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Gotham Divided core batman build.
A Gaslight Batman guide by BixleLast updated: May 17th, 2014
Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/jmmj6GXL
10,940 5
Ability levelling order
Starter items
Core items
Offensive item options
Defensive item options
Situational item options
Stolen Powers
So here is the breakdown of a really solid marksman, Gaslight Batman.
Item Breakdown:
Atlantis Gambit- As long as you have the mod for 5 gold per 10 seconds at the first level of the mod. Farming becomes practically irrelivent with this mod. Although you will still want to farm.
Soultaker level 3 with the mod that gives stacks per coin and only loose 15% stacks on death. It allows you to stack it fast and keep it stacked even with death's early. Level 3 until later in the game.
Velocity 9 Implants- Third item simply put it gives crit. Crit is pretty strong and a velocity 9 gives movement speed as well as Crit and attack speed. So more crits faster.
Joe Chills- More crit and crit damage. Good all around item.
Mega rod is good wave clear, Its optional when to buy but I suggest it not being your very last item.
Atomic axe- Armor shred and tons of damage! What isnt to like about this item.
Optional Item
Claw of horus- Only use with the kinetic armor mod, Use when up against an Arrow. Only viable with the mod though so if you arent running the mod dont bother with the item.
Koda Blade- Only build to level 3 as early armor shred, AS the game goes on Atomic axe will do its job much better.
Zeiss Goggles- Early crit much like the Koda blade V9 and Joe Chills basically replace it.
Deathstrokes claymore- Use if they have a lot of health. The active on it marks the target. Used on a tank if caught out is pretty good, makes him take a lot more damage.
Sword of Beuowolf- If the enemy has a lot of Power damage it is a great item and the response shield is good for teamfight sustain.
if you found this guide helpful let me know!
Follow on Twitter ---->https://twitter.com/Chris__Dunbar
Item Breakdown:
Atlantis Gambit- As long as you have the mod for 5 gold per 10 seconds at the first level of the mod. Farming becomes practically irrelivent with this mod. Although you will still want to farm.
Soultaker level 3 with the mod that gives stacks per coin and only loose 15% stacks on death. It allows you to stack it fast and keep it stacked even with death's early. Level 3 until later in the game.
Velocity 9 Implants- Third item simply put it gives crit. Crit is pretty strong and a velocity 9 gives movement speed as well as Crit and attack speed. So more crits faster.
Joe Chills- More crit and crit damage. Good all around item.
Mega rod is good wave clear, Its optional when to buy but I suggest it not being your very last item.
Atomic axe- Armor shred and tons of damage! What isnt to like about this item.
Optional Item
Claw of horus- Only use with the kinetic armor mod, Use when up against an Arrow. Only viable with the mod though so if you arent running the mod dont bother with the item.
Koda Blade- Only build to level 3 as early armor shred, AS the game goes on Atomic axe will do its job much better.
Zeiss Goggles- Early crit much like the Koda blade V9 and Joe Chills basically replace it.
Deathstrokes claymore- Use if they have a lot of health. The active on it marks the target. Used on a tank if caught out is pretty good, makes him take a lot more damage.
Sword of Beuowolf- If the enemy has a lot of Power damage it is a great item and the response shield is good for teamfight sustain.
if you found this guide helpful let me know!
Follow on Twitter ---->https://twitter.com/Chris__Dunbar
Latest comments
great guide, i have been using this 10-50 games in and i've gone from feeder to a hungry hungry hippo. (i was 300-500 kills below total dealths, but now i'm almost 1:1)
I always get a good laugh when i'm doing a mirror match (opposite side has a gl bat and same lane) and they go for a lobo.
my only variation if i'm way ahead and feeling cocky is i get vel-9s, but most the time i'm going for some type of armor before mega rod, mainly cause of some crazy prime gl or fed nightmare bat.
2:28 pm, Mar 27th, 2014
Oh, and by the way, if you have recycled amp on you Nil Weapon, you can only buy Nil Weapon + TWO health pot at start, since you take "dmg improvement" mod instead of "discount" mod. I also find Katana's "10 extra stacks" mod and either Joe Chill's "discount" or Mega Rod's "extra dmg" to be useful, in term of pure dmg route.
7:32 pm, Feb 26th, 2014
Ever thought of using Ra's al Ghul's Robe?
4:59 pm, Feb 26th, 2014
I think the guide is focusing on full dmg, and only situational def if must, so Ra's Robe may not be the best item over all, since you'd have to sacrifice some dmg... Besides, in most case, you either get caught and die, or you stay in the back and blast everyone to death, as long as there's someone tanking for you, you shouldn't need revival, with all the dmg and lifesteal... Ra's Robe isn't really that game changing, and it would cost the money/slot for a dmging gear...
7:28 pm, Feb 26th, 2014
Great guide, man!!! Loving it, but Hal Jordan Prime can be a tough opponent as well. I actually found Zatanna easier to deal with than Cyborg, but maybe I just happened to meet a bad Zatanna...
Anyway, you got my upvote!
12:36 am, Feb 26th, 2014
Please dis regard the Megarod, deathstrokes claymore, and joe chills revolver in the starting item slots, I dont know how they got there....
5:29 pm, Feb 1st, 2014