Hoooly crap can you say overbuffed?
Shazam does what he used to do, delete carries. But, his new over the top ratios + free ult make him such a braindead easy character, that not having one on your team to straight up body anyone with sub-3k HP is just silly. Shazam went from 'do not pick' tier to 'holy crap pick every game' tier.
Amps: Early Blaster page. No exception.
Skill Order: R>W>Q>Passive>E. Lightning Field is still not worth the energy until super super super late game, so don't even bother with it. If you use E early game, you're depriving yourself of W Q. The raw damage output of a WRQ (go into Mystic Power before ulting for the flat spell pen) is astronomical, to the point of little to no counterplay.
Items: Raw. Power. Raw. Damage. Lightning Haymaker people for a gorillion and laugh your way to the bank. Start with Marauder's Shield 1, Nil Ring (yes, I know, will. 15 Power and 75HP is still worth it), 2 HP pots. Rush Cosmic Staff 4 (with the mod), then Psi-Scim. Note: It's better to build Psi-Scim by turning refundable's into it. Instead of spending your first 1k on Psi-Scim 1, which isn't very useful, buy a Radeon shard. Finish Radeon, make a Hawkman's. When you finish the two of them, sell both for full Psi-Scim. Before Scim, you were wrecking people. After Psi-Scim, your allies don't even get chance to get assists. After Scim, get Starheart, obvious reasons. After Starheart, Oa 3/4, because you know what goes well with loads of flat spell pen? That's right, MORE flat spell pen. Which is why your next item is Blue Scarab. Blue Scarab stacks a spell pen debuff on every hit, increases your attack speed so you can get energy from passive faster, does 10% of your power damage on hit. Super strong item on him and Flash. After Scarab, your choice of defensive item or Energy Lance. I dislike Energy Lance, it's more than you need. Neron's is awesome after a full combo, and R'as is good for obvious reasons. It's worth noting, energy heroes don't get a hefty mana refund like will characters do. You just get normal energy regen.