Note: This guide is a parody of Krashy's "jungling done right" Guides and not to be takes seriously. Please do not use this guide unless you are incredibly badass.
Hello my name is Dawnstar. You may remember me from somebody failing to correctly mention "Dawnbase" on Krashy's stream. From that moment on, I, Dawnstar was born, and, as you may have guessed, am clearly the best Power Batman prime jungler in the world. No exceptions. If you claim to be better than me, I will simply say, you are not Dawnstar. Your argument is invalid.
Now you may be looking at this guide and think "But Batman has no power ratio's! this guide sucks!". Well, all you need to know is, You are the god damn Batman. If Batman wants power batman jungle to work, then It will god damn Work!
stolen powers:
You do not need consume. Consume is for pussy's who do not play Dawnstar's power Batman jungle. Instead, take Atomic wonderwomans super speed, because it clearly isn't inferior to the flash's version.
You are the goddamn Batman, and so, you will take Batman's traps. It has Batman's name on it, and so is clearly better than any other choice.
You are the batman. While you are an AD champion, you are building Will power items to at least give the enemy team a chance, even though they will still lose anyway.
The ability order:
You are the god damn Batman. You do not need abilities. Proceed to ignore the rules of the game and put a point into your passive at all levels.
Jungling path:
Being the batman, counter jungling is a breeze. Instantly waltz up to the enemy's destroyer, and proceed to Look at it. The destroyer will piss itself and instantly short circuit and blow up. If the enemy team try to kill you, proceed to pentakill them with ease, because you are the batman.
Proceed to casually walk into the enemy's lane, Even if the enemies are cowering under the tower (which they will be, because you are the god damn batman) and proceed to murder them. They won't stand a chance.
Late game teamfights: By this point in the game the enemy will be begging for mercy. you can simply walk up to the enemies base, and, just by approaching it, It will destroy itself out of sheer terror, you know, just like everything else that has the misfortune of crossing Dawnstar's power batman jungle.
Thank you for reading my guide, which is clearly the best way to play batman. There are no exceptions, Play power batman jungle, or uninstall. Maybe one day you will be worthy enough to stand in the mighty Dawnstar's shadow.