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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

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    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for General

    Objectives on Gotham Divided Guide

    A General guide by zelda
    Last updated: Feb 28th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/objectives-on-gotham-divided-guide
    5,373 0


    Under construction. I will update it later.

    I want to keep this guide very short and simple. It\'s for new people and they shouldn\'t read 15 A4 pages the first time. All these are very basic and  you will learn them in more detail once you get to know the game better.

    - 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bot/top and 1 jungle is much better if you KNOW how to jungle. if you don\'t just go 2 top, 1 mid, 2 bot. 2/1/2 is fine at this stage of the game. 

    - Pick up a camera and use it somewhere. If you are bot/top then Try-pad or the other pad beside it. This all depends where are you. And look at your minimap pls. You don\'t want to give free kills to their jungle. 

    - You can buy items at any of your tower if it\'s up. The pots will only refill in your base.

    Jungle buffs:

    You can get the buffs by killing the right Jungle monsters. Look at the map above. For beginners the most important is EMP which can be easily killed by any laners after a few levels. Once you killed the monster you can pick up the buff in your base. You can upgrade the buff by killing the monster again ( that is if you haven\'t used up your lvl 1 buff yet ).

    EMP - Disable enemy AI and Towers for 4 seconds ( lvl1 ) or 8 seconds ( lvl 2 ). AI includes every monster camp, Leviathan, Raider and lane creeps.

    Recommended uses: Towers and Leviathan.

    Health - At level 1 it drops a health relic. Go over it to gain some health. The level 2 gives health regen in a large AoE.

    Recommended uses: At your tower at lvl1 and team fights at lvl2.

    Speed - Same as the health but it give move speed instead if health. I wouldn\'t bother with in your first game. You can set up ganks and chase down enemies but just focus on  EMP if you are a beginner.


    Dampener -  Once you kill it you will spawn stronger creeps in that lane. They respawn after a few minutes (see the circle around it) with less health. Very important objective and this should be your goal. 

    important note: LOOK AT THE MINIMAP. If you don\'t see any of the enemies I would be scared to go too close to their base. Unless they are all dead or your team is so far ahead. If you have some good escape and cameras then feel free to get the dampener. If the dampener is very low and you see the enemy coming, just kill the dampener. Its worth it. Use EMP on it.


    Boss Monsters 

    The first one you open will be Raider. If you kill it it drops a camera and gives global gold to your team. Drop the camera in a stealth pad somewhere. It has massive drop and vision radius.

    The second one is Leviathan (he\'s strong). It drops 2 buffs. One gives a very nice AoE shield to you and your team. The second one puts the enemy in stasis for a few seconds. 

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