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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Lantern

    Best AD GL Jungle NA ( A guide to Acronyms)

    A Green Lantern guide by Krashy
    Last updated: Sep 16th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/jungling-actually-done-right-green-lantern-
    3,372 5


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    What is up Dawnbase its me Krashy here with my first build and well i wanted it to be with my fav DC character of all time, Green Lantern. So really quickly please check out my social media and then we can get into the build!

    Twitter: @Krashyz
    Youtube: /KrashyTV
    Twitch: /Krashyz

    Ok so the title is an obvious shot at Spaghetti but JK i just wanted to be a douche and no your not crazy this is an AD or Attack Damage Carry Jungle build for Green Lantern!!!! Enjoy!


    So to start i do something pretty basic and take Marauders Knife (1) and Nil Weapon. Pretty basic AD jungle start and for Green Lantern. Its pretty sustaining and a nice start in general. After the start i hit my camps either solo to level 3 and go for my Elites or if coordinated double jungle get the elites together at level 1, the usual. 

    1st Item:
    Usually at around level 3 i back and have about 500 credits and im really looking to max the Marauders Knife (1) to Marauders Knife (4) ASAP! It give the damage bonus to creeps which helps ALOT since GL has no AD ratios and its also a pretty solid item for Attack Lifesteal throughout the game.

    Core Items:
    For the rest of my jungling i will rush the Promethium Mace (1) to Promethium Mace (4) for free damage and later on a free item, if you know how the item works you will know you can sell the Promethium Mace (4) for 100% gold back to build something else, this will come in handy! After that your core itemization is gonna get EXPENSIVE! Go for the Mega Rod. Straight into an Atomic Axe (2). The rest of the items on my build order are just my recommended items that work well in this build, For example the Batman's Utility Belt (4) will give you some nice HP, Attack Speed and Cdr which is amazing since your primary spell as Green Lantern is his Slow. 

    Pretty simple concept here your just like an AD assassin/bruiser. I cant decide which one this build plays more like. Place your W on a target of interest, while zoning and dancing use your 3 E missles to poke a small amount (His E out of jungle is very useless imo, especially as AD) and of course land a couple Q's when you can. Other than that Auto attack focus targets and try to land your ult strategically. For example, Get as many in it as you can and/or get a focus target/team in the center for the stun. AUTO AUTO AUTO ATTACK!

    Again pretty simple i start E to get the splash damage to help me out on the camps then i max W for the Damage over time and slow effect, which is the most effective for Attack Damage Green Lantern. So start level 1 E, Max W and Q and then fill in your E and passive!

    So thats my guide again please check out my social media it really helps me out and i hope yall enjou Jungle Attack Damage Green Lantern!!!!

    Latest comments
    also i cant edit the guide without it deleting all my text :c sorry i cant fix the itmes up
    6:54 am, Sep 11th, 2013
    Same happened to me, just copy all of the text then paste it back in and you should be fine.
    3:24 pm, Sep 16th, 2013
    Been making some changes to the build. Obvious choise i take the claymore out and been slowely adding mega rod in, also Shades cane is useless. Otherwise enjoy
    6:49 am, Sep 11th, 2013
    i'd understand if the title was "AD green lantern" but the title suggests that this is the best way to jungle as green lantern, and it so overwhelmingly, testicle hurtingly isn't. not to mention the fact that this isnt even a good way to build him AD (and yes i understand it was an attempt at a joke, but it would have been funnier if it actually was a good build)
    6:19 pm, Sep 8th, 2013
    first of all im having a hard time fixing the guide, obvious changed needed to be made and i made the guide before testing it. ALSO the title is a joke so chill out. NO ONE on this game is pro, and i happen to be in like the top 5 percentile. So calm down, and please remove any left over pieces of stick that may still be up your tight ass :P Kappa
    7:18 am, Sep 11th, 2013
    "NO ONE on this game is pro, and i happen to be in like the top 5 percentile" wow, i hope that was also an attempt at a joke?
    11:16 pm, Sep 19th, 2013
    k you changed the title so this post is irrelevant now. good boy.
    11:03 pm, Sep 29th, 2013
    Also, don't ever refresh on the comments page, it double posts... Sacrilege plz.
    12:50 pm, Sep 7th, 2013
    That's how posted data works on every site in the universe. That's why your browser prompts you about whether you want to resend the data.
    1:53 pm, Sep 7th, 2013
    AD Lantern. Deathstroke's Claymore. Shade's Cane. Upgrading Marauder's Items. Oh god you're killing me please stop it hurts to liiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.
    12:31 pm, Sep 7th, 2013