Ok, you know what? I don't even know what to think anymore. I started trying characters in the jungle that I was sure would be awful, and they've all surprised me. Zatanna. Jungle Zatanna. It's actually really good, better than I would have ever expected. Her clear is obscenely fast, so fast in fact, that you take mana pots > health pots, because you kill camps before they get a chance to hurt you. Quite adept at counter jungling, incredibly safe in her own, and with decent ganks at level 6 and beyond, Zatanna is a rather powerful, easy to overlook jungler.
Items: That order for items, in my guide? After the Abin Sur's Lantern and Logoz, it's all "which one do I need now?" Start with your Marauder's Ring 1, Medusa Mask 1, 2 HP pots, 3 mana pots. Rush to complete Medusa's Mask, sell it, get Lantern. If you think you still need the additional beef of it, rebuild Medusa's Mask, otherwise, Logoz next. Once you finish Logoz 2, what you build is entirely game dependant. The items listed are what you want, but the order in which you build them is totally fluid. Entropy Aegis for power armor, Steels and Metallo's for armor, Metallos and Eye of Ekron for CDR (Eye of Ekron takes Logoz 2's spot, you will sell Logoz 2 later), Lantern 3 and Neron's for damage, Neron's and Steel's Movespeed. See what I mean? It's all about what you need next, but you will eventually have them all.
Top jungle preferred, safer early, and Zatanna's ganks aren't great until 6. She has plenty of damage when she shows up to gank a lane, but with only her slow, she's relying on her ally laners to bring all the proper CC. Start tripods, duo big camp with allied jungler, then go steal theirs. From there, farm farm farm with Q, and try and steal the enemy tripods. Once you have a little bit of power damage behind you, and a few levels, clearing the tri-pod camps becomes QEQ, done. Everything in is dead, assuming you hit each tiny minion with at least 1 hit of your Q. Post 6, gank whenever your ult is off cooldown. You will likely spend a great deal of time in top lane with your solo laner, as Zatanna also has something a lot of other jungles lack, heavy siege power. When jungle Zatanna shows up to your lane with malice in her eyes, fully intent on taking your tower, you need your jungler to come help or you WILL lose your tower. Creep waves don't exist around her, and she can heal her own wave/shield the minion the tower is on.
Teamfights: You are a support. Don't be Rambo. This late in the game, your E is a shield, your Q is poke, and your W is either for your carry or the enemy on him. Sit in the back line and make sure your high damage dealers get to deal their damage. Your damage is respectable, use it to scare away bruisers coming after the carry. If you are sure your team can't fight team fights, you become Sonic the fkin Hedgehog of split pushing. Run to lanes, blow up waves, and sprint away before you get into trouble. Keep doing this, because very few characters can actually catch up to Zatanna, and even less can kill her once they get there. Pretty much, unless the other team has a fed Flash or Nightmare Batman, you can't die 1v1. Flash can stick to you, Nightmare Batman can stay on you with E long enough to get you low enough for a meteor bite to finish the job.
Skill Order:
Q for jungle clear, obvious. E next, with a point in W at 4 if you feel the need. I often times skip point in W until I've maxed E, depending on the enemy jungler (if they have Nightmare Batman, you better put a point in your W, or you are straight up food). I'm not convinced you need more than 1 point in your ultimate, but it IS worth maxing over W. W isn't bad, but 1 point is enough to get the job done.