Hello everyone! Its JNizzle10 again FvR-JNizzle10 in the IC game. here with another guide this time on my favorite champion, Batman! now even though I main as top laner player, I also like the play Batman as jungler. I fell that his ganking potential is very good, and his clear time is up there with other top junglers. the reason=16px why I max his W first is because it deaks the most base damage, 2nd it has better ad scaling then hiw Q 3rd the cool down goes down by 1 sec for each basic attack that you land. also early game I dont feel a need to level his e because even though it deals damage, it only slows their atack speed. I\'d rather have a higher lv W and Q early game and lv his e late game for teamfights. Now to items. Lobo\'s chain is great on Batman for the hp, damage, and constant slow it has. this leave the other lanes to chose champs that can focus more on damage rather than cc since Batman will have 3 slows now. the purpose of the jungler is to get the other lanes kills and get them ahead early game so when the teamfights start thay have an advantage. try your best to not secure the kill when you fight unless your ally can not get it. after lane phase is over if you secure kills it wont be a big deal. I tend to chose if I want Batman to be a bruiser tank or assassin by judging who is on your team. if you dont really have a tank on your team go more bruiser/tank late game but it is ok to go damage early game for ganks. Overall I feel that Batman fits well in the jungle or top lane and can easly be the key champ to help your team win the game!