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    Infinite Crisis builds for Wonder Woman

    hellopanda's Gotham Divided Wonder Woman Guide

    A Wonder Woman guide by hellopanda
    Last updated: Apr 6th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/hellopandas-gotham-divided-wonder-woman-guide
    6,433 0


    Ability levelling order
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    Wonder Woman is a tier 1 jungler and can out clear Doomsday and clears about as fast as API.  Because of her AOE damage you do not need detonate and can run consume instead which helps in team fights and allowing you to stay in the jungle longer. 

    Mod items for health as a priority. 
    extra health on the lobo chain
    Improved Olympus Aura
    extra health on Entropy Aegis

    per lvl health
    crit chance
    attack armor scaling/power armor scaling
    cd scaling
    These are up to you.  All that I advise is that you get crit chance on at least one of your Augs and try to focus on scaling health.  Your max health is not that high and any health will help.

    - Fast clears
    - strong ganks
    - strong late game
    - strong push

    - sketchy ganks
    - weak emp control
    - can't carry alone

    Shield or Ring
    There is a debate on leveling your shield or selling and getting a ring.  There is good reasons for both sides and such need to be discussed.

    The reasons for shield is that WW is a tank, she doesn't do damage so she doesn't need ap.  She also can just get a Gorrilla Grodd's helmet and have her mana issued dealt with and get some magic resist.  Furthermore, you do not have a large health pool so more health the better.  Plus resilience is invaluable.
    The reasons for ring is that WWs ratios are rather high for a tank so ap is not wasted on her, especially here.  Ring will greatly increase your clears.  Furthermore, you do not have to get a gorrilla grodd's helmet and can save the 750 for the mogos.  Mogos should have enough health to sustain you but those who like shield are not wrong in wanting the extra health. 
    So it does come down to preference.  At the moment lvl 3 sheild seems strong and not too expensive.  But that is personal.
    You can also not level the muarader items but i feel like that is not worth it as you need the clear speed.

    Your early game ganks aren't the greatest as your whip is obvious and you do not burst well.  However, you do push well so your level 2 gank is just you pushing that lane and taking that emp.  Make sure your lasso hits by using it to peel someone off the adc or when they fall on you when you try to grab the emp.  If done correctly you should win this team fight.  As long as you have your passive you can jungle.  Just make sure you have the mana for w,e which is not much.  You can sell your shield as soon as you have your ring at level 2.  Only sell the Knife when you need to go up a level at that moment, gank is coming up, you are having mana problems, common sense stuff.

    Remeber activate your mogos before your ult if you have it.  Your ult range is huge, use it to your advantage.  If they run in a brush do not play their game just ult.  Your cds are short because of your w.  Always turn on your w to reduce your cds.  w is important because of this.  Ws range is not large enough to do lee sin ward hopping but you can go across cars.  You are very mobile.  Do amumu bandage tosses to creeps to escape ganks, and lee sin shields to get even further from them.  If done right, you can piggy back on your allies dashges as well but it takes luck and communication.  When ulting you want to get at least two people.  Do not get greedy get the two and ult if one of them is thge adc.  Also, since your cd is short be liberal with your ult.  Your ganks are insane and keep an eye out for your passive if your passive hasn't prced you cna fight once it procs take a second and heal and then get back into the fight.  You do not have to use your q to get into the gank walk in, ult and the q the adc.  You should get the kill with that much cc on such a fragile hero.

    Late Game
    Around now you are looking for a good q to get a good fight.  Your ults should hit at least three if they group.  If they seperate have everyone chase one of them and kill them.  Make them fight your fight.  If you are being dived ult.  Show them why it is so scary to seige a tower with a ww on the other team.  Play smart and trust your teammates.  Jokers ult after you, Flashes ult before you and mww at the same time.  If you stack your ults properly you will always get the team fight even if you are behind.  

    These are good WW games agaisnt competent players
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