Damage. Just, oodles and oodles of damage. Damage out of every orifice. Relying on proper timing and comboing of abilities, Gaslight Catwoman has the highest combined AD ratio of a full combo of the assassins, and with a thrice activatable gapcloser, it's quite difficult to avoid her seemingly endless barrage of abilities.
Items: Knife 1, Shield 1, Flask. Rush Joker's Crowbar 2, then Deadshot's Visor 4 (this item is stupidly overpowered on GLC). After Deadshot's 4, Coda 3. After Coda 3, grab Huntress' Crossbow 3, CDR is huge for her. At this point, your damage is more than high enough, so you should grab R'as al Ghul's robe (maybe before crossbow, depending on the game). After Robe, you have choices. If you need the passive, upgrade Coda 4. If you don't need it, sell it, leaving you two item slots. Pick any 2 from the optional section. Metallo's is a good pick up, CDR capping you and giving you just that hair more mana towards DSV's damage.
Jungling: Preferred bottom jungle. Catwoman has good gank power for bottom lane, and exceptional counter jungle strength after level 3. Start at elites, then tripods for 2. Your camp priority after the initial clear should be enemies big mob ('elites'), your big mob, enemy tripods, your tripods, ganking, those other crappy robots. If you got a few kills early, let your team know that you will fight for the enemies relay at 5 minutes. Catwoman's incredible base damage on Q makes her one of the more powerful early game brawlers, so try and abuse this.
Teamfights: Wait for the initial CC's and whatnot to be burned, get to your highest priority target, and it's a race. Do you kill them before the enemy team kills you? If you did well this game, yes. If not, probably still yes. Big thing to remember is proper usage of your ultimate. E and Q both apply the mark. Q also applies the mark to multiple people. It's very possible to ult 4+ times in rapid succession, if they are between multiple marked targets. Just be careful not to leave yourself without an ult.
Skill Order:
Q obviously. W is next, the base on it goes up by 40 (more than Q, but not multiple projectiles), and the CD is reduced. E next, passive is tempting but a lower CD on your stealth/movespeed steroid is better. Passive last.