Hi secondpassing here bringing a jungle build for gaslight catwoman since really there are no fresh builds for her, especially not in the jungle
Why jungle?
Gaslight catwoman has poor mobility without her ultimate, has no sustain, no repeatable escapes, and is melee- making her a weak laner.
decent clear speed
path flexibility
amazing damage for ganks/unpredicatablity
excelling counter jungling potential
not a safe jungler
counterganked easily
poor counterganker with low base defenses
poor at covering lanes
Skill Order
my ideas for skill order are totally opposite then the other guides.
Rank Ultimate > passive > w > q >e
1. Camps use one to two qw -> damage comes from passive
2. Scaling on passive is AMAZING
Jungle path:
prespawns- ward enemy camp
1. detonate, auto, w and kill camp closest to mid lanes
2. auto w and kill a side minions, then aa-aa-aa-aa-aa and kill health pad camp
drop health pad for ally
3. last camp and recall or gank
->buy hp pot tier 3
4. do three more camps -> you're level 4
-> chug pots
gank lane if applicable
5. detonate 7th camp and recall
->buy first piece of claymore or soultakers katana or lobo's chain
6. 8th camp -> you're level 6
gank lane, it doesn't matter how high their health is
Now exercise your stealth skills
Gank execution:
ganking with gaslight catwoman is one dimensional
1. enter bush and ping
2. hit e for stealth if you have it
3. approach enemy and try to hit q on all of them
4. aa
5. R on main target, R on secondary target (if you're ganking bot), R on main target
6. W and finish
Dueling execution:
same as gank execution, but save your e for the end since you don't need to sneak up on them.
Be aggresive with these, if you watch your cooldowns you outdamage many champions.
---- lost some text here I'll finish it later December 13, 2014
FAQ, or what I think will be:
1 Why not atomic axe early?
People don't have armor early.
2 Why not Marauder's Knife Tier 3?
You should not get tier 3 until you have about 100 attack damage, since credit use will be inefficient.
3 What are your credentials?
I was plat in dawngate as jungle ashabel/voluc, mostly ashabel. Plat in League as jungle udyr/support lux. I quit both of those. I'm SSUtsuho.
I am sure there is a better build to be had, the perfect balence is out there somewhere.
Feel free to leave comments!
---- December 15, 2014
Changed up mods since you can jungle fairly safe if you do it in the correct order.
Claymore seems to be a for sure item in most games so I switched the mod to that.
Soultaker katana is built later, and mods are either for specials or for early dominance.
I should probably add little pictures and jungle matchups
Also minor adjustments and realization the level this guide describes isn't all that low.
So name change.
---- December 18, 2014
Hopefully it will let me edit.
----January 31,2015