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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Lantern

    Joshualamar1's GD GL PRIME Guide PURE BLASTER

    A Green Lantern guide by joshualamar1
    Last updated: May 24th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/joshualamar1s-gd-gl-prime-guide-pure-blaster
    3,201 0


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    The gambits i start with are modded lvl 1 Olympus Gambit (2) Qward Gambit (2) and the coin [[Two Face's Coin (2)]] is also modded for every 45 sec i gain a stack. very simple i know lol but you want gold and stacks fast trust me. the energy lance[[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]], Star Heart The Starheart (3), and the Book of Eternity The Book Of Eternity (2). are your big hitters. plus the cosmic belt Cosmic Belt (3) is just that lil extra KAPOW + life

    I like to max W first for the dmg over time and slow is very op early game, most players will run away after you do it once or twice and think differently about engaging letting you do your thing for a few waves. or he will play back if you do it enough early.

    if you cant use your energy lance[[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]]well id say use an optional item that are not an ACTIVE on use. how ever if you can figure it out its godly... so as i engage i hit my Energy Lance[[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]]and W i then activate my E (rockets) i stack 2-3 of those on the enemy and then i Q (safe/vault) if you read the tool tip on GL his Q stack more power DMG per stack of E (rockets) on enemy

    Helpful Hint to Ganks
    a very good blow up early game mid lane guide. i win the lane rather easily and find plenty of time to roam for ganks. i usually roam top as it can be a 2v1 with my top laner or a 3v1 if your jungler and top is there. i dont like bot only because there is more players to hurt me. and well im a blaster thats what i do in for dmg and get the heck out. i try to engage hard with slow and then use the rockets to get a 2 stcak or 3 stack and drop the safe. all the while my allie should be autoing or 1 spell to help get the enemy down. takes some getting use to but very effective. i also use smart casting on release. gl and happy hunting
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