Atomic Wonder Woman is an incredibly dominant jungler early game. She does fall off late game a bit, but only because she doesn't team fight well. She does, however, 1v1 well, kill squishies in a heart beat, and is the scariest counter jungler around.
Amps: Assassin: Endgame Burst. No exceptions.
Skill Order: R>E>Passive>W>Q. Max range (or revved) E does more than revved W. E is your jungle clear, it's your gank tool, it's your wave clear, it's your zoning power, it's your everything. In fact, it's so very much your everything, that you max your passive second because it gives you a longer duration on your flat armor pen, long enough to cover the full duration of the dot at rank 2, and when it comes to flat armor pen, more is always better, so a fuly leveled passive will actually increase your ability damage by more than extra ranks will. W or Q next is preference. I like W for obvious, high damage reasons. Q Cooldown is reduced per rank.
Items: Coda Coda Coda Coda Coda Coda rush a Coda 4. Armor pen everywhere means effective true damage. With this much armor pen, you will, with some frequency, have more armor pen than the enemy has armor. I can't say for sure that stat values will go negative, but there's some sort of funky interaction that makes you do more damage than you should sometimes. After Coda, you have options. Your end game build will be the same, but the order in which you build the items will change game to game. If you need to be tanky enough to hard dive, Fragment of Mogo 3. I've mentioned before, Mogo is a defensive item with obscene offensive power. R E Mogo, melt whole enemy team. Alongside Mogo, you'll want Huntress' Crossbow. Cooldown reduction not only gives you more ult activations (early game, every ult should be at least one kill), but increases the rate at which you build rev, meaning more revved abilities and more uptime on your flat armor pen. Increased mobility because of CDR capped Q is a big bonus.
Because of the strength of Spear of Destiny, you'll want to buy one of these, alongside your next item, Lobo's Chain. AWW is a pure attack damage character, meaning she doesn't much benefit from multiplicative stats like attack speed and crit. The raw attack damage that Spear of Destiny will provide when combined with Mogo and Lobo's HP makes up for the lack of raw damage on Lobo's. The slow on Lobo's is an added bonus, but not a primary reason for it's purchase.
6th item will, in nearly every situation, be R'as al Ghul's Robe. Because of your short Q cooldown, if you were to die in a team fight, the long duration on the revive will (usually) mean you have a Q ready as soon as you get up, either to escape or reengage with. It's also a train load of defensive stats, of which you only had Mogo and Spear for before.
Late game, you'll replace Coda 4 with Atomic Axe 2, but that will be after R'as.