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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Batman

    bladelordcal's Gas Bat on Coast City

    A Gaslight Batman guide by bladelordcal
    Last updated: Nov 13th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/o2yLV5MO
    3,729 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers

    Hey guys, I'm bladelordcal. I stream IC at twitch.tv/bladelordcal and play Gas Bat a ton. I thought I'd run through a guide and tell you guys how I play Gas Bat.


    I use these amplifiers to make Nil Weapon cheaper so I can start off with either an extra 2 Health Packs or and extra Health and Will Pack, making me stay longer in lane, thus making my total EXP gains higher. Move speed on the V9's is also great since it can save your life.


    Nil Weapon Tektite Vial Health Pack Will Pack/ Health Pack

    I feel like Nil Weapon, Vial, and Health Packs are the best starting items for Gas Bat. Vial and Health Packs give him the sustain he needs to stay in lane and farm for his items.


    Soultaker Katana (3)/[[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] Velocity 9 Implants (4)

    These items are your bread and butter, and should be bought every game. Soultaker Katana gives you the Lifesteal and Damage to be a threat with your Sonic Batarang and AAs, while V9s make your autos even scarier in combination with Joe Chill's. This build is very expensive but does massive right click damage and the Q also hits very hard. You can either rush the third level of Soultaker Katana to get the stacking passive or go straight into Joe Chill's. Joe Chill's gives you more auto attack damage while Soultaker gives you more survivability in fights thanks to the lifesteal. Either way, your final build should have these maxed out.


    Atomic Axe (2)

    Enemy team stacking a ton of armor? Buy Atomic Axe and just shred through it.

    Coda Blade (4) Claw Of Horus (3)

    Enemy team is all squishies and have NO armor? Buy these two and penetrate through their lack of armor.

    Zeiss Goggles (4)

    Ahead and really want to crit a lot? Buy these!

    [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]]

    Enemy team stacking a bunch of health? Buy this and deal % Health damage on every auto!

    [[Batman's Utility Belt (4)]] OR [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]]

    Batman's Utility Belt is a must against a team that looks to CC you since you can cleanse it. It doesn't work against Nightmare Batman's ult though, so keep that in mind!

    RAGR is just a solid item in general and should always be considered, especially if you're getting burst down in a fight.

    Sword Of Beowulf (3)

    If the only threat is a Power Damage champion, this item is essential. It'll give you a Power Damage shield when you're low and give you additional Lifesteal to sustain in a fight.


     >  >  >  > 

    Get points in your ult whenever you can, it's badass. Max Q whenever possible as the damage and amount of bounces increase with level. I max W second because it provides more damage for Gas Bat's ability combo. Echoes is maxed after as the percentage increase in ability damage makes your already maxed Q and W do a ton of damage. This also helps clear drone waves pretty much instantaneously. Echoes is also your attack speed steroid so it should be leveled by the time team fights roll around. Bat Flight is maxed last as I use it only for running away or chasing someone down.


    Flash's Super Speed is, imo, the essential Stolen Power for any champion. It's good for chasing down, running away from, and kiting enemies. There's no downside to taking it.

    Either Doomsday's or Shazam's Invunlerability are recommended for Gas Bat. The shields let you survive more damage and can be used to bait enemies as well.

    If you don't have the upgraded versions of these Stolen Powers, the default versions work fine.


    The goal of your early game should be to get as many credits as you can. Always be looking to last hit the drones, and if you miss any, pick up the credits when you can safely. Whenever you can get harass onto the enemies without missing a drone, take the opportunity. Gaslight Batman's early poke is very strong so take advantage of that.


    Mid game if you haven't gotten any towers yet, push. Gas Bat is a very strong pusher with his Q and W so you can clear drone waves quickly. If you have Soultaker Katana 3/4, look to stack it as quickly as possible. Help your team secure relays/Doomsday Devices whenever they're up. KEEP FARMING!


    Late game you should be dealing a ton of damage. Always look to cap relays whenever they're up; same with Doomsday Devices. Your positioning in fights will be crucial to your team's success in this stage of the game. Try not to facecheck stealth pads late game. Your W reveals enemies standing in pads, so make sure to use it!


    http://www.twitch.tv/bladelordcal/c/2904224 - 14/1 Gaslight Batman gameplay (OLD BUT STILL RELEVANT)


    Thanks guys for checking out my Gaslight Batman guide, I hope it's helped you guys understand how to play Gaslight Batman! If you guys ever want to get into contact with me, you can check out my Twitch channel at http://www.twitch.tv/bladelordcal. I stream everyday and play a variety of champions. Also you guys can follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/bladelordcal, where I announce when I stream!
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