choose the lifesteal, only based on how i want my early game to go. Very situational and you make a nice point. Yes its called wave and will fix that thnx for the up and up. If you plan on having enough lifesteal from your items and mods, then your augment choice would be phax or mantle. 
    7:23 pm, Apr 1st, 2014
    Personally I changed from the +10 stacks mod on katana to the double stacks per coin. The reason being is that it allows you to snowball slightly faster if you're even against another adc in the same lane and get ahead of them OR if you are behind, then it allows you to catch up much faster. Also, you have to consider the fact that if you guys are both building crit then the +10 stacks are somewhat negliable if its just a random number generator game. 
    6:22 am, Apr 2nd, 2014
    usually what i do is having w on ult first then usually q in e then w and keep poking until can use ult again, but the gap damage between e and w each level is the same, so id prefer get w first and also 1 point in w is to reset ult/keep the atkspd all the time, and i also split push a lot, so clear is always needed and i need maximum damage output on turret/enemy in case we fight, so i usually get e then q or e r q then max w, really depends on lanes. Not saying mine is superior, its just i love using the champion in a more aggresive way(i imagine GA q is lucian e) and if the enemy try to siege on GA, i can straight up clear the whole way with just 1 r. Then aim for the support behind and stuff like that, and aiming towards mid game, i mainly try to poke in a safe enough distance, q is usually for positioning myself again. I also tried max w e first before passive or q, but threw it out due to the fact that mana cost is way too damn high
    8:15 am, Apr 1st, 2014
    I agree with what your saying. Getting e fairly early, was a lot more powerful then I gave it credit for. So we chose to get 2-3 into e, before they hit their second armor. You would have been surprised how many more kills we got, when trying this out. Thanks for all your tips bud! Sorry you can't do pax, because of roster bs ;(.
    9:33 am, Apr 1st, 2014
    Tried it out a little more, before going to bed. Seems like having your e at 2-3 before the enemy reaches their 2nd armor is beastly. So changed the lvl order around on the skills and it should be perfect now. let me know what u think play7owin.
    2:33 am, Apr 1st, 2014
    After talking with cryp and playing a few games as Green Arrow, we have come to the conclusion. Green Arrow's e is not worth getting to me, until about lvl 8. Perhaps it's just a prefrence, but the amount of pen and move speed you get from your other skills, is way superior. We tested maxing out e before the passive and it was just fine. We also tested maxing the passive out before finishng e. This was also legit. It's a matter of preference. When it comes to how I like to play Green Arrow, move speed is rediculas in this game!!! You can get in and out with the poke, just with your q/w. E is for going in dotting and turning back. Just not my style ;/. 
    3:34 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    We also decided to get q first. The move speed it provides is your best stat in this game!!! Move speed!!!
    3:37 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    E is great for the dot, but terrible early for farming. Depending on how they position themself, is the reason I don't like it early. Not only can it totally mess your farm up, but the arm pen on your w may just be a way better source of poking. It's going to take testing, before we can figure this out completely. I'll get back to you after I have a chat with aL_Play7owin and Kgo_Crypsis.
    2:19 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    I disagree with the skill order, get e at level 1 and max out w will bring out more damage in lane, and maxing passive after w also will result in higher dps, since your ult is really strong mid game, might as well make it 6-7 seconds cd with 500+ burst
    10:37 am, Mar 31st, 2014
    I thought this at first also, but with further testing with kgo_crypsis. We came to the agreement that starting w was better. Perhaps we can all sit down and discuss this soon. Everything else seems as we agreed on skill orders.
    12:04 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    As far as passive goes, you may be right. I don't find myself ulting much though. I'd rather just auto.
    12:08 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    As far as passive goes, you may be right. I don't find myself ulting much though. I'd rather just auto.
    1:12 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    As far as passive goes, you may be right. I don't find myself ulting much though. I'd rather just auto.
    2:16 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    This site is so buggy!!!
    2:17 pm, Mar 31st, 2014
    Wish they would figure out why the starter items and essential keep coming up backwards!!  
    1:26 pm, Mar 29th, 2014