Pick something else.
If you want to troll your team and be a big useless pile of rocks, pick Doomy. If you wanna help your team and be useful, pick damn near anything else.
Amps: There's no optimal page for Doomy. You want a Coda, but you want Metagolem after that. If you want the more Physical heavy route, run Assassin: Early Terror. If you want to be more Metagolem, Jungle Sustain.
Skill order: W first, max W first. Then Q, then passive, then E. Ultimate whenever you can skill it. W makes you one of the fastest jungle clears in the game, always max that first. E can hit the hardest but is also the ability you're least likely to be able to use in a fight, so having your first ability maxed be something you couldn't even use leads to ugly ugly fights.
Items: Marauder's Knife, Marauder's Shield, 5 HP pots, just like usual. From there, Coda 4, flat armor pen, and the passive reduces Lifesteal, which is your hardest counter (your late game is all about reflect unfortunately). After Coda 4, Mogo 3. Mogo 3 to Spear of Destiny 2. Spear to Lobos. Lobos to Utility Belt. Belt to Ra's al Ghul's Robe. There's unfortunately very little wiggle room in Doomy, or any bruisers build for that matter. Lots of HP, lots of offensive stats, lots of defensive stats, Spear converting HP into AD.