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    Infinite Crisis builds for Harley Quinn

    Jesterday's Harley Quinn (Controller/Enforcer) Guide

    A Harley Quinn guide by JesterdayDeLuder
    Last updated: Aug 2nd, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/jesterdays-harley-quinn-gh-controller-enforcer-blaster-guide
    11,391 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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    Situational item options
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    When playing as Harley Quinn, your duty is to interrupt your enemies by stunning and slowing them as well as pushing them towards your team.

    You won't be strong enough to be at the front line in teamfights when you start off, but you sure will be later on.
    Try to always have somebody with you early game. Teamwork is everything!
    Your ability to knock (squishy) enemies towards your teammate will almost always secure the kill. 
    Atomic Wonder Woman or Superman are perfect to team up with because they can take a couple hits, are melee and can cause quite some damage as well as stunning enemies.
    In Gotham Divided, you go with a Marksman like Gaslight Batman or Cyborg.

    Once you bought Psi-Scimitar (3), you're ready to fight enemies one on one. You can do that earlier, but it will be easier once you bought it. Don't underestimate Harley Quinn's stamina!
    You may not be as good as Green Lantern at bursting down a single enemy, but once you've damaged your enemy using your pies and basic attacks, it will be easy for you to suprise them with your ultimate and heal.
    In a perfect scenario, you push your enemy away from his possible escape route; forcing him to battle you.
    You then damage him with your pies and basic attacks which will cause quite some damage because of Psi-Scimitar (3). It has a cooldown of 2,5 seconds or so, so don't heal yourself too early!
    Now throw a pie again and - as always - make use of your Psi-Scimitar (3).
    Puddin' Time! combined with another pie and a basic attack should do the rest. If your enemy is tankier, lure them in your turret's range.

    You're ought to learn how to look like the weakest part of the chain. Enemies will then underestimate you and/or overerstimate themselves which will make it way easier for you to lure them where you want them.
    Harley Quinn being a clown and not as famous as for example Batman helps. People tend to underestimate her because they only know her as the clumsy right hand of The Joker.

    It's possible to team up with a Blaster as well. Preferably Green Lantern since he can slow an enemy while causing lots of damage.

    Harley Quinn is one of the slowest champions with a base Movespeed of 360 which will make it hard for you to push an enemy towards your team.
    Your passive will come in handy since it boosts your Movespeed to upper average level. It mainly helps when you're trying to escape, though. Positioning? Not so much. Predict the enemie's moves.

    If an enemy is faster than you, (for example Flash, Nightmare Batman and Poison Ivy), you'll most likely help them escape by pushing them towards their base.
    Lategame you'll very probably have more movespeed than most people.

    Why not as a Marksman? Some of you may want to know. That's easy!
    Harley Quinn doesn't have a good base Attack Damage nor good Attack Speed. Her passive doesn't make her as strong as a real Marksman either because its extra Attack Speed doesn't last long enough.
    So don't bother with buying [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] or anything like that.

    Still got a question? Post a comment and I'll do my best to answer!

    Here's an example of a one on one fight against Green Arrow.


    In Gotham Heights TOP, you start off with Olympus Gambit (1) and Atlantean Royal Seal (1).
    Next to go with is Atlantean Royal Seal (4) and Eye Of Ekron (2) followed by Psi-Scimitar (3) and [[Metallo's Heart (2)]]. 

    Now it's time for Olympus Gambit (3), Eye Of Ekron (3) and [[Pandora's Box (3)]].
    Finish it with Eye Of Ekron (4), [[Pandora's Box (4)]], [[Metallo's Heart (3)]] and Olympus Gambit (4).

    In Gotham Heights BOT, you start off with Olympus Gambit (1) and Eye Of Ekron (2).
    Next to go with is Atlantean Royal Seal (4) and  Psi-Scimitar (3) followed by [[Metallo's Heart (2)]] and   Olympus Gambit (3).

    Finish it with [[Pandora's Box (4)]], Eye Of Ekron (4) and Olympus Gambit (4).

    You can buy any of the Optional Artifacts instead of [[Metallo's Heart (2)]] and [[Pandora's Box (4)]].

    In Gotham Divided, you start off with Olympus Gambit (2) to get some gold throughout the game and follow it up with [[Abin Sur's Lantern (2)]] and Atlantean Royal Seal (4)
    Next is Psi-Scimitar (3), [[Metallo's Heart (2)]] and Olympus Gambit (3)
    You then get Eye Of Ekron (4), [[Abin Sur's Lantern (4)]], [[Metallo's Heart (3)]] and Olympus Gambit (4).


    S.T.A.R. Labs Mod
    Empowered Psi-Scimitar (3)
    - Skilled Attack 2:
    50 + 50% Power Damage (or 150% base Attack Damage).

    Lex Corp Mod
    Optimized Atlantean Royal Seal (4)

    300 Credits Off.

    Queen Industires Mod
     Resonant Olympus Gambit (3)
    - Improved Olympus Aura:
    + 20 Attack Armor, + 20 Power Armor, + 10 Health Regeneration per 10 seconds.

    Lex Corp Augment
    + 0,44 Power Damage per level
    + 0,3 Power Armor per level

    Lex Corp Augment
    0,44 Power Damage per level
    0,3 Attack Armor per level

    Holt Holdings Augment
    0,39 Power Armor per level
    2,52 Movespeed

    Holt Holdings Augment
    0,39 Attack Armor per level
    2,52 Movespeed


    [[Flash's Super Speed]]
    - Harley needs lots of Movespeed, so always take this one with you.

    [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]]
    - Good for counter attacks.

    [[Shazam's Invulnerability]]
    - If there are already one or two people with any Healing Wave, take this one or [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]].

    [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]]
    - If there are already one or two people with any Healing Wave, take this one or [[Shazam's Invulnerability]].

    [[Catwoman's Teleport]]
    - Provides you with some additional mobility.

    [[Green Lantern's Meteor Drop]]
    - Provides you with extra damage.

    [[Gaslight Batman's Surveillance Camera]]
    - Additional vision.

    [[Gaslight Catwoman's X-Ray Vision]]
    - Good for instant extra vision when it's needed.

    "If you think Arkham's scary for doctors, you should try it as a patient."
    - Harley Quinn


    Infinite Crisis Protector Name:


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